Chapter 552

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Jack emptied their indoor shooting range and won't open to the public all afternoon. Of course, there is a price for Jack to do so. They have to pay not only for bullets, but also for borrowing the field.

Everyone is testing with their favorite guns. For Gao Yang and Cui Bo, the most attractive guns are those selected by Li JinFang.

Gao Yang really likes guns. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't go to Africa, and Cui Bo also loves guns. Otherwise, he wouldn't stay in Libya. They have never used Chinese guns, so several guns from China are too attractive to them.

Gao Yang held a 95 and knocked out a magazine. After a long sigh of relief, he smiled and said, "at last, he has hit 95. Although he is still playing in the United States, he has also hit it."

Li JinFang said with a smile, "do you like it?"

Gao Yang shook his head. "I don't like it very much. I don't have a supporting gun. Maybe I'm not used to it."

At this time, Cui Bo finished shooting a magazine with his 03 rifle, and then he also breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "I've finally shot a domestic gun, and I've finally shot 5.8 bullets. It feels comfortable."

After looking at Gao Yang, they exchanged their guns in tacit agreement. After changing into a new magazine, they shot another magazine.

In comparison, Gao Yang prefers 03, both in terms of man-machine efficiency and shooting experience. However, he feels that 03 is not as accurate as 95. After Cui Bo finished playing, he exchanged opinions with Cui Bo and found that Cui Bo feels the same.

After hitting the two 5.8mm caliber guns he most wanted to hit, Gao Yang picked up the 81 bar and contentedly hit several shuttles. After Cui Bo also hit, he finally gave the gun to Li JinFang.

In fact, Li JinFang had never played 03 before. After playing 03, he took the 81 bar again. After taking a deep breath, he smiled at Gao Yang and Cui Bo: "You know, this is what I used when I joined the recruits. Although it was later replaced with 95, the gun still gave me a different feeling. 95 is a gun for me, but the old 81 bar is like a part of me. I feel comfortable playing anyway."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "fight, find out how you feel about changing the magazine quickly."

After taking a deep breath, Li JinFang raised his gun and fired, short shot, long shot and repeated shots. When the bullets in the magazine were about to run out, the magazine held in his left hand was pulled on the gun. The magazine to be shot out fell to the ground, and the new magazine had been installed. The whole process was completed at one go. He completed the replacement of the magazine without stopping shooting.

After the continuous shooting, Li JinFang's gunfire didn't stop. The gunfire that should stop and didn't stop immediately attracted everyone's attention.

All the people present were experts, but after their eyes were attracted, they couldn't move any more. However, after seeing Li JinFang replace the third magazine in the shooting, several people came over involuntarily.

When the third magazine was finished, the barrel of the gun turned red and couldn't shoot any more. Li JinFang put down his gun and said loudly, "it's fun, it's fucking fun."

After Li JinFang finished shooting the gun, Bruce whistled and said loudly, "toad, you don't have to try again. If you use another gun, I haven't seen you play so smoothly."

Jack clapped again and again and said, "wonderful, very wonderful."

Li JinFang raised the gun in his hand and said with a smile, "I also want to use it, but the ammunition is not universal. We mainly use 5.56 bullets instead of 7.62. Jack, do you have a way?"

Jack nodded and said, "in terms of your number, it doesn't make sense to keep the same weapons, but it makes sense to keep the universality of bullets. If you want to use a 5.56 caliber 812 rifle, I have a way."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "you really have a way. I know it can't help you."

Jack thought for a moment and said, "it's really not difficult. Just change the barrel. Of course, the main structure remains the same, but the shell throwing hook and ammunition feeding part need to be slightly changed. However, with a CNC machine tool, I can build a gun for you from scratch. The only question is, do you want the original or greatly changed?"

Gao Yang said curiously, "how to change it?"

Jack shrugged and said, "it's an old gun. There's no piccadini guide rail. It's impossible to add sight or flashlight. I can add everything you need."

Li JinFang hesitated: "of course it's good, but can it still have the man-machine effect I'm familiar with after the change?"

Jack smiled and said, "if you redesign, it will take a long time, but fortunately, I have ready-made templates available. Let's have a look. The major revision of the Chinese military and the transformation scheme of China must be the most suitable for the use habits of Chinese people. Of course, it's the same for you."

Li JinFang nodded and said, "OK, OK."

Jack waved to Li JinFang, turned and walked to the room outside the indoor shooting range. There was almost no gunshot here, and there were chairs for registration and rest. Jack took out his tablet computer, looked for it, and said to Li JinFang, "look at this."

Although Li JinFang was choosing the gun, Gao Yang and Cui Bo also followed, because they were also interested in the revision of the 81 bar.

Looking at the pictures on the computer, Gao Yang and the three of them opened their mouths together. Then Li JinFang said stunned, "is this still 81? Why don't I look like it?"

The gun in the picture looks high-end, high-grade, red dots aim at the flashlight, and there are all kinds of picardini guide rails on all sides. It looks like the old 81 in Li JinFang's impression.

Jack said with a smile: "this is the ultimate modification of the so-called 81 rifle launched by southern industry. The straight magazine in the picture is 7.62mm caliber, but it is not M43 intermediate bullet, but NATO bullet. In addition, there is a 5.56mm caliber. Of course, it is no problem to retain the original 7.62mm intermediate bullet, and it is the simplest."

Li JinFang swallowed his saliva and said, "are these easy to do?"

Jack smiled and said, "if you don't consider the issue of intellectual property rights, it's not difficult to make one for you. Moreover, I can use the best materials for you."

Li JinFang nodded and said, "OK, I want all the three you said, FAK. In the future, I will use whatever kind of bullets I want, and I will use whatever bullets I want. I finally have my own fucking gun!"

Jack shrugged and said, "well, you need every caliber, but don't you think about the spare gun? It's lost and broken. Do you want to find me now?"

Li Jin said with red ears: "spare guns? Of course! Give me two for each one, no, three, I want three for each one!"