Chapter 479

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
A grenade was thrown into the clinic and exploded in the right rear.

Gao Yang was thrown to the ground by the blast wave of the explosion. For a time, he could not hear anything except the buzzing sound in his ears. His brain was also misty. The wound on his left shoulder was hit hard when he landed. The strong pain made Gao Yang quickly recover his consciousness.

He sat up with one hand, shook his head blankly, and began to scream, but he knew he was shouting and what to shout, but he couldn't hear any sound he made.

The world suddenly quieted down, which made Gao Yang panic. He turned his head and looked around. The shock wave of the grenade made the smoke lighter. He could see Tommy struggling to get up on his left side, and a brejinfsky's man on his right back. At this time, he was lying on the ground and twitching constantly.

Gao Yang pushed Tommy beside him with his hand, but saw Tommy curled up and knelt on the ground.

Gao Yang looked out. He saw Li JinFang still guarding at the door, his gun jumping out of the cartridge case, while groliov squatted in front of him, his face shaking with a gas mask.

He couldn't hear anything. Besides his eyes, Gao Yang couldn't see the expression on groliov's face. He pointed to his ears and waved his hand hard.

Just then, Gao Yang felt his hands touching him. Gao Yang turned his head and saw Bruce running out and touching him with his bloody hands.

After a few touches, Bruce held out his thumb to Gao Yang, and then immediately touched Tommy who was kneeling on the ground. After a few quick touches, Bruce also held out a thumb to indicate that Tommy had no big problem.

Finally, after touching the Russian lying on the ground for a few times, Bruce immediately shook his head and made a gesture to groliov to help him get the man into the operating room.

What was thrown into the clinic was an offensive grenade, and it was thrown in a backward position, which was the only thing that made Gao Yang happy.

Offensive grenades have many charges and thin shell walls. They mainly use shock waves rather than fragments to kill. When in use, they can continue to move forward after throwing grenades in the attack without avoiding or taking protective measures.

Offensive grenades are not powerful enough in open areas, but they are very suitable for attacking narrow spaces such as buildings in offensive operations. Unfortunately, Gao Yang received an offensive grenade in a narrow space.

Fortunately, the position of the grenade explosion was relatively backward, and a brejinfsky's man on Gao Yang's side blocked most of the power and shrapnel of the shock wave for him. Therefore, although the shock wave overturned Gao Yang, it did not cause substantive damage. If a defensive grenade exploded, Gao Yang's body would have to have at least dozens of holes at this time.

Gao Yang felt nauseous and nauseous, but he saw several people less affected by the shock wave at the door, still firing fiercely and throwing grenades. Gao Yang knew that the police attack could not be fought down.

Resisting the feeling of nausea and vomiting, Gao Yang staggered to his feet, but he soon realized that he couldn't help at all. Li JinFang had stopped shooting and made a sign of ceasefire.

At this time, Gao Yang can hear some sounds, and his hearing recovers quickly, which is mainly due to the full sealed military gas mask he wears on his head.

Andy he prepared a high-grade gas mask, which is a fully sealed military gas mask. After wearing the mask, the whole head is wrapped in a silicone rubber Headcover, which can not only protect people from the influence of toxic gas, but also save Gao Yang's eardrum in a strong shock wave.

Although the strong explosion made Gao Yang lose his hearing in a short time, it is important that his eardrum was not damaged. Otherwise, he would have to be deaf for a long time. Now his hearing is recovering rapidly, at least he can hear his own shouting.

"Count the grenades!"

The battle didn't last long, but there were few grenades left. After a quick inventory, Gao Yang found that there were only 18 grenades left.

Eighteen grenades are not many, but they should be barely enough to cope with an attack. They shouted loudly: "save the use of grenades, pay attention to the position when throwing them, and don't cause waste."

After shouting, Gao Yang picked up a grenade again to prepare for the next attack, but he waited for several minutes, but there was no movement.

Using tear gas bombs and smoke bombs to open the way is a common routine of police attack. If there is no gas mask, tear gas alone will be enough to raise their tolerance. However, with gas masks, after the police threw a large number of tear gas bombs and smoke bombs, they actually took advantage of them and took the police by surprise.

Smoke has a great impact on both offensive and defensive sides. If one party has gas masks and the other party does not, the effect of tear gas bomb can be displayed. If both parties have gas masks, the smoke only has the effect of shielding the line of sight, which is more beneficial to the defensive side. Therefore, when it is found that they have gas masks, the police temporarily give up the attack.

Neither smoke bomb nor tear gas bomb can smoke all the time. After a few minutes, the tear gas bomb no longer emits smoke. Then a few minutes later, the smoke bomb no longer produces smoke. The smoke shrouded in the door of the clinic began to dissipate gradually. When the smoke dissipated, Gao Yang found that there were blood stains in the beach at the door of the clinic, There were no bodies or wounded.

When the smoke dispersed, that is, when the police attacked again, when the smoke had almost dispersed and the line of sight was basically not affected, sure enough, the police launched an attack again.

This time, the police changed the way of attack. Under the cover of bulletproof shields, they walked slowly for a while, then stopped and lined up on both sides of the street. Then they began to move away the cars blocking the road.

Li JinFang looked up and quickly retracted his head. Just as he retracted his head, a bullet wiped the door frame and hit the ground.

"Watch out for snipers!"

After shouting, Li JinFang said nervously, "they moved the car blocking the street. It is estimated that they are ready to get on the armored car."

Gao Yang looked at his watch. Fifteen minutes had just passed. They had to hold on for a long time until the angel mercenaries came to rescue them. However, if the police directly sent armored vehicles to attack, whether they could hold on for a minute is a problem.