Chapter 454

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Ivan has booked a room for Gaoyang and them, one for each, and the conditions are very good. Of course, Gaoyang and them pay the money themselves.

The only problem was that Ivan didn't know that there was another person when Satan's mercenary regiment came back, and he was still a woman, so he booked a room less. However, Bruce was very happy about Ivan's mistake, and even thanked Ivan.

When everyone else could go to rest, Gao Yang invited Ivan to his room. He was very interested in the cooperation mentioned by Ivan, so he couldn't wait to make it clear to Ivan the next day.

"Ivan, when you came out of the clinic, you said we could work together to earn a vote. I think it's time to talk about this topic in detail."

After sitting on the sofa, Ivan yawned for a long time and said with a bitter smile: "sorry, I'm a little tired, so I'll just say it briefly. It's like this. A guy owes me a lot of money. He wants to default, and I want to get my money back and teach that guy a lesson."

Gao Yang frowned and said, "sorry, I don't quite understand. Do you want to hire us to help you recover your debts?"

After thinking about it, Ivan nodded and said, "that's almost the case. I don't have enough people in Colombia, and I don't want to transfer people from other places, so the best way is to ask you to help solve this matter. However, instead of hiring you, we share the spoils after killing the guy who owes me money."

Gao Yang opened his hand and said, "you'd better be more detailed. I can't judge what you're saying now."

Ivan said helplessly, "well, I'd better talk about it carefully, but I need to ask you first. Do you know what the most famous specialties in Colombia are?"

After thinking about it, Gao Yang shrugged and said, "I only know that Colombia produces cocaine and, of course, drug lords. In addition, Colombia's rebels. These must be Colombia's specialties?"

Ivan nodded: "yes, these are the famous specialties of Colombia, but the famous specialties of Colombia also include the world's top emeralds and beauty pageants, and what I want to say is related to emeralds.

Well, four months ago, I knew a guy who was originally engaged in kecain business, but now kecain's business is not easy to do, so he plans to steal emeralds from Muzo mining area,.

The work of mining emeralds is very difficult. There must be many workers for machinery and explosives. If you steal emeralds, you need more people. You have to have a lot of armed personnel, so people don't dare to check you easily. The guy I know doesn't have enough money to carry out the previous work, so he borrowed a lot of money from me. "

Gao Yang chuckled and said, "let me guess? That guy lost all his money, right?"

Ivan curled his lips and said, "that unlucky guy, he said he found a very good ore vein and could make a lot of money in a month. He persuaded me, so I lent him the money. In addition, there are enough weapons and complete equipment to arm 100 people for a period of one month. After the expiration, he has to return the money to me and pay me the weapon money he owes me."

"How much is it?"

"You mean the principal? Two million dollars. As for weapons, it's worth half a million dollars, retail and on credit."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "two hundred and five, this is not a good number. Well, he certainly didn't pay you back, otherwise we don't have to discuss this problem now. What I want to know is how much he owes you now."

Ivan shrugged his shoulders and said with a light face: "20 million even with interest, because he has been overdue for three months."

Gao Yang said with a wry smile, "you're too cruel. You can't get all the money back."

Ivan said angrily: "The guy promised me to pay me back $5 million even with interest when I reached the one month deadline. As a result, he didn't get anything after working in Muzo mining area for a month, so he ran away. Anyway, the guy lost all his money, and I can only kill him if I find him. The money won't come, so I didn't hurry to find him, but just yesterday, I just got the money Interest, the damn guy ran to another mining area, and then he dug an ultra-high-quality vein in the past three months, but the damn guy made a lot of money, but he never thought about paying back the money. "

Gao Yang nodded and said, "Oh, I see. This guy wants to default."

Ivan said angrily: "if the damn guy fails, I won't be very angry. If the investment fails, I won't waste a sum of money to find him out and kill him. But this guy uses my investment money and my weapons. After making a fortune, he refuses to pay back the money and plans to kick me away. Can you bear this?"

Gao Yang immediately said, "I can't bear it. I can't bear it."

Ivan lit a cigarette for himself, then leaned heavily on the sofa and said loudly, "so I must kill him. No matter whether he pays me back or not, I have to kill him. Otherwise, people will think that Ivan is a soft egg. Man, as an arms dealer, I don't want many people to think about me in the future."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "that's right. So, what are you going to do?"

"That guy has a lot of people. Now that he is rich, there are more people. I don't have many people in Colombia. There are only a dozen people. I was going to transfer all my people to Colombia, but that's very troublesome. In addition, you didn't get the reward you deserve this time. As an intermediary, I want to compensate you. Let's kill the guy who doesn't pay back the money , rob him of his money and precious stones, and then we'll be half and half, okay? "

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yang nodded and said, "it sounds good, but how much do you expect us to get?"

Ivan shook his head and said: "It's hard to say. It's really hard to say. There must be millions, but if you're lucky, tens of millions or even tens of millions of dollars. It depends on how many treasures have been dug up in that guy's vein. Well, if you think it's not safe to divide the spoils equally, you can say a number. I'll pay you to fight for me. Of course, in this case, all of them All my booty belongs to me. "

Gao Yang waved his hand and said: "No, you don't have to pay. We'd better divide the spoils equally. If there are many spoils, we're all lucky. If we get few things, it doesn't matter. I just think I'm helping my friends. However, I can't give you a definite answer now. I have to discuss with my people and give you the exact answer tomorrow, but I can tell you, my friend People should all agree. "

Ivan clapped his hand and said loudly, "very good. It's settled. Let's start preparations tomorrow."