Chapter 435

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Although two rounds of grenades in a row can not guarantee that all of them will explode in the air, almost half of the grenades thrown by them can be guaranteed to explode in the air.

Ordinary people throw grenades, that is, it's good to throw thirty or forty meters. Trained, it's also easy to throw grenades fifty meters. Some people who are particularly good at throwing grenades can throw them hundreds of meters away, but it's very far to throw grenades more than thirty meters in real combat.

In combat, the action of throwing grenades must not be the same as that in training. If you throw grenades when crawling on the ground, it's good to throw them out for more than 20 meters. Moreover, the accuracy of the thrown grenades is difficult to guarantee. Basically, it belongs to throwing them out, even if it's done.

When Gao Yang threw the grenades, although they were thrown in a standing position, it was difficult to maintain the mysterious accuracy at a distance of 30 meters, that is, they could maintain the accuracy within an approximate range, and could control the time to let the grenades explode in the air. It was good to do this, but for Frye, It's not nearly enough to throw a grenade out.

It is not only necessary to throw the grenade accurately, but also to ensure that the grenade explodes at a height of three meters in the air and cannot float more than half a meter up and down. Frye is good at accurately throwing the grenade into a small window hole or something.

A grenade that can't be thrown is a grenade, but if it's a very accurate grenade, its meaning can't be summarized by a word of a small grenade. Let's say, for many things that can't be done by guns and cannons, Frye can handle them easily with a grenade.

Tommy's last two guns put the attack point directly on the wall. The shells fell twice and exploded close to the root of the wall. Then the two courtyard walls were blown up by the shock wave.

The wall fell down for a section, and with the existing gate, the scene in the yard was roughly exposed in their view.

When the enemy could be seen, several guns opened fire at once, and all objects that could move in the field of vision could not be moved. After that, Gao Yang simply shouted, "stop the attack, little flies throw grenades, and others cover!"

After giving the order, Gao Yang pointed to the place where someone was crawling in the yard and shouted, "little fly, there!"

Frye bent his left knee, loosened the handle of the grenade with his right hand, clapped his left hand on the grenade, then waved his hand and threw the grenade out. After accurately calculating the time, the grenade exploded in the air when it reached the target.

Gao Yang refers to the dead corner where the bullet can't hit, and Frye's grenade blew up just where Gao Yang wanted to blow up.

"Throw one there! Throw a grenade at the dead corner behind the wall."

Every time Gao Yang pointed to a place, Frye immediately threw a grenade. At this time, others didn't do anything else. They stared at Frye's performance one by one.

Frye turned into a humanoid grenade thrower. He threw the grenade wherever he pointed. Every time he got it with a grenade, there was no need to waste the second lesson of grenade. Frye, who had been practicing baseball with stones since childhood, may never be able to set foot on the real field for life, but at this moment, this battlefield is the stage for Frye to personally perform his unique skills.

Frye's performance can't reap applause, but reap life.

Sirte stared at Frye, looked at Frye up and down several times, suddenly stretched out his arm and knocked Li JinFang around him, whispering, "frog, where did you find such a monster? Falk, this is a talent!"

Li JinFang said lightly: "Oh, little fly, the ram found him from the slums of South Africa. It doesn't need to make a fuss. If he needs any talents, let the ram find him. It's not difficult for the ram. As for what you see today, it's actually nothing. It's a little interesting to have the opportunity to let you see the little fly throw a grenade into the shooting hole of the moving armored vehicle "It's difficult."

Sirte suddenly raised his gun, and together with Li JinFang killed the five people who rushed out of the fire point on the right, holding the gun, smacked his mouth, shook his head and said: "Don't bluff me. Don't brag. We also have people who are good at throwing grenades. However, it's impossible to throw grenades into the firing hole of armored vehicles. Which special force does little fly belong to? He's so young that he can't have received such rigorous training."

Li JinFang said dismissively again, "just think I'm bragging. In addition, I told you that the little fly was found by a ram from the slum. I taught him to shoot. You said he was a member of the special forces?"

Sirte shook his head again, with doubts on his face. He wanted to ask again, but Gao Yang suddenly said, "the enemy on the left has no combat effectiveness. Toad, test tube and lucika, you go around here to the back of the building on the right to prevent the enemy from escaping."

Sirte was surprised again, because looking at Gao Yang meant that he would not let an enemy escape. He had to divide his troops before the fire point on the left was completely cleaned up, and the purpose of dividing his troops was to surround the enemy.

As a hospital of the angel mercenary regiment, Sirte has not fought the battle of winning more with less. In fact, like Satan, the angel mercenary regiment has experienced almost all the battles with less and more, and can win at the least every time. However, Sirte is shocked that there are only seven Satan mercenaries.

A total of 13 people, five of whom are guides who play soy sauce. Although the combat effectiveness of these five people can not be said to be very weak, they still play soy sauce compared with the people of Satan's mercenary regiment. The real main force is the seven people of Satan's mercenary regiment, which surround at least ten times the enemy with a core team of seven people, Sirte really doesn't know whether Gao Yang is too confident or too stupid.

There are only seven people, and even Sirte itself has only eight strong combat forces. Although it is not clear how many enemies there are in the building to be surrounded, at least there must be more than 50. This comparison of forces is not difficult to defeat the enemy. It is difficult to find and kill the target characters from the enemy's guard, but to wipe out the enemy, It's not reliable at all.

When Sirte's decision to raise his voice was inconceivable, Li JinFang waved his hand and turned around to enter the yard behind Bruce. Then Lucy and the other four guides shouted. The five of them also followed Li JinFang, entered the courtyard door on the street and turned out from the back wall on the other side.

After Li JinFang left, Gao Yang immediately said in the walkie talkie: "big dog, rabbit, come and block the building on the right. Worker bees, bombard the target on the right. You can fire freely. Pay attention not to hurt toads by mistake. Keep in touch with toads and fire after communication. Others, cover small flies with me."

After that, Gao Yang patted Frye on the shoulder and said, "the rest is up to you. Give me the grenade and throw it into the enemy's window."