Chapter 425

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang walked in front, Li JinFang and Sirte left and right, and the three approached Teodoro's camp in a pin shape.

The three men used the night vision instrument to walk quietly through the jungle. Gao Yang didn't use his shotgun, but put the blade of Satan in his hand. His gun has a thermal imaging sight, which can be used as an effective supplement to the low light level night vision instrument. At least at close range, if the enemy is disguised and hidden, the low light level night vision instrument can't see it, but the thermal imaging sight can see it.

Sirte has been to Teodoro's camp, but he can be said to be familiar with the terrain in Teodoro's camp. After leaving the camp, Sirte's memory has no effect. Let alone he hasn't left the camp much. Even if he wanders outside the camp all day, it's not good. It's more difficult to find a characteristic target in the rainforest than climbing to the sky. All places look the same, So even if Sirte followed, Gaoyang they still had to grope forward.

From time to time, Gao Yang holds up his gun and looks at it. He should not only observe the ground, but also look at the top of the tree to prevent someone from hiding on it.

It was very close to the camp. Gao Yang, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped, raised his right fist and signaled that he had found the enemy. Then he stretched out two fingers and pointed to the air on the right side in front of him, indicating that there were two people there.

Using the thermal imaging sight on his gun, Gao Yang found two figures on the tree, which should be the secret sentry in the camp, and he was less than 40 meters away from the big tree where the sentry was hiding.

Gao Yang only found two sentinels, but he still couldn't see the houses in the camp. However, he knew that he was only one step away from the houses. Maybe he could see the camp hidden behind the tree a few steps forward.

If the sentinels in the tree don't have night vision, they can only watch by hearing. According to Sirte, Teodoro's men are not equipped with night vision.

After Gao Yang made a careful gesture, the three continued to approach, and only walked more than ten meters, and an empty camp suddenly appeared in front of them.

Sirte and Li JinFang knelt on one knee on both sides of Gao Yang to maintain the realm and protection action, while Gao Yang continued to observe with the thermal imaging sight on the gun after scanning once.

The camp seems scattered. All the trees have been preserved, but the shrubs and weeds under the trees have been removed, so the vision in the camp is much better, and the high thermal imaging sight can see farther.

After reading the drawings, even if it is a sketch, even if you have never been to that place, you can visualize the scene in your mind. This is an essential skill for an excellent commander. When Gao Yangzha was trained in Israel, he performed very well in this subject.

Although it was night, Gao Yang matched the scene he saw with the topographic map in his memory one by one. Justin's drawings were very accurate. The match between the scene he saw and his drawings was very high, which made Gao Yang have greater confidence in Justin's map.

Gao Yang found nine secret sentries hidden in trees, but he could not see the heat source within the camp. There were many possibilities. People were in the house, and the walls of the house were thick, which blocked the heat source. But Sirte said that the wooden walls here were very thin, which could not be used as a support for combat or effectively block the heat source, So it's more likely that people are in the room on the other side of the camp, or no one here is an empty camp.

There is a secret sentry. It is unlikely that it is an empty camp. Gao Yang spared a section of the road and changed direction to continue the investigation. This time, Gao Yang found that there are a lot of heat sources in the two rooms through the thermal imaging sight.

After determining the general direction, he quietly retreated a distance, then Gao Yang lurked down near the camp and informed the follow-up personnel that they could enter the battlefield and meet them.

When they operate at night, the means to distinguish between the enemy and ourselves is the IR lamp that can be observed by the night vision instrument, and when they set out first for investigation, they will leave the luminous objects that can only be observed by the night vision instrument as road signs.

After waiting for about an hour, groliov and them all arrived. After gathering the personnel together, Gao Yang explained what he found, and then said: "Our goal is to kill Teodoro. The primary attack point is his house, because we need to confirm the target at a close range. Toad and I also have a can opener as group A. the first echelon enters, as close as possible to Teodoro's house. Small flies and test tubes. Groliov is group B. The second echelon enters for fire cover. Worker bees. The space in the camp is very small, but it is not enough That's enough for you to use mortars, rabbit. You accompany the worker bees as group C. In addition to covering him to ensure continuous artillery fire, you should also cover us in the way of accurate shooting. Lucika, the five of you follow the worker bees, but don't participate in the war. As long as you can send the shells to the worker bees in time, well, what's your problem now? "

Gao Yang has made it very clear. The rest is to temporarily assign positions when entering the battlefield. Everyone has no problem, but lucika suddenly said, "we want to attack with you."

"No, it's impossible. Two of you are injured and have difficulty moving, and you have problems moving now. I can't accept your conditions."

After talking in Spanish with Kamp in a low voice, lucika looked at Gao Yang and said, "they can't go. I'm fine now. I'll attack you myself. None of you can speak Spanish. If you need me, I can follow the doctor."

After that, lucika patted her M16 rifle and said in a deep voice, "I'm not your burden. I've been fighting for a long time than you."

Gao Yang knows that Lucy is right. Being a witness is secondary, but Lucy's Spanish is very useful. Moreover, Lucy's combat effectiveness should be really good, especially in the jungle.

"Test tube, does Lucy's physical condition allow her to fight?"

Bruce thought for a moment, nodded and said, "although I don't think it's a good idea, her physical condition allows her to fight."

Since Lucy card is really useful and her physical condition is OK, Gao Yang doesn't have to refuse her to participate in the war, but she can't be put into the battlefield as the first echelon.

"Lucy card, you can join group B and follow the test tube. Now, give the mortar to the worker bee and the rabbit, and leave the useless equipment to the guide."

Groliov nodded and said, "I see, but wait a minute."

After that, groliov took out the baffle from his bulletproof vest, handed it to Gao Yang and said, "install it."

Gao Yang's baffle had been lost during demining. He looked at the ceramic plate handed by groliov, shook his head and said, "no, keep it yourself."

Groliov frowned and said, "don't let me say it for the third time, put it on!"

At this time, Tommy quietly pulled out the baffle on his bulletproof vest, threw it at Gao Yang, and whispered, "according to the principle of who is at greater risk and who strengthens protection, don't argue. I'll stay outside and there's no danger of being attacked behind. I'll put the baffle behind in front."

Gao Yang was stunned. Finally, he nodded and didn't speak. He inserted the baffle into the bulletproof vest. Groliov nodded at Tommy and rearranged the bulletproof vest.

When everything was ready, he raised his voice and said: "The secret sentry in the book close to us must be solved. Their threat is too great. Once they have machine guns and other firepower, it will be very troublesome. Toad and I have the lowest pistol sound. We can solve them with pistols within 20 meters. If the plan is successful, the first echelon will continue to sneak in. If it fails, we will start a strong attack."

Sirte shrugged and said, "I suggest using MP7. It's too risky to use a pistol. Or you can let me take charge of a target with a pistol. I'm more confident in my pistol."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "I'm not familiar with MP7, and it's too troublesome to change the gun temporarily. In addition, we are also very sure of our pistols."

Hang the shotgun on his chest, take out the pistol and hit the silencer. After confirming that everyone is ready, Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "action!"

Sirte was covered with shotguns. Gao Yang and Li JinFang were holding a pistol. The three set out first and touched the big tree with a secret sentry.

The jungle environment is a double-edged sword. The dense plants have caused great obstacles to attack, but they also provide good enough cover for Gao Yang. They didn't make a sound. Gao Yang and they approached only more than ten meters under the tree and were not found.

Looking up from under the tree, you can see the small platform built on the branch of the tree. There are two people sitting on the left and right. They all hung their heads and leaned against the tree. They didn't move, as if they were asleep.

In order to avoid any warning from either of the two sentinels, he needs to shoot at the same time. Gao Yang makes a gesture to Li JinFang to indicate which target they are responsible for. Then he holds the gun in both hands, raises the pistol and aims at the head of the sentinel on the left side of the tree.

Li JinFang also took aim, and Sirte, in front of Gao Yang and Li JinFang, confirmed that Gao Yang and Li JinFang had taken aim, raised his left arm high, and then waved it suddenly.

As Sirte's left arm fell, Gao Yang immediately pulled the trigger. Because the muzzle noise weakened, he clearly heard the click of the gun when it hit.

The gunfire of Li JinFang and Gao Yang sounded almost at the same time. It was like someone patted his chin and palm. In addition, there was no sound. The two people in the tree tilted their heads to one side at the same time, neither falling under the tree nor making any sound.