Chapter 416

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
After being silent for a long time, Knight shook his head and said, "no, I don't take Satan as a substitute for any mercenary group. The aurora is irreplaceable, and Satan is irreplaceable, just as there is no mercenary group in the angel mercenary group."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "fortunately, you say no. if you say so, we are really limited to the relationship of acquaintances."

Knight smiled and said, "ask you a question, why are you fighting? Why are your mercenaries fighting?"

Gao Yang frowned and said, "this question is not easy to answer. We should fight for money, but not all. If we really fight for money, I should retire when I had enough money some time ago. As for now, I can be sure it's for money, because I'm poor now."

Knight said with a straight face, "I fight for war. All of us, all of the angel mercenaries, fight for war."


"Do you need to ask me? You are already on this road. When you have money you can't spend all your life but don't retire, why do you stay and continue to fight?"

Gao Yang was asked, and there was a faint answer in his mind. Yes, before he spent all his money on killing the whaling fleet, he had thought about quitting the mercenary profession, but he didn't do so in the end, so he, like knight, had slowly embarked on the road of fighting for war.

Looking at Gao Yang, Knight smiled meaningfully and said in a deep voice: "war is addictive. When you are used to talking with guns and solving problems with violence, you will not be able to integrate into normal people's life, because that means you should be used to obeying, obeying the law and obeying others' will. Therefore, you will fight for the war until you die."

Gao Yang took a long breath, then shook his head firmly and said, "no, no, I'm sure I won't. when I save enough money, I'll marry my girlfriend immediately and retire."

Knight still laughed: "Over the years, I have only seen the aurora achieve this. They suddenly retired at their heyday, which surprised me. In addition, I have to admit that you are very similar to the guy of the aurora, not in appearance or combat style, but in your life style, concept and imagination. Maybe you may retire like the aurora in the future Well, just before that, you have to promise not to be killed by the angel mercenaries. "

Gao Yang said helplessly, "it's too painful to talk to you. Sometimes you look like a wise man and sometimes you act like a complete madman. In the final analysis, you still take Satan as a substitute for the aurora?"

"No, really not. I just think you and your Satan mercenary regiment are very interesting opponents. Well, tell you the story between angels and aurora.

When I set up the angel mercenary regiment, there were only six people. We met the famous aurora. After an encounter and battle, we were defeated miserably, but none of us died. Although they were seriously injured, we managed to escape.

After many years, we met again. At that time, the Aurora was still in its heyday, and we were also at the peak. From the number and quality of personnel, I am confident that angels will not lose to the aurora at all. I think it's time for revenge, but guess what? "

"How's it going?"

Knight smiled and said helplessly, "that time, we were hired to attack a military organization. Coincidentally, the military organization was a friend of the aurora, so we fought against the aurora again. We seriously injured four, but the aurora seriously injured twelve people. This time, I finally got the upper hand.

I thought it was time for revenge, but the aurora began to call their friends. Their friends came with tanks and armed helicopters, and I missed the opportunity to evacuate, so we were surrounded and there was no possibility of evacuation. It seemed that the time for the destruction of the angel mercenary regiment had come.

However, to my surprise, the head of the aurora did not order the total annihilation of us. He shouted to me and asked me to go to the middle of the battlefield and sit down with him for a cup of coffee, just like I invited you in bossosa.

The head of the aurora told me that they were going to retire. In fact, they were already in a state of semi retirement. If I hadn't attacked his friends, they wouldn't appear again. He made a condition for me to give up attacking his friends and can't attack again in the future. If his friends need it, the angel mercenary regiment should be employed by his friends.

I didn't want all my people to die, so I agreed to his conditions. Then, the aurora let us go, and then all the members of the aurora completely retired. Maybe they will appear one day. If their friends need it, but I have no chance to revenge. In fact, I have no revenge. Ha ha, it's strange that we didn't fight the aurora It's really strange that people have died. "

After that, Nate took a sip of coffee and smiled at Gao Yang: "In fact, I knew that the battle effectiveness of the angel mercenary regiment had exceeded that of the aurora. I was very sure of this. I had the best soldiers and killing machines in the world. I knew that my angel mercenary regiment could win the aurora mercenary regiment, and the person of the aurora personally admitted this, but the angel had no friends, the aurora had friends, and the Aurora's friends could come as soon as they called 。”

Gao Yang said with a smile: "it's better to have more friends than enemies. I'm glad that I have many friends. In addition, can you tell me what kind of person the head of the aurora is?"

Knight shook his head and said: "No, I promise to keep it a secret for him. And I believe that the aurora will be killed by their friends one day. Mercenaries are not ordinary people. There are always more enemies than friends, and friends will have no fewer enemies, and mercenaries will die on the battlefield sooner or later. Therefore, the aurora will be dragged to death by his friends one day, and we, we have no friends, even if we die, At least he died for himself. "

Gao Yang shook his finger and said, "what you think is too absolute."

"Maybe, I was originally a very paranoid person, and my thoughts were absolutely normal. Now I want to ask you why I let you go twice?"

"I don't understand. Besides, I don't think you let us go."

Knight laughed: "Yes, I really shouldn't use the word let go. Although your Satan mercenary regiment has few people, its combat effectiveness is not weak. I can annihilate you all, but I must pay a price, so I'd better put it another way. Now you should know that I'm a madman fighting for war. We are all war maniacs. So why did we give up fighting twice and choose to truce with you?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "frankly, I'm really curious."

"There are two reasons. First, for a mercenary regiment, we don't have to fight to the end in these two encounters, because we can successfully complete each other's tasks without fighting.

Second, for a group of battle madmen, they have no choice to fight you to the end twice, just because you are strong enough, but not strong enough! "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly and said, "so you're really playing with the enemy."

Knight color path: "For us, war is a game. When I meet you in bossosa and think you are an interesting and strong opponent, the end is doomed. The Satan mercenary regiment will be our excellent enemy. Of course, you have to continue to grow stronger. This game will be more interesting. Maybe we will continue to meet in the future. If I think you are not strong enough, I will not choose to end the game. If you are strong enough, I will fight to the death with you for no reason. For me, only death is the end of the game. "

Gao Yang spread his hand and said, "I know you're crazy, so I don't want to stop you, but I want to know, you don't have any ideals, what specific goals to achieve?"

"Yes, subverting a country, at least a country qualified for me to subvert, this is my ideal."

"Fark, your ideal really deserves a war madman."

After saying this with a helpless face, Gao Yang sighed and said, "it's really sad to be watched by you. I'm not afraid to fight with powerful enemies, but I really don't want to fight with madmen. I won't try to persuade you to give up this idea. However, please do one thing."


"If we don't retire, when will we meet again? If you want to fight a hard battle, we'll do a good battle. I don't mind and there's no way, but if we retire, please don't bother us."

After hesitating for a long time, Knight nodded and said, "OK, if you announce your retirement, I won't bother you again, but from any point of view, angels and Satan mercenaries are doomed enemies. I have a hunch that we will have a chance to make an end before you retire."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "let's talk about the future. God knows what will happen in the future. Well, let's talk about something else and end this depressing conversation. Well, the weather is good today."

"I'm not English, so don't talk to me about the weather. Let's talk about weapons. Talking about this will make our conversation not very strange. Your gun seems to be colt, but it seems a little different. Customized version?"

"Please, can you say 1911 instead of colt? I'm not used to referring to a gun with a brand. Yes, my gun is a customized version, which is also 1911. In addition, can I test fire this MP7? I'm very interested in this gun."

"Well, I gave it to you, but after I gave it to you, my people will have no weapons. You have to exchange a gun. I know you have an MP5. You can exchange an MP5. Frankly, this gun is more suitable for sentry than MP5. If you want to attack Teodoro at night, you can try."