Chapter 378

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
The polar dawn was close to the Rixin Maru, and the two whaling ships sandwiched the Rixin Maru and the polar dawn from left to right. At this time, the third Yongxin Maru blocked in front of the protesting ship.

A total of five ships are crowded in a narrow small area. The distance between ships is only 40 or 50 meters at most, which is a very dangerous distance.

A protest ship called polar dawn has been following the whaling fleet dominated by Rixin Maru. Polar dawn can't keep up with the three fast whaling ships, so polar dawn adopted the strategy of encircling Wei and saving Zhao. When the three whaling ships left Rixin Maru for whaling, polar dawn harassed Rixin Maru, Then the three whaling ships had to stop whaling, return to the Rixin Maru, and attack the polar dawn with a high-pressure water gun in an attempt to make the polar dawn leave.

The entanglement between the polar dawn and Rixin pill has created excellent conditions for the avenger to attack. Now the only thing the avenger needs to consider is to avoid accidentally injuring the polar dawn.

When Gao Yang said to attack immediately, ulyanko clapped his hands and said excitedly, "guys, guys, take action and use what we have prepared."

All of them did the same thing. They pulled a hood out of their pockets and put it on their head, revealing only their eyes and mouth. Then, they had to wear sunglasses.

Before departure, ulyanko knew that Rixin Maru was likely to be accompanied by protest ships. No matter which organization's protest ship, it must have cameras, and even helicopters to carry out reconnaissance and aerial photography in the air. Therefore, it is essential to wear a Headcover to cover your face.

Pavlovich also put a Headcover on himself. With his order, the attack on the Rixin pill began immediately.

The four crew members ran to the front deck and lifted the fishing net covered on the torpedo launch tube to one side like lifting the gun jacket of the cannon.

The driver's cab of the fishing boat became the command room of the warship. Instructions were issued from Pavlovich's mouth, and then the person who received the order would repeat it loudly and thoroughly implement Pavlovich's orders.

"The torpedo is energized and ready to launch."

"The torpedo is powered on and tested. The torpedo is in good condition and can be launched."

"Keep heading and reduce speed to three knots."

"Yes, keep the course. The current speed is nine knots."

The avenger approached from the right side of Rixin pill, slower and closer.

Although the sudden appearance of the avenger attracted everyone's attention, no response was made to the approach of the fleet avenger, especially after the avenger slowed down sharply, the second Zhaonan Pill on the right side of Rixin pill did not move at all.

The struggle between the whaling fleet and the protest ship has lasted for decades. Both sides know each other very well and each other knows what methods the other party will adopt. Therefore, just try your best to push the other back.

Gao Yang's heart jumped faster and faster. He stared at the Rixin Maru. As long as he solved the whaling ship on the starboard side of Rixin Maru, he could directly blast Rixin Maru with a torpedo.

When the distance was about 600 or 700 meters from the second Zhaonan pill, the speed of the avenger was reduced to three knots. In order to maintain the ability of the bow to aim at the target at any time, the avenger could not stop completely.

Finally, Pavlovich issued the order to attack.

"Left torpedo, launch!"

A total of six torpedoes are placed symmetrically left and right. The first torpedo on the left of the bow is 53-39 direct torpedo, the second on the left is 53-65 self guided torpedo, and the third on the left is white headed a-244 light torpedo. The torpedo on the right corresponds to this.

After a puff, a 53-39 torpedo in the torpedo launching tube on the left side of the bow suddenly shot into the sea. Then, the torpedo engine began to work, drew a straight white line on the water at the speed of 40 knots, and rushed towards the second Zhaonan pill like a sharp arrow.

In modern naval warfare, it is very difficult to hit a warship with a direct torpedo, because the warship can hide, make a large snake maneuver, and there will be short-range protective measures on board. Therefore, the operation mode of direct torpedo is usually several torpedoes fired at the same time to fan out, so that the enemy ship can avoid, so as to improve the hit rate.

However, the whaling ship is not a warship. The avenger can approach almost face-to-face and fire torpedoes, just like shooting a gun on a person's forehead.

The several whaling ships and the polar dawn that are concentrating on you and me to fight have long noticed the avenger, but they ignored it. A krill fishing ship looked at the excitement at a close distance, which is nothing strange. After all, the confrontation between whaling ships and anti whaling ships is not so easy to see. On the wide sea surface of the Southern Ocean, Everyone wants to have a look at this excitement, and whaling ships have long been used to it.

However, in the eyes of the crew of the second Zhaonan Maru, it seems a little different this time. A Japanese crew member leaning against the deck and looking at the avenger with a guardrail was very curious when he saw a dark, thick and long thing jumping into the sea and then a white line approaching him at great speed.

"Hey, come and have a look. What's this? It's strange. It's so fast."

The curious Japanese crew had no idea of torpedoes at all. Anyway, the polar dawn was on the other side, so they didn't have anything to do for the time being, so he called the waiting crew on the deck to come and have a look at the white line.

Seven or eight crew members crowded to the right side. At this time, the white waves caused by the fast-moving torpedo under the opposite side were very clear. Looking at the extremely fast white line, a crew member hugging to the side of the ship said in amazement: "Guys, what is this? Why do I have a bad feeling? It looks like a torpedo, but how can there be a torpedo here? Watanabe, you served in the Navy. What the hell is this?"

"Ah, it's really like a torpedo, but it's definitely not a torpedo?"

Several crew members turned their eyes to the leading Japanese, who was walking slowly from the side of the high-pressure water gun to the side of the ship.

"Are you idiots? How could there be a torpedo here? It's just a fishing boat, a krill fishing boat, fool, or do you think there's a submarine on the sea? What the hell am I, huh? Ah? Ah! Torpedo, that's a torpedo!"

With a distance of only about 700 meters and a torpedo sailing at a speed of 40 knots, it only takes 35 seconds to get there, and the second Zhaonan pill basically stopped in place. Even if they found the torpedo from the beginning, they could not escape being sunk.

Watanabe's hoarse scream made the crew around him realize that things were bad. Those who responded quickly immediately turned around and ran away, although he didn't know where to go or where to go again.

The man named Watanabe didn't move, not that he didn't want to move, but that although he subconsciously wanted to run, it was a pity that at this time, his legs were soft and wanted to pull out his feet and run wildly, but his legs didn't listen to him. He looked at the white line in horror and rushed to his feet. Then, there was no loud noise. Watanabe felt that he seemed to fly. Then, he didn't know anything, because in his presence He realized that he had been shocked to death by the huge impact before the explosion.

Gao Yang watched the torpedo being fired out, watched the torpedo stabbing at a high speed to one-third of the front of the second Zhaonan pill, and then he saw a column of water rising into the sky, and the second Zhaonan pill flying into the sky with the sea water.

The 400 kg high explosive warhead triggered an explosion at the moment when the fuse touched the ship. With great power, the second Zhaonan Maru with a displacement of 1500 tons first arched up the ship's bow, and then the whole ship left the sea, flew to a height of 56 meters in the air, and then broke in two in the air.

The water column aroused by the explosion was at least 200 meters high. When all the water columns fell, the second Zhaonan pill had basically completely sunk into the water. The second Zhaonan pill disappeared, leaving no other trace except a vortex on the water surface.

Just a torpedo, the second Zhaonan pill disappeared quickly, crisp and clean.

Too soon, Gao Yang was completely stunned after witnessing the whole process. Gao Yang on the side launching the attack was stunned, not to mention Rixin pill, which was still fighting for whaling. Therefore, after a deafening explosion, although everyone saw the high water column, they still didn't know what happened.

Second, zhaonanmaru sank to the bottom of the sea without giving any warning or sending any information. Looking at the place where there was another ship just now, there was only the empty sea surface and the avenger not far away. They broke their heads and couldn't think of what had happened just now.

Gao Yang didn't expect that the second Zhaonan pill would sink so happily, but after groliov around him suddenly gave a cheer, Gao Yang woke up like a dream, waved his fist vigorously, and shouted, "little devil, die, you!"

Pavlovich looked at them angrily and said angrily, "shut up, shout again and get out."

After roaring at them, Pavlovic immediately shouted, "right torpedo, launch!"

Next, you can directly attack the Rixin pill, because the obstacles in front of the Rixin pill have been removed, and this process took less than a minute. This speed completely exceeded Gao Yang's imagination. However, Pavlovic, who was familiar with the torpedo and knew the power of the torpedo, seemed to be ready for it, so he immediately issued the order to launch the second torpedo.