Chapter 364

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Time passed quickly. I stayed on the transshipment. A few months passed quickly without any feeling in the feeling of boredom.

Everything related to Gao Yangxiang has been incorporated into the formal. The maritime security company operates well and has nothing to say. There is nothing to say except that it has had some minor conflicts with British security companies twice.

Jiang Yun and Zhou Zhou Zhou stayed in bossosa. Gao Yang thought that Jiang Yun's focus would be on the security company. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yun would hand over the main things of the security company to Li Pengfei, and he and Zhou Zhou Zhou undertook the military task of training the skeleton gang.

Jiang Yun's explanation is that the skeleton Gang is of great significance. In the long run, the skeleton Gang represents the future of Somalia. Another important reason is that Jiang Yun is the only professional instructor among them. Li JinFang and Li Pengfei are all taught by Jiang Yun, so it is most appropriate for Jiang Yun to be responsible for the training of the skeleton gang, As for Zhou Zhou, nicknamed the third artillery, of course, he is responsible for training the artillery of the skeleton gang.

The only thing that worries Gao Yang is the akuri tribe in South Sudan. He once went to South Sudan again shortly after returning to the Gulf of Aden. This time, all members of the Satan mercenary regiment went with him. They separated each other and searched in the air in a small plane to find all wooden houses that look like the life of the primitive tribe, However, such action lasted for a week, but in the end, nothing was achieved.

In October, Gao Yang, who couldn't find the akuri tribe, went to the grassland of South Sudan again. This time, not only the Satan mercenary regiment, but also Li Pengfei and them pulled out all available hands, but also Colm and them moved.

A total of 26 small planes were used, which can be called a large-scale search activity. It lasted for 20 days. However, although they found two primitive tribes, after Gaoyang personally landed on the ground to check, they finally found that the two tribes were not the akuri tribe Gaoyang was looking for.

The grassland in northern South Sudan has been searched almost everywhere, but the akuri tribe seems to have evaporated. Ren Gaoyang can't find it.

With the strength of Gao Yang, if the akuri tribe is still on the grassland, it should be able to find it. There are two possibilities that can not be found so far. One is that the akuri tribe has completely disappeared, and the other is that the akuri tribe has moved south to the rainforest.

Gao Yang doesn't want to believe that the akuri tribe has died out. He thinks that the akuri tribe must have moved to the rainforest. In the rainforest, covered by tall trees, there will be no harvest from aerial search. Even if the akuri tribe doesn't go deep into the rainforest, it just lives in the intersection of rainforest and grassland, It is also difficult for planes to find small wooden houses under the shelter of trees.

Now the situation in South Sudan has stabilized again, but everyone knows that South Sudan is brewing a major conflict. Gao Yang is ready to search from the land by car when South Sudan is still stable, and it is a large-scale search with many people and vehicles.

The time has entered December 2012, and the most important Christmas for westerners is coming. However, this time, Gao Yang does not intend to go to the United States again. There are a lot of things on the transit ship, especially those British people are suspected of making trouble recently. If there is a conflict, Gao Yang is the main force whether they are fighting or fighting.

Gao Yang and ye Lianna often talk on the phone and talk to each other about missing each other. Although she is disappointed to learn that Gao Yang will not accompany her this Christmas, ye Lianna will never interfere with Gao Yang's work.

When the winter vacation was coming, ye Lianna called Gao Yang. Catherine invited her to participate in environmental protection activities held by an animal protection organization. It took a long time, and the place to go was the South ice sea. Ye Lianna wanted to go, but she wanted to know whether Gao Yang agreed to go with Catherine.

No matter what ye Lianna wants to do, Gao Yang will support it. He thinks it's a good thing for ye Lianna to go out more and see the world, so Gao Yang encourages Ye Lianna and Catherine to see the vast world. In fact, if Gao Yang doesn't have time, he also wants to go with her.

By December 20, the northern hemisphere was already covered with ice and snow, and the Gulf of Aden near the equator was still very hot.

Christmas is coming. The Sicilian princess has begun to decorate some festive atmosphere, but without ice and snow, Gao Yang always feels that there is something missing in this Christmas.

Gao Yang and Bob are sitting in a comfortable recliner in the stern, fishing with a fishing rod.

Gao Yang had a sunshade on his head, but Bob refused to use it. He only wore a pair of shorts to sunbathe. Bob always wanted to sun himself in wheat color, but his fat was only red. He didn't get a healthy wheat color after drying for half a year.

It looked like another leisurely afternoon. Although he was fishing, he lay absently and was about to fall asleep. Suddenly, there was a loud "bang", which scared him to wake up immediately after a thrill. At this time, he heard Bob yelling angrily: "damn rabbit, can't you shoot in another place!"

Gao Yang looked aside, but saw that Cui Bo was also lying in the stern. At this time, he was looking at him and Bob with an obscene face. This guy had to shoot a few shots every day since he got his Barrett, but Cui Bo never looked at these two goods, or he always made some big moves to scare others.

Gao Yang was half angry and shouted at Cui Bo, "asshole! You'll die if you shout before shooting!"

After that, he said angrily to Bob, "tell Jack never to change the gun for the rabbit again."

Bob waved his fist at treble and said, "rabbit, I know you're contacting Jack and want him to order a rifle for you. Don't even think about it now, asshole."

Gao Yang finally found Cui Bo's life gate. After hearing what Gao Yang and Bob said, Cui Bo's face turned white, and his obscene smile immediately disappeared. He said in panic: "brother Yang, Bob, no, come on, am I wrong? I know it's wrong. I promise I won't bother you again when you fish. I promise, brother, give me a chance."

Gao Yang was about to tease Cui Bo again, but he saw Frye running from the deck. Looking at Frye's worried face, Gao Yang couldn't help standing up from the couch.

Frye ran to Gao Yang as fast as he could, but he stood before and after Gao Yang's face. Although Frye was flustered and nervous on his face, he was just panting.

"What's the matter?" shouted Gao Yang

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Cui Bo had stood next to Gao Yang with a gun and Bob. Looking at Frye with a worried face, but he didn't know how to speak, Cui Bo couldn't help but say in a hurry: "what's the matter, you should say it quickly!"

Facing Gao Yang's face about to cry, Frye finally said in a hurry: "boss, ye Lianna, ye Lianna, she has an accident."

Gao Yang couldn't believe his ears. He touched his ears and said, "what are you talking about?"

Frye took a breath and hurriedly said, "boss, something happened to Yelena. I just saw it on the TV in the restaurant. She fell into the sea. I didn't read it wrong or hear it wrong. I saw it on TV. It must be Yelena. She, she is in danger now. Boss, I haven't told the big dog. Don't be too excited."

Gao Yang grabbed Frye's two shoulders and said in a trembling voice, "make it clear, what's the matter with Ye Lianna!"

Frye swallowed his saliva, looked worried at Gao Yang and said in a hurry: "boss, something happened to Ye Lianna. You, go and watch TV. You should still be able to see it."

Gao Yang threw his fishing rod to the ground and ran to the restaurant. Frye and the three of them followed and ran to the restaurant together.

There is a satellite antenna on board, which can watch TV programs in real time, and the news column of CNC channel is playing on the TV in the restaurant.

Several people were eating in the restaurant. Gao Yang immediately shouted, "which station broadcast the news just now?"

A man stood up and said, "this is the channel. I haven't changed the channel."

At this time, Frye and them had already run over. Gao Yang had no time to ask more questions. He immediately took the remote control and began to switch to other channels in the United States. Then, when he changed to an NBC news column, Frye said loudly, "that's it. Don't change."

On the TV screen, a large ship appeared, and the ship was spraying water downward with a high-pressure water gun. At the end of the water column, there was a small boat. The people on the boat were struggling to throw something on the ship.

The small boat was throwing things at the big boat, and the big boat was throwing things at the people on the small boat. Suddenly, a dark thing fell from the high boat and hit a person's head directly.

The video was taken from a speedboat next to it. The picture was shaking all the time. It wasn't very clear, but when the TV broadcast the scene of the attack on the man wearing a red life jacket and wearing a helmet with long hair, Gao Yang saw it very clearly. It was Ye Lianna, absolutely right, ye Lianna.

It's clear from the slow camera that ye Lianna was hit on her head by an iron hook. Then, ye Lianna was loaded into the sea, and then the two people around Ye Lianna jumped down one after another.

Three people fell into the sea from the speedboat, and the speedboat sped out. However, after finding someone falling into the water, the speedboat immediately turned around and returned to rescue the three people falling into the water. At this time, the water column of the high-pressure water gun on the big ship fell straight onto the speedboat, and then the speedboat was quickly knocked over by the high-pressure water gun.

At this time, the people on the speedboat were in a panic. They quickly approached Ye Lianna who fell into the water, but soon, the high-pressure water gun aimed the water column at the camera boat. Then, the picture was full of water curtain.

The camera turned and came to the air. At this time, a man could be heard shouting loudly outside the picture: "God, someone fell into the water, someone was injured and fell into the water. Those Japanese are stopping the rescue operation. Save people quickly. No, no, this is murder. Stop those Japanese!"