Chapter 361

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang certainly didn't refuse Jack's invitation, but he quickly added, "OK, bet on a year's beer, but each person can only shoot ten bullets."

The distance of the competition was set at 1300 yards, which must only be used for long-range bullets. Gao Yang loved his bullets, so he proposed that each person could only shoot ten bullets.

Jack agreed to Gao Yang's request and said with a laugh, "OK, shoot ten bullets each. Wait a minute, I'll get the gun."

Gao Yang thought Jack was competing with him with the same gun, so when he heard Jack say he was going to get the gun, he was surprised and said, "do you have a gun that can compare the accuracy with Satan's blade?"

Jack shrugged, did not answer the high question, but soon returned with a huge gun box.

Seeing Jack's gun box, Gao Yang couldn't help saying with a sad face, "Jack, you cunning guy."

Jack took a Barrett m82a1m out of the gun box with a bad smile and said with a smile, "we don't specify what gun to use, do we?"

Jack took out the gun and filled the magazine with bullets. First, he gave Gao Yang and ye Lianna an earmuff and put them on himself, so as not to be shocked by Barrett's huge gunshot.

After lying down beside Gao Yang, Jack smiled and said, "I've adjusted everything about this gun. We can start now. Then, who will come first?"

Gao Yang licked his thumb with his tongue and simply measured the wind speed. The wind speed is not high. It can only be regarded as a breeze, but the breeze is also a wind, which will certainly have an impact on the shooting accuracy, especially the transverse wind, and the shooting distance is 1300 yards. Even the breeze can have a great impact on the shooting result when it is the limit distance of 7.62 mm bullet.

Gao Yang said with a tangled face: "it seems that I have to invite you and a year's beer. I just have mastered the ballistic table of this new bullet in the ideal state, but if there is wind, I don't know how to adjust the wind deviation. Jack, you're so shameless."

Jack laughed and said, "let's toss a coin to decide who will play first. If we guess right, play first. Then, please help us toss a coin with your beautiful girlfriend."

Gao Yang shrugged and said, "I want words."

The target is ready. Gao Yang and Jack are all ready. Ye Lianna takes out a coin and throws it high into the sky. After landing, the side of her head is up and smiles at Gao Yang apologetically. After Jack aims at the target, he first fires a shot.

Jack's first shot hit eight rings. This score is very good. For a 12.7x99mm bullet, 1300 yards is not too far.

Gao Yang doesn't know the data of the new long-range projectile. A new gun with a new projectile originally needs a long-term test process. Moreover, Gao Yang's gun is still the only one in the world, and it is impossible to get ready-made data from other guns. After all, a minute long and a minute short of the barrel will affect the trajectory of the bullet.

The wind blew from the right side. Gao Yang deflected the aimed impact point to the right by about 30 cm and fired a shot. He had to try it first.

"Third ring, the impact point is lower to the right."

Gao Yang was stunned. He thought the impact point would be left of the bull's eye, but he didn't expect that the impact point would be much more right than expected.

Looking at Gao Yang's stunned face, Jack laughed again. He seemed to find something very interesting. Then he said with a narrow face: "brother, the wind resistance of the bullet that can improve the range of the first mate will be smaller than that of the ordinary bullet, and the wind deviation will be smaller. Don't tell me you're still calculating the wind deviation according to the ordinary bullet."

Jack made a good point. Gao Yang patted his head in frustration. His brain was really confused. The bullet that can improve the range of the first mate, in addition to the credit of the new propellant, the shape of the warhead is also a major factor, and the shape of the warhead that can improve the range of the first mate will naturally reduce the interference from the wind.

Gao Yang adjusted the position of the impact point. Although he was still moving from left to right, he was at least getting closer to the bull's eye. However, when shooting at a long distance, the interference effect of the wind was not so easy to offset. The wind near Gao Yang was stronger, but the wind in the distance might be smaller, and vice versa. Therefore, no matter how clever the shooter is, it is impossible to completely ignore the interference of the wind, The most important thing is to minimize the impact of wind deviation.

Not surprisingly, Jack won, but when Jack competed with Gao Yang with a 12.7mm sniper, the result was doomed.

The final result was that Gao Yang hit 34 rings, two of which hit seven rings, but one missed the target. Jack hit 51 rings, and Jack won by a big score. However, considering that the bullets used by Jack were almost twice as long as those used by Gao Yang, the warhead was too heavy, and the trajectory was more straight and the storage speed was higher, Jack failed to play twice as many rings as Gao Yang. It's not bad to say that Jack lost.

When the ring count came up, Jack looked depressed and said, "you use a new gun and strange bullets, while I use a familiar large caliber rifle. This result makes me very unhappy. I'll be in a better mood only when I think you have to buy me a beer for a year."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "don't buy you a year's beer. It's OK to buy you a lifetime. Tell me how much beer you need to drink a year."

"I drink at least six bottles of beer a day. When I drink more, well, I can't calculate. If the average quantity of ten bottles a day is one dollar, you need to pay me $3650, and I'll pay the tax myself."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "I lost you 4000 dollars and I paid the tax for you."

Jack said seriously, "do you pay in cash or by card?"

As a Chinese and a mercenary, Gao Yang must be used to loading cash. After taking his bag from ye Lianna, Gao Yang carefully counted out 4000 dollars and gave it to Jack.

After reaching out and bouncing on a stack of banknotes, Jack said with a happy face: "in the next year, I will feel better every time I drink beer."

"Drink less. Drinking too much beer is not good for you to lose weight."

Jack shrugged in disapproval, put his Barre m82a1m into the gun box and said: "When you called to get the gun, I thought the rabbit would come with you, but I didn't expect only you and your beautiful girlfriend, so you should take the rabbit's gun back for him. However, I was curious why the rabbit didn't come. He called me several times and said he would come to get his gun soon."

Gao Yang can't answer Jack's question, because he's sure there's nothing to do for the time being. After a good holiday, it's like taking Ye Lianna to his ranch for the summer vacation.

Gao Yang invited everyone. Anyway, his house is big enough. Cui Bo and groliov readily agreed. They are not used to and don't like the metropolitan life of New York. Of course, it's better to go to Gao Yang's ranch and mountain villa for summer vacation. Moreover, Cui Bo has always been thinking about his sniper and wanted to get it.

However, when Cui Bo was pulled aside by Frey and talked for a long time, Cui Bo finally refused Gao Yang's invitation in frustration, while groliov was called into the room by Natalia to talk about his heart for a long time. Groliov looked at Gao Yang strangely and announced that he would stay and enjoy a rare two person world with his wife Natalia.

As for Bruce, he was a winker. Gao Yang refused when he invited him. Unlike Cui Bo, who wanted to be a light bulb, Gao Yang couldn't help but secretly rejoice when he recalled Cui Bo's beaten face. Fortunately, Frye, an understanding man, stopped Cui Bo's extremely short eyed behavior.

As for groliov, like all fathers who can't face up to his daughter's growing up, he subconsciously wants to stop Gao Yang's behavior of abducting his daughter. Fortunately, Gao Yang's prospective mother-in-law Natalia is happy to see his success with Ye Lianna. With the strong support of his prospective mother-in-law, Gao Yang can safely and boldly take ye Lianna to his two worlds.

For Jack's question, Gao Yang said without changing his face: "the rabbit has something to do and can't come, so I have to take the gun back for him. I have nothing to do at this time, so I can use his gun to get familiar with the anti equipment sniper rifle, so when I say goodbye, I have to buy some long-distance shooting target paper from you."

"Well, in view of the beer money you lost to me for a year, I gave you the target paper. As for now, we can have some beer to celebrate that I won a year's beer money."

High pitched emergency channel: "No, no, don't worry. I still have a lot of things to buy from you. I need a set of top reloading equipment. I want to load a lot of bullets myself, so I also need propellant and warheads, various warheads, and of course cartridge cases. You know what I need. Well, you'd better prepare two sets of reloading equipment for me. I have to send a rabbit. Remember, everything The best. "

Jack nodded and said, "no problem. I'll give it to you. I've collected all the cartridge cases fired by your gun. You can take them away and reload them. Do you need anything else?"

"I want a target thrower and a large number of UFO targets, as well as a Beretta sports double barreled shotgun. I have time to play UFOs. In addition, I want a Benelli M4 shotgun. I use a Benelli M4 shotgun in combat, so I have to find a chance to practice. However, do you have a better choice about combat shotgun?"

Jack thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, "I don't know your requirements about the Combat Shotgun, so I can't give you the answer immediately, but I think Benelli M4 is a good choice. I'll buy other things for you. When will you get it?"

Gao Yang said with a smile, "I'm going to my ranch soon. In a few days, a car will be sent here. Then I have to come back to Portland to drive my car. Then I can drive my new car to pull things away, but I don't know when the car can be sent to me, so wait for me to call."