Chapter 325

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang shot continuously, and three trucks stopped successively. The nearest one to Gao Yang was more than 400 meters.

As long as he could pull away, Gao Yang was not too worried, but when the people on the truck found his trace, they began to shoot him with machine guns.

The enemy had machine guns, and the number was not large. Taking advantage of the enemy's machine guns, he had not formed a cross firing boundary. Gao Yang bit his teeth, jumped out, and ran to a large area of tall and dense grass he had long selected.

What Gao Yang can rely on now is that the local tyrants dare not get too close, and there is no thermal imager on the nearby truck. In this way, their observation and combat parts will be disconnected. Even if the people on the truck will get directions, they can't find him too smoothly,

After entering the dense grass, Gao Yang didn't dare to stay any longer. He still ran fiercely. After running for a few minutes, when Gao Yang looked back, he found that the truck caught up again.

Gao Yang immediately squatted in the grass, but at this time, he found that the direction of the truck was not too straight.

After observing with the thermal imager on the gun, Gao Yang found the problem. Because of the rise of ground temperature and the shelter in the dense grass, the thermal imager finally lost its function. If he didn't get the shelter in the grass, he might be able to observe with the thermal imager, but now he finally escaped from the vision of the thermal imager.

The three trucks stopped one after another, and the people on the trucks jumped down one after another, and then lined up in a scattered line, about ten meters, a person, lined up in a long arc line, and began to pull a net search.

Only when Gao Yang stands up can he observe the pursuers. Similarly, if he doesn't stand up and run, no pursuers can see him.

About 300 meters away, after Gao Yang took off the thermal imager in front of the shotgun sight, the cat walked slowly through the grass, but the too tall grass was also distributed one by one. Gao Yang soon found that if he moved again, he had to leave the cover of the grass.

The enemy has dispersed. If a trace is found at this time, the enemy can shoot with dense fire. Even if the shooting method is no longer accurate, hundreds of guns fire at the same time. In addition, there is no hidden object at all. There is basically no possibility for Gao Yang to escape. However, if he stays, the area of this tall grass is limited after all. Even if the enemy searches slowly, Can quickly find out his whereabouts.

When Gao Yang didn't know what to do, a buzzing voice in the sky attracted his attention. After looking up, Gao Yang's tears were coming down. In the sky where he could see, a plane was circling back and forth at low altitude.

Hurriedly took out the satellite phone, turned it on at the fastest speed and dialed it. Then he opened his mouth and said, "toad, is the plane in the sky you?"

"We have reached the sky above the target area. There are a lot of people and cars below, but I can't see you. Tell me your specific location."

The reinforcements finally came, but Gao Yang was not happy at this time. He said in a hurry: "do you see three trucks? And the grass lined up in the middle of the line. I'm about 200 meters in front of the line. I'm hiding here."

"I found the goal you said, but I can't see you. Stick to it again. Don't expose it. We'll come right away."

Gao Yang has observed the area where he is hiding. There are still too many trees here, and there are too many ant mounds. In addition, the grass is too high, and there is no space for the plane to land, so Gao Yang said anxiously: "don't worry, you find a good place to land again. Don't land by force. I have no problem here. Don't land by force!"

Gao Yang is afraid that Li JinFang will land by force if they are in a hurry. In that case, it is too dangerous. It is likely that the plane will be destroyed and people will die during the landing. Gao Yang would rather fight for a while. Even if he is killed, he can't take the people on Li JinFang's whole plane to bury him.

"I see. We have found a suitable place for landing. Don't worry. Now someone will help you first. I'll be there in a moment. Also, please explain whether there are all enemies on the ground and whether they can attack indiscriminately."

After thinking about what the United Front has done, and then thinking about what those oil tyrants have done, Gao Yang feels it's not polite. You can't blame me for being the 15th grade in junior high school.

He said in a loud and deep voice: "except me, all are enemies, indiscriminate attack, repetition, indiscriminate attack. In addition, my dress is the dress of the primitive tribe, carrying a black backpack, wearing a straw skirt, painting oil paint on my face, with a high degree of recognition. Pay attention to the identification of the enemy and me."

"Toad understands. Please cooperate with the reinforcements. Over."

After the end of the call with Li JinFang, Gao Yang was in high spirits. He just looked at the plane hovering overhead, but he didn't know where the landing site selected by Li JinFang and they didn't know whether it was far or near.

Looking at the enemy who was about to reach him for more than 100 meters, Gao Yang felt that he might not be able to wait for Li JinFang and them to come, but it was useless to think about it. He had to fight until Li JinFang and them arrived.

He put down his shotgun and picked up the AK47. Gao Yang looked at the sky again. But this time, he was stunned.

The plane circled in the air behind Gao Yang. When it came back, it almost passed over Gao Yang's head. Two black spots fell out of the plane.

The height of the plane was only 300 meters at most. Gao Yang looked very clearly. It was two people who fell out of the plane. In Gao Yang's surprised eyes, when they were only more than 100 meters from the ground, they opened their parachutes and looked at the landing point of the two people, that is, less than 200 meters behind Gao Yang.

Low altitude parachuting, ultra-low altitude parachuting, and the perfect landing point. I can be picky once. It's an absolutely perfect airborne rescue operation.

In desperation, when the reinforcements fell from the sky, Gao Yang's only word he could think of was the divine soldiers falling from the sky. No matter how rich his imagination was, he didn't expect that the reinforcements mentioned by Li JinFang would arrive soon.

When they saw the plane overhead, the soldiers of the Nuer united front made some commotion. After seeing someone parachute, they had never seen this scene, and they didn't know what the parachute jumpers were going to do. Many people of the Nuer united front stopped, but after several people yelled at them, the soldiers who searched accelerated their steps and walked towards the sky.

The people of the Nur united front accelerated the search pace, and the two parachutists immediately turned over from the ground as soon as they landed. After they quickly separated from their parachutes, they also ran quickly towards the area where Gao Yang was located. At this time, the distance between the people of the Nur united front was less than 50 meters, and the distance between the two paratroopers was 150 meters.

Seeing that the reinforcements were approaching quickly, but the enemy was also in front of him, Gao Yang took a deep breath, stopped looking at the reinforcements behind him, and focused on looking at the enemy who was approaching him.

The enemy narrowed the search width. Now there is almost one person every five meters, and the speed is very fast. Gao Yang doesn't expect him to completely escape the enemy's sight. While the reinforcements are outside the dense grass, they can't see the enemy in the tall grass, so the two paratroopers didn't shoot, but ran close all the way.

When a soldier of the Nuer united front trotted and saw Gao Yang less than ten meters away from Gao Yang, Gao Yang suddenly stood up before he shouted and showed his true face in front of his enemy for the first time.

Gao Yang has killed many people since he decided to revenge. However, he has never really been exposed to the enemy's vision, whether it is a sneak attack at night, a long-distance shooting, or a raid in Thunderstorm and heavy rain. The only time Gao Yang was seen close to his face or tortured the head named moi mosan, but, The only one who saw him up close, MOI Mossan, was dead.

After climbing and rolling in the heavy rain for a long time, the color painted on Gao Yang's arms and legs has no color, and the skin color is also exposed on his chest, but the revenge makeup painted on his face is still blurred.

When Gao Yang jumped up suddenly, the soldiers of the highly concentrated Nuer united front immediately saw Gao Yang, but after seeing Gao Yang, they not only didn't shoot, but stayed where they were.

The red face and the white line are like the pattern of a skeleton. The black stripes lift the corners of his mouth high, and the color of his body and limbs is also very strange. It's an unspeakable ferocious and terrible face. When the soldier opposite Gao Yang saw this terrible face, although it was broad daylight, he felt his hands and feet soft and his hair stood up in an instant, Although he had been carrying a rifle, he didn't even have the strength and courage to pull the trigger. In a short moment, he was shot in the middle of the eyebrow.

The last instinct reaction of the soldier who was stunned by Gao Yang was to scream, but he died without shouting. However, the soldier next to him completed the instinct reaction for him.

"Evil spirit!"

A soldier who was not far away from Gao Yang also failed to raise his gun. After seeing Gao Yang's terrible face and the murderous spirit that could not be covered up by thick colors and ferocious patterns, the soldier gave a sad scream and turned and fled.

Fear is contagious. In the eyes of Nuer people who believe in the spirit of all things, Gao Yang is the evil spirit representing death. Therefore, so many of them will be killed by an evil spirit for so long, but they can't even see the shadow of the evil spirit. People can't do this. Only evil spirits can do this. Now, evil spirits finally appear, Then the evil spirit is going to kill all of them.

Therefore, after hearing the shrill cry and seeing Gao Yang's face, the people closest to Gao Yang reacted the same, and their courage quickly lost from their bodies. Their only thought was to kneel down and ask for the forgiveness of the evil spirit, while those who were brave enough to move immediately turned around and ran away.

"Evil spirit! Evil spirit from the bottom of the earth! He will kill all of us!"

A soldier shouted in horror and threw the gun to the ground. He was full of fear. His body was soft and he couldn't even escape. As for shooting, he just wanted to be forgiven by the evil spirit, so he knelt down with his head raised high and put his head on the ground. He just shivered and prayed loudly in his mouth for forgiveness by the evil spirit.

All the enemies closest to Gao Yang and the greatest threat to Gao Yang either knelt or fled, and no one shot at Gao Yang. In fact, there were no people who looked at him more. When the shrill cry spread the word that Gao Yang didn't understand, the enemies on both sides in front of Gao Yang spread in turn and quickly knelt down at his feet.