Chapter 305

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Holding the joystick, Gao Yang's heart was not too excited, but after a while, after the freshness passed, it felt like that. It didn't move at all. There was no feeling of operating the plane.

Flying over the vast grassland, the scene on the ground can be seen at a glance, but revisiting the hometown makes Gao Yang's heart more and more tight. As long as he hasn't found the akuri tribe and confirmed that they are all safe, Gao Yang's heart can't be put down.

After all, Gao Yang did not dare to move the joystick to find some feeling of flying. When he began to feel bored, he saw a large herd of cattle on the ground, dotted with mud houses on the ground.

Seeing the presence of people on the ground, Gao Yang couldn't help looking down. The plane soon flew over the nomadic tribe he saw. When Gao Yang took his eyes back, the pilot sitting next to him said with great interest: "go hunting?"

"Yes, go hunting."

"Are you going alone? Will you stay long?"

"If I go alone, I should stay for some days."

The pilot waved his hand confidently and said loudly, "you're dead, man. You're dead when you go to the grassland alone this season."

Gao Yang smiled and said nothing. Of course, he knew the danger of the tropical grassland, but he had lived on the grassland for three years. It was not too difficult for him to survive.

"You have time to regret it now. If you want to hunt, you'd better hire two guides and prepare things more fully. Do you think you'll be all right with a gun? No, you can't solve the things that kill you with a gun. Listen to me. You should go back to Malakal and hire some people."

It is true that the most deadly thing on the tropical grassland is not beasts, but all kinds of poisonous snakes and mosquitoes. Gao Yang knows this well and has suffered.

Now Gao Yang has enough knowledge and means to live on the grassland. Although he doesn't need to explain too much, the words of the pilot are also kind, so Gao Yang still smiled and said, "thank you for your reminder, but I can cope with it."

The pilot tilted his mouth and said, "whatever you want, but you'd better be careful. If you think things are bad, hurry for help. Maybe I can pick you up in time. I'll remind you again. You have to avoid the Dinka and Nuer tribes. They are at war now, especially the Nuer. You'd better stay away from them, especially their cattle."

Gao Yang was surprised and said, "this is not consistent with the news I heard. Isn't it very stable now? Why, is there a war now?"

The pilot laughed and said: "Man, when did the Dinka and Nuer stop fighting? Pastures, water sources and cattle compete with each other. As long as they meet, they have to fight, and as long as they fight, they have to die. Of course, you can't hear these news in the city. The so-called peace is just that the two ethnic groups haven't started a full-scale war, but the fighting between the tribes has never stopped."

After that, the pilot pointed to the ground and said loudly, "look over there, another tribe is coming together with the tribe just seen. If the two tribes belong to different ethnic groups, a conflict will soon break out."

Gao Yang frowned and said, "is it so serious?"

The pilot nodded and said, "it's so serious. You wait and see. The Dinka and Nuer people will start a full-scale war soon. Now they are all trying their best to expand their territory. I'm sure there will be a big war soon."

Gao Yang was worried and said, "where is their activity area now? I mean, are there Dinka or Nuer tribes where I plan to go?"

"No, I flew near the place you want to go not long ago. I didn't see any cattle, but their migration speed is very fast. No one knows where they will migrate. If you meet the Dinka tribe, it's better. The Dinka people are more open. They are more receptive to outsiders, but the Nuer people are different. The Nuer people are very exclusive. Their letter Both worship and habits are more primitive, so if you meet Nuer people, you'd better stay away from them. "

Gao Yang nodded and said, "thank you for your advice. I will remember, but how can I distinguish between Dinka and Nuer tribes?"

"Dinka people are very tall, very tall, thin and tall. The average height of men can reach 1.95 meters, and women are about 1.8 meters. They are very black, especially black. Do you see my skin color? It's much darker than me. As long as you see a tall man who is very black, it's Dinka people. Nuer people are basically the same as Dinka people They are thin and tall, but they are still shorter than the Dinka people, not as black as the Dinka people, and their tattoos are different, but they can't explain them to you in detail. "

After keeping all the pilot said in mind, he raised his voice and said, "thank you very much for telling me this."

The pilot waved and said: "If you annoy a Dinka, you will annoy a whole tribe. If you annoy a tribe, you will annoy all the tribes near them. They will not stop until you are killed. As for the Nuer people, it is the same, but the Nuer people are more dangerous. The Nuer people living in the city are better, but the nomadic Nuer tribe is very exclusive. Sometimes they take the initiative to attack people, but Anyway, meeting tribes is not the end. What you need to worry about most is the wandering militants. "

The pilot was very talkative. He turned around and said: "Both Dinka's armed forces and Nuer's are very dangerous. They are neither urban residents nor tribes. These people do all kinds of evil. They can kill people without any reason, especially Nuer's armed elements. Sometimes they even rob towns and kill complete strangers for fun."

Gao Yang once fought with the Nuer people. When he met Professor buck and Catherine, he was attacked by the vulture mercenary group and the Nuer people. Without asking anything, he directly killed all the people in Professor Buck's camp. It was also the Nuer armed elements.

Morgan now cooperates with a large Dinka tribe to develop an oil field. Now Morgan just bought a piece of land from the Dinka tribe, but Gao Yang doesn't know where the oil field is. He only knows that korm and his people stay in South Sudan to work for the development of oil fields.

After arriving in Malakal, Colm has explained to Gao Yang about the Dinka and Nuer people in detail. Gao Yang also knows a little about them. However, the situation in Malakal where Colm is located is much better, and the oil field to be developed is also located in the Dinka gathering area. Therefore, from Colm's point of view, the situation is not very serious, but for pilots everywhere For the locals who fly, they obviously know more about the situation here.

The main range of activities of Dinka and nur people is closer to both banks of the Blue Nile. The area where akuri tribe operates is far away from the Blue Nile. If grazing is necessary, it is OK in the rainy season, but in the dry season, neither pasture nor water can support the requirements of grazing. Therefore, Gao Yang has lived on this grassland for three years and has never seen a nomadic ministry Fall.

Gao Yang felt that things should not have changed much. Even if the Dinka and Nuer people began to compete for territory, they were also suitable for grazing. They should not reach the place where the more primitive akuri tribe was active.

Where the tribe will not arrive, it is not necessarily that the militants will not go. The akuri tribe is that someone was killed by unknown militants, and then the akuri tribe will move southward to a zone closer to the rainforest to avoid those threatening militants.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yang said in a deep voice, "do you know where the armed elements of those tribes are mainly active now? Do you think there will be any traces of them where we are going?"

The pilot laughed and reached out to draw a big circle in the air. Then he said loudly, "they can go there. They will appear anywhere. These people rob the cattle of the other tribe. They will also poach, ivory and living cheetahs. These are money. They do everything in exchange for cash."

After that, the pilot said excitedly: "I once went to the grassland with people to transport cheetahs. The little cheetah was purchased from poachers. If the person renting the plane traded with militants, I dare not go. They trap the mother cheetah with her cubs, kill the big cheetah and leave the small one. Middle Eastern people will pay a high price to buy it. Do you know how much a little cheetah is worth?"

"How much is it?"

"One million dollars! It only costs 50000 to 100000 dollars to buy from those poachers, but when they change hands, it will be at least millions of dollars, and one million is only the money earned by the middleman. It is said that the cheetah can sell more money when it is transported to the Middle East alive, but I don't know how much."

Gao Yang feels strange. He is not an extreme animal protectionist. When he was in the akuri tribe, he had to hunt every day, but it was just for survival. As long as he had enough prey, he would never kill any more animals.

The practice of akuri tribe will not cause any ecological problems, but it is unacceptable to hunt those increasingly rare animals for fun, especially the practice of poachers, which can make a species disappear quickly.

Although carrying a shotgun, Gao Yang is only for self-protection. If necessary, he will aim his gun at an antelope or something, but he will never hunt elephants or lions just for fun.

The pilot didn't notice Gao Yang's disapproval. He said curiously, "what prey do you want to fight? Most people here want to fight an elephant or a male lion. These two kinds of prey are the most popular."

Gao Yang shrugged and said, "if they didn't attack me, I wouldn't fight anything. I just came to find someone and a primitive tribe. Do you know where there are primitive tribes?"

The pilot suddenly realized on his face and said, "are you engaged in humanities? Early on, I really know where there is a primitive tribe, which is not too far from where you want to go. Do you need to fly over and have a look?"