Chapter 301

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
In fact, the ideas of Cui Bo and Gao Yang are the same. Other people's money can't be controlled by themselves, and it's not easy to take out the money in a high-profile way, so as not to embarrass the people who didn't want to take out the money after inadvertently standing on the commanding height of morality, so they sent the money to mayd one by one, and then soon met the people with the same idea.

After taking a deep breath, mayd hugged Gao Yang with one arm and said with a smile: "you five are almost the same. You are really the same kind of people. I, I really don't know what to say."

Gao Yang said casually, "well, don't say that. We don't take less money from you. Besides, we don't lack this money. What do we care about so much?"

At this time, Cui Bo patted his hand and said loudly, "well, I told you. I said that brother Yang must take out the money. Is that right?"

Li JinFang gave Cui Bo a white look and said with disdain on his face: "Er Huo, it seems that others don't say so. Hey, pony, stop the ink. There's dinner there. Hurry to eat. I haven't taken care of eating all day. I'm starving."

Groliov walked up to mayd and said with a smile: "OK, I'm still the commander of the Navy and the commander of the artillery. Although I'm already the predecessor, well, this money is nothing to us. In fact, you really don't have to take it too seriously."

Mayd nodded and said in a deep voice: "I don't know what to say, and I don't want to say anything more. Thank you. Thank you. As long as the skeleton Gang still exists and the people of the skeleton gang are not dead, you will always be the closest comrades and friends of the skeleton gang. In addition, I lent you the money. No, no, it's not me. It's the skeleton gang. If we unify the whole Somalia, take this Some money is even national debt. I promise I will definitely pay you back. "

Gao Yang smiled and said, "OK, you have a high ambition. Now take this money as national debt. OK, we're waiting for you. When the skeleton gang will unify Somalia, you can pay us back. Remember to calculate more interest at that time. National debt is too stingy."

Everyone laughed. Gao Yang slapped mayd on the shoulder and said with a smile: "If you really beat down the whole of Somalia, you will be the president, but don't forget that I am the first commander-in-chief of the Fourth Army. Write my name in the textbook at that time. Ha ha, by the way, my real name is Gao Yang, high and low, flying Yang, not Yang of poplar."

Mayd also laughed and said, "I finally know your real name. Commander Gao, should we get to know each other again, and then formally talk about how to repay the national debt you provided to Somalia ruled by the fairness and justice alliance in your private capacity."

Gao Yang also laughed and said, "what's the hurry? There are still many opportunities for us to deal with in the future. I haven't told you that we will always mix in the Gulf of Aden. We have established a maritime security company. Remember to ask your people not to ask us for money at that time."

Mayd immediately said, "really? That's great. We can meet each other from time to time. When our conditions are good, I'll treat you well. As for your company, it goes without saying that within the control of the skeleton Gang, the business of your company is the business of the skeleton gang. Just talk."

After a knowing smile, Gao Yang shook hands with mayd again, but this time they shook hands as friends, not mercenaries and his employer.

They shook hands with mayd in turn, and reported their real name. After they knew him again, Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "go, find a place to eat, rabbit, shout the test tube, and let him eat and rest."

Frye said in a quick voice, "attention, the test tube is coming out. Everyone is pretending to be all right."

Gao Yang looked back, but saw Bruce coming with his bag. Gao Yang smiled apologetically at mayd and said, "the test tube has just joined us. It's not as rich as we are. There are some things he doesn't have to know."

Mayd nodded and said, "I understand, I understand."

Bruce was obviously stunned when he saw Gao Yang and a group of them together with mayd, but then he came over and said in a deep voice, "didn't you go to dinner?"

Cui Bo immediately said, "I'm waiting for you. I'm going to call you. OK, since you haven't slept, let's go to dinner together."

Bruce hesitated a little and said in a deep voice, "OK, let's go now. I'm hungry. Oh, you go first. I have something to tell mayd about the wounded."

Gao Yang shrugged and said, "well, let's go first. You get down to business first and tell you where to eat later."

After saying that, Gao Yang winked at mayd, and then the five people went to the place where they opened fire and cooked, but they didn't go far away, but they heard mayd yell in the back: "come back, don't go, the test tube is the same as you, and the money is coming."

Gao Yang looked at each other, but they smiled knowingly. When they turned and walked back, Li JinFang suddenly said, "this man can make friends."

Groliov also said in a deep voice: "from the attitude towards money, we can see the essence of a person. I think the test tube can officially join us."



While walking, he said that when he was about to come to mayd, he raised his voice and said, "well, Bruce has been officially accepted as one of us."

After walking back to the original place, Cui Bo said to Bruce: "test tube, aren't you short of money? Why did you take out the money."

Bruce shrugged and said indifferently, "I was short of money, but now I am no longer short of money. The share originally given to me has already freed me from financial difficulties, and there is still money to take in the security company in the future, so why not give the money to the people who need it most."

After that, Bruce spread out his hands and said, "the skeleton Gang just beat bossosa. Well, there are too many places to spend money. At least they need to buy a large number of drugs immediately. If they don't have money, what can they buy drugs? I don't want the wounded I saved to die of a shortage of drugs."

When Bruce talked about drugs, Gao Yang became serious and said, "now we have bososa and a deep-water port. Many things can be purchased in large quantities. Mayd, have you decided what to buy?"

Mayd immediately said: "Food and medicine, as long as these two things are available, I believe the residents of bososa can immediately follow the skeleton gang. Although bososa is also a city, the problem of food shortage is very serious, and it is not expensive to buy food from other places. I plan to buy a large amount of food from uliyangke immediately, as long as the first batch can be solved by the people of the whole city The rest can be purchased at any time with tolls. The key is the first batch. Originally, I was still worried about the capital of the first batch of grain, but now I don't have to worry. With $4 million, it's enough to buy the first batch of grain and medicine. "

Although bossosa is already a big city in Somalia, the problem of food shortage is still extremely serious. More than 80% of the residents live in a state of hunger. Although the price of food is not too expensive, the people here have no money to buy food, and they can't buy it even if they have money.

Mocadi, who controls bossosa, will not pay his own money to feed the people of the city. Although he will also buy food, it is enough to fill the stomach of his army. Even if he is rich, he will only sell it at a high price.

Fill the stomachs of followers. In a country where starvation is normal, it is enough to do this. Sacrificing this magic weapon can achieve nothing but disadvantage. Since bossosa is defeated, the skeleton Gang must be responsible for the residents of bossosa. Mayd's practice of buying food first must be no problem, but the problem is that the people or gang members before the skeleton Gang have no problem Gao Yang doesn't know whether mayd plans to move this practice to bososa.

"As long as you have money, the food problem can be easily solved. Uliyangke can deliver it in three days at most. The problem is how do you plan to give the food to the residents of bossosa?"

After hearing Gao Yang's question, mayd perked up and said: "I have a plan. Bossosa has a population of about 50000 people. After throwing away the money for medicine and freight, the rest is enough to buy 5000 tons of wheat. This food is enough for the whole bossosa for a year. I plan to supply it every day. Adults one kilogram a day and children one and a half kilogrammes a day. Generally speaking, as long as the toll can be collected, it will not be a problem to solve the food problem in bossosa 。”

Gao Yang sighed and said, "you are really an idealist. The problem is your way. No, listen to me, you can't really give food to everyone. Doing so will only cultivate a group of lazy people. You have to let them contribute to the skeleton Gang to get food, okay?"

Mayd frowned and said, "I know it's not good to give blindly, so I plan to distribute food every day, but the problem is that the skeleton gang can't provide other jobs except the army. They have nothing to do. How can people distribute food according to their work?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "since you are the master of bossosa, you have to have a bit of master spirit. If you don't have a chance, create an opportunity. Let's say that bossosa's urban area is dirty and messy. It's a big garbage dump. Let people clean the neighborhood. How much food can you have in a working day? It's not a job opportunity."

Gro Leo J immediately said, "before you do anything, you have to register the population first, register in the family, establish a registered residence, and the standing army must expand the scale to provide food for families whose families are joined by soldiers. If everyone has, then they will give more troops."

Gao Yang also nodded: "Yes, since we talk about the army, soldiers also have to have a salary, not much, but there must be a pension for soldiers killed in battle. You can't let them fight for their ideals all the time. It's ok if the time is short, but it's hard to say if the time is long. For ordinary soldiers, they just hope to have enough to eat. Now they are on a long way We have achieved our goals, so reasonable rules have to be set from the beginning, so that they can have the motivation to continue fighting. Now if they don't have money, everything can be simplified, and there can be less money or things, even if it's only symbolic, but there must be. "

Mayd nodded and said: "After listening to what you said, my idea is clear. Let everyone have something to do, even if they have nothing to do. Well, bossosa does have a lot to do. Clean up the streets and build fortifications. Let those who have skills trade their skills for food. If they don't have skills, find a way to find simple jobs for them. In short, we can't raise a group of people who only know For lazy people waiting to eat, only those who really have no ability to work can enjoy unconditional supply. For those who are purely lazy, let them starve. "

Gao Yang patted his hand and said, "yes, that's what I mean. All right, you can't delay buying food. It's even more urgent to buy drugs. Did you call ulyanko?"

Mayd smiled and said, "not long ago, I was still worried about money. Where dare I call ulyanko."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "well, as long as you have money, it's easy to say everything, but if you don't have money, you don't have to say anything. Well, call wuliyangke as soon as possible. If it's fast, he can send a batch of food the day after tomorrow. By the way, is there a shortage of test tubes and drugs now? Do you need to arrange an air drop?"

Bruce thought for a moment, then shook his head and said: "There is no shortage of drugs, but several drugs consume a lot. It's best to send a batch within three days, otherwise there will be a shortage. I'll make a list as soon as possible. In addition, the residents of bososa need a lot of standing drugs. The skeleton Gang doesn't know when they will encounter combat. Therefore, when purchasing drugs this time, I think I should ask more local doctors Your opinion. "

Mayd laughed and said, "aren't you hungry? Why don't you forget everything about eating when you talk about things? Let's go. As we walk, we say that the soldiers have begun to eat in turn. We have to go quickly."

Several people went to dinner talking and laughing, but none of them thought that everything that Gao Yang and mayd joked would come true in the end. Of course, this is all later.