Chapter 299

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Mayd finally arrived at bossosa.

The battle, which was supposed to be very difficult, went too smoothly. Mayd, who stayed in the rear and was responsible for all kinds of logistics, was not even ready to take over bossosa. After receiving Gao Yang's call, mayd hurried to bossosa.

After seeing Gao Yang on the dock, mayd's face was not only excited, but also excited. He held Gao Yang's hand and said incoherently: "Ram, I know, I know you will succeed, and I know you are going very well, but I didn't think it was possible. You captured bossosa in less than 24 hours. This is a miracle, this is a miracle."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "It's no surprise that the enemy's combat effectiveness is weaker than we expected, but the two mercenary regiments have caused us great casualties, especially the teaching company. However, after this battle, the teaching company has matured. When the wounded return, you have a real seed army, and they can train others."

Mayd sighed and said: "on the road of pursuing the ideal, sacrifice is inevitable, and their sacrifice gives us a good start. If we get bossosa, we will control more people. The most important thing is that bossosa can be used as a real base, and we will soon become an important force in Somalia."

"There are a lot of things you need to deal with now. We now control the two cargo ships hijacked by mocadi, and there are more than 30 crew members. In addition, we found a place where all the women captured by mocadi are very miserable. We haven't let them leave for the time being. You can deal with it in person later."

As soon as mayd's face changed, he said in a deep voice, "I'll send someone to rescue them immediately, ask their origin, and send them home..."

"Wait, I don't know where those women come from, but according to common sense, those women are most likely local people in bossosa. We only have men and it's inconvenient to do a lot of things. Moreover, I think you should make use of it, find some local women and let those local women take care of those poor women. Then, I think it's inevitable To spread and arouse the anger of the local people, you have to make good use of their anger and take the opportunity to publicize the purpose of the skeleton gang. "

After Gao Yang said his plan, mayd was stunned for a moment, and then said in some surprise: "I didn't think of this. I didn't think of anything else at all. However, what you said is really reasonable. It's a good way for bossosa people to quickly accept us. Ram, I have to say, you think things are much more comprehensive than me."

Gao Yang shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "although you have studied in China for several years, you are not a Chinese after all. You just buy the hearts of the people. How many Chinese people won't? You are a liberator, but you have to let people know this. You have to let the people of bososa distinguish the skeleton gang from other pirates or some messy armed organizations."

Mayd nodded and said, "yes, yes, I'll do it now. I'll go myself."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "besides, what are you going to do with the two cargo ships and crew?"

Mayd was embarrassed. After a moment of silence, he said in a deep voice: "Ram, according to the agreement we reached, you are the majority of all the booty bososa got, and the two hijacked cargo ships must be within the scope of booty and worth a lot of money. However, I always want to separate the skeleton gang from the pirate organization, so I want to release the cargo ship and crew and tell them the purpose of the skeleton gang. I think it's very important for me For the skeleton Gang, it is a publicity opportunity to let the world know our existence, and let people in the world pay attention to the skeleton gang and pay attention to the skeleton gang. "

Mayd's approach was within Gao Yang's expectation. He just nodded and said in a deep voice: "are you going to let the skeleton Gang officially go to the front desk? I mean, officially go to the front desk all over the world and attract the attention of the world. Are you ready for this?"

Mayd said firmly: "Yes, I think we are ready. I think so. The skeleton Gang's practice has damaged the interests of many people. The most important thing is that the interests of pirates and security companies have been damaged. However, for the shipping side, as long as the pirates have not been cleared, the skeleton Gang's practice is beneficial to them. Therefore, we officially come to the front stage, no matter how much controversy it will cause But at least it can make those foreigners have some scruples when they plan to attack us. "

After a pause, mayd said confidently, "as long as there is no foreign intervention and only pirates, I am fully confident that I can solve them now."

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "I think you overestimate the binding force of public opinion on those countries. If the skeleton Gang really damages the interests of big countries, do you think they will worry about whether the skeleton Gang attracts people's attention? Don't be funny. In front of interests, everything is empty. Even if you get the support of the whole world, what can you do? Besides, you can't get too much support."

After that, Gao Yang patted mayd on the shoulder and sighed: "the skeleton gang can make a small fuss, but if the skeleton Gang really controls the Gulf of Aden and affects the shipping of the Suez Canal, do you believe that the Americans are the first to kill you?"

Mayd was silent. After a long time, he nodded and said: "Yes, if we really control the whole Gulf of Aden, we will have to face the anger of the whole world. However, don't worry, I don't intend to let the skeleton Gang collect tolls all the time. This way is blackmail, but it's a little milder than hijacking merchant ships. This method can be used in the early stage, but we must find it when the skeleton Gang becomes stronger Find another way to live. "

In a loud and deep voice, "just understand. In fact, we are mercenaries. We don't have much insight at all, but we've known each other for so long, so some words may be wrong, but I still have to say, of course, right or wrong, think about it yourself. In short, you can't expect a mercenary to give you how profound and indirect."

Mayd nodded and said, "no, your opinions are of great help to me. We all have our own strengths. I don't have your knowledge and experience. Therefore, your suggestions can make up for the loopholes I'm not aware of."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "OK, in short, you have spectrum in your heart."

After a moment's hesitation, mayd murmured: "Now let's continue to talk about the two ships. I'm going to release them all, but I have to get your consent. I'm going to give you all the remaining cash of the skeleton gang in exchange for the two ships. When you call me to tell me about it, I think so, so I've brought all the money, but you know Yes, now we don't have much cash, and there are still 3.2 million dollars left. I know this money is much less than the ransom that the two ships can get, so if you don't agree, we can continue to discuss other ways. "

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "we have known each other for such a long time. It doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter."

Mayd said with a wry smile, "I always thought we were friends and good friends."

Gao Yang smiled, nodded and said: "Yes, in fact, we have been friends for a long time. Although I have always planned to work as an outsider, it seems impossible now. Whether I realize it or not, we have long regarded you as friends. The problem of money is a small matter. Besides, there are a lot of more than three million yuan. In addition, there are a lot of cash salvaged, but I don't know the props I want to count the amount of the body after you arrive. "

Mayd waved his hand and said, "don't count it. It's all yours. You've lost a lot. It's only a little to make up for."

Gaoyang knows mayd's character. He really doesn't care about money, so mayd's practice is also expected by Gaoyang, and Gaoyang's character doesn't pay much attention to money. His principle is that if you are stingy, I will be more stingy than you, and if you are generous, I will be more generous than you.

Gao Yang knows the financial situation of the skeleton gang. In order to attack bossosa these days, the skeleton gang has spent almost all their money. Gao Yang handles all the shopping, so 3.2 million is really all the money of the skeleton gang. Mayd gave them all the money, and the rest is just a change.

Gao Yang frowned and said, "there are many places to use money next. You gave us all the money. What should we do in the future?"

After a hesitation, mayd waved his hand and said, "it doesn't matter. We will continue to go to the sea to collect tolls and have money soon."

Gao Yang wants to ask mayd to leave the money first, but the problem is that the money is not his own. Strictly speaking, although mayd pays a lot of money, they deserve it. Gao Yang can decide his own share, but he can't push out other people's money.

It is the consensus reached by all of them not to participate in how to deal with the two merchant ships robbed by mocadi, and mayd's compensation is US $3.2 million, which is already very high. In addition, with the salvaged banknotes, their total harvest should have exceeded US $4 million in the war against bossosa, which is a very good harvest.

"Well, that's the deal. That's $3.2 million, plus the salvaged money. That's all our booty."

Mayd smiled and shook hands with Gao Yang again, and then said, "although I have to pay a lot of money, I must say that I am always happy and grateful when I pay you. I have to say thank you, thank you very much!"