Chapter 265

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
It's just mercenaries. It's hard to train people, but the commander still commands thousands of people. He can barely be called a group of people in the army, and he has to take care of the food, drink and sleep of these people and their families, which is a little difficult.

Gao Yang is a good hand in a small-scale battle. He commands dozens of hundreds of soldiers to fight a battle, which is still within the professional scope. It is beyond their ability to take charge of the whole skeleton Gang temporarily, but anyway, no one can do it now, so Gao Yang has no psychological pressure, even if he does it badly, Certainly not worse than now.

Gao Yang went to Bruce's first aid station alone. When he looked near the first aid room, he saw that there were light wounded waiting in all the shady places, but no one spoke or made any noise. Although there were at least hundreds of wounded, relatives and friends, there was no noise.

Seeing Gao Yang coming, those who blocked his way got up one after another to get out of the way. Someone was whispering and smiling at him, and someone was waving to him. Although Gao Yang couldn't understand what these people were saying, he could feel their kindness and gratitude.

Gao Yang usually lives in the military camp and has very little contact with ordinary soldiers of the skeleton gang and ordinary people, but he is watched with respect by these people. While greatly satisfying his vanity, Gao Yang feels that he has to do something for them for the first time.

Several soldiers of the teaching company stood at the door of the first aid point. When they saw Gao Yang coming, they all saluted Gao Yang. Then a soldier came forward and whispered to Gao Yang: "the test tube instructor is tired. Now there are no serious wounded in urgent need of treatment. I asked those light wounded to come back later so that the test tube instructor can have a rest."

Bruce has been operated on for at least ten consecutive hours, and he doesn't operate on only one patient like an ordinary doctor. Bruce has to operate on at least 100 people in these ten hours, not including the wounded who just give up at a glance. It's strange that he is not tired for a few minutes on average.

Gao Yang nodded and whispered, "you did the right thing. He must rest for a while. Where's mayd? How's your boss now?"

The soldier whispered, "he's still in a coma, but the situation is relatively stable. Someone is watching him in the room, and the test tube instructor is also inside. If there are abnormal conditions, someone will wake up the test tube instructor in time."

"Where's Abu? Where is he? Is it better now?"

The soldier pointed to a small round house close at hand and whispered, "Mr. Abu is still alive, but the situation is very bad. The test tube instructor went to see his situation and asked someone to give Mr. Abu blood transfusion not long ago. The test tube instructor said that if Mr. Abu can stick to this night, he may survive. If he can't stick to it, there's no need to say more."

"I see. I'll go in and have a look. You continue to guard here. Now we are seriously short of manpower. As the elite of the teaching company, you must shoulder more responsibilities. Set an example for them and let people see how powerful the teaching company is."

The soldier looked excited, saluted and whispered, "yes, instructor, I promise I won't let you down."

After nodding, he patted the soldier on the shoulder and stepped into the small round house. After entering the small round house, a fishy smell came to his face, but he saw Bruce lying on the carpet and sleeping, and next to him was mayd. The place where the two men were lying was less than two meters from the simple operating table.

Of course, there can't be any floors or cement floors in the house here. The house is land. Although a small ditch was dug to lead blood out of the house, the land near the operating table was soaked with blood and the feet made a loud noise.

There are two soldiers sitting on the ground, one left and the other right, each holding a big leaf as a fan to fan mayd and Bruce, so that they are not so hot, but more importantly, they don't let flies fall on Bruce and mayd.

This condition is too simple. Gao Yang can't help being angry. For such a long time, it's enough for them to find a new place and re-establish a better first aid point, but these people won't take the initiative to do it if no one orders.

In fact, the main problem is habit. Most people here are the same. No matter what it is, as long as they can make do with it, they will never find a way to create better conditions for themselves.

Gao Yang just took a look, then stepped back and whispered to several soldiers at the door, "it's too dirty here. Now that he has stopped, why don't you find a better environment?"

A soldier said blankly, "the test tube instructor didn't order us."

Gao Yang sighed helplessly and then whispered: "Find some people, find a clean room, build a stronger operating table according to the appearance of the operating table, move the medicine and purified water, establish a new first-aid point, and then arrange several clean rooms near the first-aid point, move the seriously wounded to the nearby house, and arrange someone to take care of them. Now find someone to do this Something. "

After saluting, the soldier quickly ran to find someone to do what Gao Yang ordered. Gao Yang entered the house again and squatted next to mayd.

Mayd's breathing is gentle and his wound has been wrapped up. At this time, Gao Yang remembered that mayd's arm was lost on the beach, but it doesn't matter if he can't find it. There must be no conditions to pick him up again. Thank God mayd can leave a life.

Gao Yang whispered to the soldier who fanned mayd, "how's it going? Did he wake up?"

The soldier shook his head and said in a low voice, "no, the test tube instructor said that the effectiveness of the anesthetic will last for about 12 hours. Now the time should be coming, but if our leader hasn't woken up after the efficacy has passed, wake up the test tube instructor as soon as possible. If this happens, it means that our leader's situation is more troublesome."

Gao Yang also felt tired and sleepy at this time, but he still had a lot to say to mayd. He looked at his watch and found that less than two had disappeared since mayd's anesthetic effect passed, but whether mayd could wake up was still two words.

Gao Yang thought that there was nothing else to do for the time being, and Bruce was still sleeping, and mayd was in a coma. It was estimated that the new first aid point could not be built for a while. Gao Yang decided to sleep and wait at the first aid point.

"I'll go to bed, too. No matter which one of them wakes up, call me up quickly."

After explaining the two soldiers who beat fans, Gao Yang went to a corner of the round room, hugged the gun in his arms and lay on the ground. As for the smell of blood and the noisy flies at the mountain gate, it's good to sneak in time to sleep for a while. There's still a lot of control over them.

During the war in misrata, Libya, Gao Yang left one of the five of them on sentry duty. The rest can sleep as soon as they lie next to the enemy who has just been killed, and it's good to lie next to the dead body. It's very sleepy, even if there is a rotten corpse nearby. It's good to have a safe place to sleep. There can manage too much. Compared with the environment at that time, Now you don't have to worry about being shelled, so it's a good place to sleep.

After lying down for less than a minute, Gao Yang fell asleep.

After sleeping for a while, Gao Yang felt that someone was moving him, and an excited spirit sat up. Then he saw a soldier with big leaves squatting in front of him and whispered, "instructor, our boss has opened his eyes."

Gao Yang turned his head and saw that Bruce had squatted next to mayd, so Gao Yang hurried to mayd's body, but saw mayd's eyes moving back and forth. After staring at them, he said in a weak voice, "where am I? What's the situation now?"

Bruce was still checking mayd's physical condition. He whispered loudly, "you're in the village. The wound has been wrapped up. Now it's safe. It's all right."

Mayd's face looked very painful. He tilted his head and wanted to see his left arm. At this time, he raised his head and whispered: "don't look at it. The left arm is gone. Don't move now. It's victory to survive. Cheer up. The skeleton gang will be all over without you. You have to live hard for them."

Mayd said in a hurry, "how are we? Are there many casualties? Where's Abu? How's Abu? Where is he?"

Gao Yang didn't answer mayd's question, but looked at Bruce. Bruce didn't lift his head and said, "he's just injured, not psychologically damaged. No problem."

Gao Yang whispered: "Abu is also injured. He is in the next room. As for casualties, more than one person has died and more than 200 have been injured. All the attackers have been killed. Don't worry. No one will come again in a short time."

Mayd looked miserable and said in a deep voice, "who was the attacker?"

Gao Yang thought about it and decided to tell the truth. He said in a deep voice, "mercenaries from the British came to the sea. In addition, mokadi from bossosa also came, but it was easy to beat them back. Yes, mokadi sent first and united with the British."

Mayd was stunned and said, "it came so fast. I thought the skeleton Gang is still very weak and won't attract other people's attention in a short time. I didn't expect to let mokadi and the British attack us so early."

Gao Yang said with a wry smile: "obviously, you guessed wrong."

Mayd sighed and said: "We should have asked you to preside over all the work related to military affairs. Otherwise, we would not be easily attacked. Alas, we simply don't have a little military literacy. We should think that everything should be done according to the practices of pirates. This idea is too stupid. Pirates won't provoke foreigners to the shore to attack. Ram and skeleton Gang don't have it now Even a person with a little insight, now you have to take charge of the skeleton gang. Please help. We can't afford another blow like this. Help us, please help us. "