Chapter 189

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
But when Gao Yang woke up, he just felt weak. The infusion tube inserted in his hand, various medical testing equipment at the head of the bed, and the most important beautiful female nurse sitting beside the bed with her chest and buttocks cocked, made Gao Yang immediately understand that he was lying in a ward.

Although the little nurse looked at Gao Yang, she was distracted and didn't find that Gao Yang had opened his eyes. At this time, Gao Yang only felt thirsty, so he whispered, "sorry, can I have a glass of water?"

"Oh, OK, ah! God, you finally wake up."

After the beautiful nurse casually agreed to Gao Yang, she finally understood what had happened, so she covered her mouth and screamed. Finally, she didn't get Gao Yang a glass of water, but immediately turned and ran out of the ward. Then Gao Yang heard the nurse outside the ward, shouting in a surprised but small voice: "He's awake. The patient is awake. You can go in, but don't make too much noise. The patient needs to be quiet."

After the nurse finished, the door was pushed open, and then a large group of people came in. Cui Bo was in front. He ran to Gao Yang's hospital bed. After looking at Gao Yang, he immediately grinned and said, "look, what I said is right. Brother Yang's life is very big and not so easy to die."

Li JinFang was ashamed and looked at Gao Yang and said, "brother Yang, it's all our bad. I watched you lose too much blood. Fortunately, you're all right. Otherwise, Lao maozi and I really can't live."

But after Cui Bo and Li JinFang finished, Morgan also stood in front of Gao Yang and said with emotion on his face: "Gao, it's great that you can wake up, otherwise I can't repay the favor I owe you."

Bob winked and said, "brother, clap your hands. I'm so happy when you wake up. Keep it for a few days. When it's ready, I'll take you to have a good time."

In addition, Arthur and Jacqueline said in unison, "great, you finally wake up."

Gao Yang was stunned by the happy and surprised expressions on the faces in front of him. He felt that he had been shot in the leg, but there would not be such a big battle. After a light cough, Gao Yang said strangely: "Are you all free to do nothing? Why did you come to me? Are Simon and Frye all right? And distin, I'm sorry, where's his body. I want to see him for the last time. And I've been unconscious for hours?"

When Gao Yang asked a lot of questions, Morgan shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "How many hours? God, how many days have you been in a coma? Yes! It's been three and a half days since you entered the hospital, and you almost didn't rescue. You know, when you entered the hospital, you were in shock, almost no blood pressure, and your pulse was too weak to notice. Your heart stopped beating twice. The doctors announced that the rescue failed. Groliov, TREB and Simon Broke into the operating room and put a gun against the doctor's head to continue the rescue. Finally, I had to arrange for you to change a hospital immediately after the doctor announced that you could survive. Otherwise, I was worried that the FBI and the police would block you in the hospital. Let's say, Gao, it's a miracle that you can survive. "

Gao Yang was stunned. Morgan's words made him feel scared. However, he also felt some doubts and said: "no, I learned the distribution position of the main blood vessels of the human body. There are no main blood vessels where I was shot in my leg. Why are the consequences so serious?"

Treble roared: "Let me say, let me say, brother Yang, you know? The body structure of people is basically the same as that of people, but there are some differences, right? Where you were shot, there are not too large blood vessels, but not capillaries. How to say, a blood vessel that is not very important but fatal enough was interrupted, and the heat of the bullet failed to break it Your blood vessels were scorched, so you lost blood all the time, until you lost too much blood. The doctor said that you lost more than 1000 ml of blood. How much blood does a person have in total? Only 3000 ml. you lost more than 1000 ml of blood. You're really lucky not to die. "

Gao Yang sighed softly and said, "it's really dangerous, but isn't it all right? Where's distin? If I've been in a coma for three days, is he, is he buried?"

Arthur smiled and said, "who told you that distin is dead? He's not dead. He's alive. He woke up before you."

Gao Yang felt happy in his heart. He wanted to sit up, but he found that he had no strength to sit up, so he could only lie in bed, looked at Arthur with a surprised face and said, "great, but how is it possible? I saw that di stin's eyes were blown out. By the way, you're not lying to me?"

Morgan shook his head, smiled and said, "almost everyone of you was hurt this time, but fortunately no one died in the war. Distin really didn't die. We won't cheat you with this."

Arthur said with a smile: "Well, let me tell you what happened. When we attacked the target building, Simon was the first to enter, but as soon as he entered, he found that the situation was wrong, so he immediately retreated, but the people on the first floor shot him, the bullet hit him in the face and opened a hole in Simon's face. Then Simon fell down. When distin went to pull Simon out, A bullet from the side hit his left eye, but the bullet came nearly laterally, so after the bullet passed through his eye socket, it just knocked out the bone on the left side of his eye socket, but did not enter the brain. Another bullet hit Justin's thigh and broke his artery, but fortunately, we punctured the wound in time, so he also lost blood More, but less than the blood you shed. "

Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "that's good, that's great. Now where are the didines? And Simon, groliov, Frye and Shirley, how are they?"

Jaklan shrugged and said: "Healy's foot was broken through and two bones were broken. He still needs another operation. Frye's situation is more complex. His injury is not too serious, but the bullet is embedded in the bone seam of his hip joint, so he needs an operation. He can't move now, and Simon's face, you know, he not only needs to sew up the wound, but also needs cosmetic surgery, ha ha."

After jaklan finished laughing, Arthur patted his ass and laughed: "Simon and groliov are both in the best plastic surgery hospital in Los Angeles, you know? The doctor pulled a piece of meat from Simon's ass and put it on his face. Ha ha, we decided to call Simon's ass face in the future. He has never had a nickname. This time, he finally has a nickname suitable for him, and distin. His nickname is one eye."

Jacqueline hastily added: "The big dog needs to mend his ears. It is said that he can also remove the scars on his face. The doctor also asked the big dog if he wants to have a knife on his face anyway. Do you want to have a cosmetic surgery to make him look more handsome? Ha ha, you didn't see the big dog's expression at that time. I'm laughing to death. Gao, if you're all right, go to the hospital with us to visit them. There are many doctors in that hospital The stars go. "

Seeing Arthur and Jacqueline laughing happily, Gao Yang finally laughed. He whispered, "I said that although no one died, distin lost an eye. Is it not good for us to make fun of them like this?"

Jaklan exaggerated: "it's enough that they're not dead. Isn't it worth being happy? Man, how lucky it is to lose one eye and get back one life. Why can't we give them a nickname?"

Arthur also agreed: "yes, he just lost one eye, brother. He survived. Is there anything happier than this?"

Gao Yang feels that this is also true. He is lucky to survive. Compared with losing an eye, it is undoubtedly happy to leave a life.

"Well, it seems that I can't say hello to Dean for the time being. Say hello to him for me. And, guys, give me a glass of water. I'm thirsty."

Cui Bo took Gao Yang a glass of water. After Gao Yang drank it all at once, Morgan clapped his hands and said: "Well, guys, let's go out. The doctor said Gao needs to be quiet. In addition, I want to talk to Gao alone. You first tell others the news of Gao's wake up, so that they can be happy, and then wait for me. I think it's time for you to pay money at last."

After a group of people left the ward one after another, Morgan pulled a chair and sat in front of the high hospital bed, smiling: "You know, in the past few days of your coma, they can't even take the money. Frogs and rabbits have been guarding the door of your ward and can't drive away. There is also a big dog. He refused to go to another hospital with Simon for treatment. Now you finally wake up. I think they can finally rest assured."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "I've worried my brothers."

Morgan nodded and said: "Now that you're awake, we should talk about the reward. I said, take part in the battle and achieve the combat goal of $5 million. Save Bob and add another $5 million. There are ten of you, so your mercenary regiment can share $5 million, but you killed that bastard Toller, so I have to add another $5 million as a reward. Therefore, your Satan mercenary regiment has a total of $5 million You can get $7.5 million. "

Gao Yang said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. We don't go for money, but it's a good thing to have money."

Morgan said solemnly: "I once said that I appreciate your attitude towards money, but I don't appreciate your attitude towards business. You took part in the action out of friendship, but what about your team members? You put them in danger for your personal reasons, which is OK, but they have to receive reasonable remuneration. High. Don't mix personal feelings with business. That's the same sentence, friendship Friendship, business. "

Morgan said with a serious smile: "Of course, as a friend, I appreciate what you have done, so it's reasonable to pay you $7.5 million for the part of business. I won't give you another penny, but as a friend, I have a gift for you. Gao, when you leave the hospital, you'll know what my gift is, and I promise you'll like it."