Chapter 159

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
The waiting time always feels very slow. On the third day after they returned to Johannesburg, Gao Yang finally received a call from Morgan and was informed to get him ready. Someone will pick them up the next morning.

On that day, the tac50 sniper rifle was delivered. Like Gao Yang, Cui Bo was able to take his future special weapons to Israel for training. Of course, Gao Yang only guessed that going to Israel, but Simon was an Israeli. Gao Yang couldn't think of the best army and training in Simon's mouth, except Israel.

Gao Yang's conjecture was finally confirmed after they got on Morgan's plane, because Morgan's first sentence was that we were going to Israel.

Apart from Morgan and Simon, only Morgan's crew came to pick up Gao Yang. There was no one else in the cabin, and Gao Yang didn't have to worry too much. After confirming that they were going to Israel for training, Gao Yang said in surprise: "Morgan, you can always surprise me. Although I guessed to go to Israel, I still want to ask, Israel is the country with the most strict requirements for immigrants in the world. How did you get us to Israel?"

"Well, my father was a firm supporter of Israeli Zionism and a donor. In addition to making regular donations to some Israeli organizations, I also have a good relationship with Israeli officials. Therefore, when I ask for help because I want to send some friends for training, many people will speak for me."

Gao Yang was surprised by Morgan's words, even more surprised than he learned that Morgan had served in the U.S. Marine Corps.

"Are you Jewish?"

"No, I'm not a Jew. I'm a devout Christian, but my mother is a Jew. She believes in Judaism. I don't know how my father married my mother, or I can't understand how my mother married my father. But since I was born in such a family, I was influenced by my father's belief in God and my mother's influence "To provide assistance to some Zionist organizations in Israel within their capabilities."

"I don't know much about religion, so I won't comment, but I'm glad you can send us to Israel for training."

"I'm honored if I can help you."

At this time, Simon said positively: "Gao, I must remind you that in any case, please keep all the training contents and locations confidential with your team members. Basically, it's best not to tell others anything. You know, there is no real retirement in Israel. As long as there is a need, all school-age personnel are in reserve. None of us knows what we should not disclose, What danger will it bring to the people who have helped you, so although this possibility is very small, we still have to be as careful as possible. "

Gao Yang said solemnly, "please rest assured that we will keep our mouth shut and won't reveal anything anyway."

Simon nodded and said: "Well, now I can tell you that the place you are going to is a training base in the suburbs of Tel Aviv, the largest non military training base in Israel, which is opened by a friend of mine. Although it is run for civilians, there are also active servicemen to train, and it is free for active servicemen. You know, Israel's territory is small and our land Land is precious, so basically all private training bases are open to the military free of charge. "

Gao Yang said with great interest, "I see. What's the name of your friend's training base?"

"No name, really no name."

Gao Yang shrugged and said helplessly, "well, Israel's special forces, ordinary forces and even reserves are the most low-key in the world. Compared with your achievements, your reputation is not big enough, but even civilians who are always ready for war are so low-key, which I didn't expect."

"The Israeli forces have no time to show off and have no opportunity to show off. Their training is not to pretend to be handsome and cool, but to cope with the battle that may happen at any time, or to better protect their lives. Serious training and very serious attitude do not need to be forcibly instilled by instructors, because everyone knows that war is never far from us."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "I can understand. Perhaps it is for these reasons that Israeli forces can always achieve miraculous results."

Simon's face was a little gloomy and said in a deep voice: "When training soldiers in other countries, we need to find ourselves an imaginary enemy and conduct regular exercises. We don't need to set up a trained imaginary enemy to force you to pretend to be in war, because we have been in a state of war all the time. No one knows whether a friend who is chatting with you will set out for a secret operation that night and never come back. It's strange Believe me, I've experienced enough of this kind of situation. So, don't play with the war or joke about your life. When you have the opportunity to train, you'd better try to master more things, because often a tactical action and a shot opportunity only once determine whether you survive or your enemy. I want to remind you that you're about to take it Everyone trained, the ultimate goal of training is to fight and to survive. "

After listening to Simon's sad face, Gao Yang knew that this was Simon's conclusion from blood and life. He turned to several humanitarians who were also listening to Simon's speech: "you all heard it. I think I don't need to say anything more?"

Treble nodded and said, "I'm never lazy for any training."

Li JinFang replied with a serious face: "no matter what time, I am the most active one in training."

"Boss, believe me, I will definitely work hard. I want to be a qualified soldier. Please believe my determination."

Groliov shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm a veteran. Believe me, I can live to the present. It has a lot to do with I've never relaxed my vigilance. In addition, I cherish every opportunity to save my life."

In addition to listening to Simon explain what they should pay attention to when they arrive in Israel on the plane, Gao Yang and the five of them also did a small mobilization meeting. In fact, there is no need to say more. Everyone knows what training means, especially they are destined to participate in many battles in the future. Therefore, there is no need to mobilize at all, and everyone will go all out to train.