Chapter 108

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
In a dilapidated apartment building, Gao Yang stopped and looked at the house number. After confirming that there was no mistake, Gao Yang and ye Lianna entered the apartment building.

Watching Gao Yang and ye Lianna enter the apartment, an old black man sitting at the gate of the apartment said slowly, "please wait a minute. Who are you looking for?"

Gao Yang stopped and said, "we're looking for Mrs. John Smith in room 6A on the third floor."

The old man wore a security uniform, put down the newspaper in his hand, looked at Gao Yang carefully, shook his head and said, "I remember them. They are a good family, but I'm sorry to tell you that you found the wrong place, or you came late. Mrs. John and his son have moved away. They can't afford the rent of the apartment and were driven out by the landlord."

Looking at the dilapidated apartment building, Gao Yang knew that the rent of the house with such living conditions was not expensive. Even such a house could not afford to live and was driven out. It seems that the life of John Smith's survivors is not very easy.

"Do you know where they have gone?" he frowned

The old man glanced and said, "although I don't know where they went, I think you can try your luck in Coronation Park. Maybe you can find them somewhere."

"Where is Coronation Park? Is it far from here?"

"Not far. Find a taxi and you'll be there soon."

After thanking the old man, Gao Yang and ye Lianna left the apartment building. Without asking anyone else, they took a taxi and went straight to the Coronation Park.

Gao Yang thought that the Coronation Park mentioned by the old man was a residential area, but unexpectedly, the taxi driver really pulled him to the gate of a park. After the taxi driver stopped, Gao Yang quickly said: "Man, we need to find people in Coronation Park, and this is a real park. I don't think the park is a good place to find people, so is there another Coronation Park? A place like a residential community?"

The black driver was very young. With a black smile, he said, "are you looking for a poor white man? If so, you're right. This is where the lazy people live."

Gao Yang was puzzled, but he decided to take a look first. After paying the car money, he walked into the park with Ye Lianna. Groups of black children were playing on the grass in the park, many were playing football and others were barbecue.

After seeing Gao Yang and ye Lianna, several black youths whistled loudly at Ye Lianna, and then pointed at Ye Lianna. Their eyes made Gao Yang very unhappy, but fortunately, those blacks didn't move too much.

Just then, Yelena pointed to a corner of the park and said, "look, I see white people."

Looking down Yelena's fingers, Gao Yang saw a trailer and a dilapidated Tin Shed, where several white children were playing football.

Gao Yang and ye Lianna go to the shanty town. Gao Yang is surprised to find that the white children are dirty all over. They don't even have a pair of shoes. They are barefoot competing for a shriveled football.

Shanty towns are basically isolated from the park, and many broken tires are placed at the entrance.

The inside of the tire and the outside of the tire seem to belong to a completely different world. Gao Yang and ye Lianna go to the shanty town. After bypassing the happy children, they continue to go inside for a while, but there are many white people on both sides of the narrow and messy road. They are old and young, but they all look the same. They wear dirty and worn clothes and stare at Gao Yang with indifferent eyes And Yelena.

In the strange and hostile environment, Gao Yang was worried. He put the backpack on his chest, zipped the backpack, loaded the pistol in the bag with his right hand, put his hand in the bag, held the gun, and then stretched out his left hand to pull Ye Lianna.

Gao Yang regretted that he shouldn't have brought Ye Lianna to such a place, but ye Lianna didn't worry at all. On the contrary, she was very excited, because this was the first time Gao Yang took the initiative to hold her hand.

After a few more steps, Gao Yang finally saw a seemingly kind old lady. Gao Yang stopped and said gently, "Hello, do you know Mrs. John Smith?"

Because of the British naming problem, after John Smith died, his wife only left the title of Mrs. John Smith when she left her name, so Gao Yang didn't know Mrs. John Smith's own name, but he felt that as long as John Smith hadn't remarried, there should be no problem finding her with this title, but what Gao Yang didn't think of was that After an old lady looked at him, she turned around and left, but she ignored him at all.

Gao Yang had no choice but to shrug his shoulders and move on, hoping to find someone to ask. This time, he didn't go far. He saw a group of people gathered together and yelled, and others were shouting "kill him".

Gao Yang and ye Lianna walked outside the crowd. He could hear the cries of two women, the banging of fists and the shouting and swearing of men. Gao Yang didn't want to join the fun, but he didn't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment, so he had to pull a middle-aged man who was shouting in front of him.

"Hello, sir. Do you know Mrs. John Smith? She seems to live here, too."

Looking at Gao Yang who pulled him, the middle-aged man was very dissatisfied and looked at Gao Yang with vigilant and dissatisfied eyes. However, after Gao Yang finished, the middle-aged man looked at Gao Yang up and down and said in a strange tone: "I know her and his son."

"Great. Where does she live? Can you take me to her? I can pay you a hundred Rand."

When the middle-aged man heard that he had money to take, his eyes lit up immediately. He immediately stretched out his hand. Then ye Lianna immediately put a 100 Rand note in his hand without waiting for Gao Yang to move.

After getting the money, the middle-aged man immediately said to the center of the crowd, "she's right there. Do you hear the cry? The voice that doesn't sound so sharp is Mrs. John Smith's voice. Do you hear the scream of the guy who was beaten? That's his son."

When Gao Yang heard this, he didn't care about the trouble of finding the gasping guy in front of him. He immediately took Ye Lianna and walked away from the crowd.

After crowding into the front row of the crowd in the curse, I saw two men, old and young, fighting together. But to be exact, the old strong man rode on a young boy and punched the boy in the face. Although the young man was in the downwind, he was still waving his fist and yelling at him at the same time.

Beside the two fighting men, two women, old and young, cried to pull the strong man, but their efforts didn't get any effect. The strong man could pull them aside with a wave of his hand.

Gao Yang was not in a hurry to start. He immediately said to a man standing by with a fist: "who is that woman?"

"Mrs. John Smith, eh, who are you?"

After getting the answer he wanted, Gao Yang didn't respond to the people around him. Instead, he took down his backpack and handed it to Ye Lianna. He whispered in Ye Lianna's ear, "there's a gun in the bag. Hold it, but don't take it out. If you're in danger, shoot. Be careful."

After that, Gao Yang patted Ye Lianna on the face, then ran behind the strong man who was beating, kicked out and kicked the strong man aside.

Everyone was stunned to see Gao Yang kick over the strong man. At this time, Mrs. John Smith and the girl looked at Gao Yang gratefully and hurried to pull the boy lying on the ground. However, after the boy stood up, he pushed aside two women and immediately rushed towards the strong man who was still trying to stand up.

After the young man and the strong man fought together again, Gao Yang sighed and shouted, "stop it!"

At the same time, Gao Yang came forward and grabbed the boy's clothes. He pulled the boy aside as soon as he pulled back. Then he immediately pointed to the strong man who tried to take the opportunity to fight back and shouted, "stop it, or I'll kill you!"

Although the young man was angry, he knew that Gao Yang was helping him, so he stood aside and didn't continue to do it. He just spit bloody saliva, but the strong man finally stood up, roared and punched Gao Yang.

Gao Yang dodged his side head to avoid a punch from the strong man, and kicked out with his right foot silently.

Gao Yang's sinister foot hit the key point under the strong man's crotch. When the strong man covered his crotch, he immediately knelt down to the ground, then covered his crotch and fell forward to the ground. Gao Yang turned around and timely stamped his foot on the back of the strong man's neck on the ground next to the strong man.

Gao Yang didn't work hard with Li JinFang for a month. He couldn't feel the pressure to deal with such a strong man with empty strength. However, after the action had formed an instinct, if Gao Yang's brain reacted quickly enough and moved his place before the instinctive action of his body, his blow would have killed the strong man.

Although it is impossible to resist after the key middle foot under the crotch, what Li JinFang taught is that you must make up a foot in the back neck or throat. As for stamping there, it depends on whether the enemy is facing forward or backward. The purpose is to ensure that the enemy's life is completely killed. Anyway, making up a foot does not take much effort or much action.

Gao Yang almost stamped down, but fortunately, he stopped his feet in time, because he is not on the battlefield now, he doesn't need and can't kill people.

Sure enough, the girl who had been crying to open the strong man shouted at her father and jumped on the strong man again.

Anyway, the situation was finally brought under control. Gao Yang said to the woman holding the boy crying, "Hello, are you Mrs. John Smith?"

The woman and the bruised boy looked at Gao Yang in surprise, and then the woman said, "I am, who are you?"