Chapter 52

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
The silent Chinese immediately held Gao Yang and said in Chinese, "are you Chinese?"

Gao Yang nodded subconsciously. Before waiting for him to speak, the Chinese immediately said, "passport, show me your passport!"

Gao Yang was completely confused now. He shook his head and said, "no, I lost my passport long ago."

Gao Yang's tragedy attracted everyone's attention. Many Chinese people gathered around. A woman still shouted, "I'm a doctor. Let me show him who has medicine. Take it out quickly. He has to receive first aid!"

Holding the high flying Chinese, he was sweating anxiously and shouted at the crowd around him: "please don't worry, our next plane will arrive soon, and there are doctors and drugs on the plane."

After shouting, he turned his head and shouted, "Lao Xia, what if he lost his passport?"

The man called Lao Xia shouted loudly: "it doesn't matter whether you have a passport or not. Just prove that you are Chinese. Sing the national anthem, you sing the national anthem!"

Of course, Gao Yang now knows what Abdul's method is, but he looks at two anxious Chinese people sweating all over their heads and the crowd with a concerned face. Gao Yang thinks his behavior is very bad, very bad.

After hesitating for a while, Gao Yang stammered, "in fact, I have nothing to do. You don't have to worry."

The Chinese people holding high said in a hurry, "it's all here. Why do you say this? Are you Chinese? Just sing the national anthem."

"Get up and don't want to be a slave..."

Gao Yang just sang the beginning, not even the first sentence. The Chinese who held him suddenly nodded and said, "OK, stop singing, I'll help you get in quickly."

Gao Yang was half pulled and half pulled to follow the Chinese man in black suit through the boarding gate. At this time, he couldn't help looking back, but saw Abdul waving goodbye to him with a sad and reluctant face. At this time, those Chinese people also stood up and looked at him with concern. Then Gao Yang heard someone singing the national anthem, and soon the national song rang out.

After someone sings the national anthem, it soon becomes a chorus of the national anthem. Limited to the time and place, the National Anthem sung by hundreds of people is not very loud, but it is very powerful.

The National Anthem echoed in his ears. After leaving the boarding gate, Gao Yang was pulled directly to the runway. The runway was empty and there was no plane, but there were many armed personnel with guns and several Chinese people standing there.

After Gao Yang was helped to the side of the runway, four Chinese people immediately ran over. A middle-aged man who looked like he was in his fifties shouted, "what's going on? What's going on? Is there something wrong in the terminal?"

The Chinese man holding Gao Yang shook his head and said, "no, there's nothing going on inside. The young man just arrived at the airport and was attacked outside. Lao Wang, I'll give it to you. I'll go in."

After saying that, the Chinese who helped Gao Yang in nodded to Gao Yang, then turned around and trotted away. Gao Yang said to the Chinese figure, "thank you!"

The middle-aged man called Lao Wang held Gao Yang and said, "you're welcome. This is what we should do. Young man, where were you attacked? Are there any other Chinese?"

Gao Yang couldn't tell what it was like. He said to an anxious old king, "no, just me. I was with some locals. When I came to the airport today, I was surrounded and robbed by a group of people, but my injury looked scary. In fact, there's nothing wrong. You don't have to worry."

Lao Wang said anxiously, "it's all right. Young man, your heart is big enough. Just call me Lao Wang. If you have something to say, hold on. Our plane will arrive soon."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "can our people withdraw?"

Lao Wang nodded firmly and said proudly on his face: "don't worry, as long as one person hasn't left, our action won't end. It's a matter of time. Now our warships are coming, military aircraft are coming, as well as airliners and cruise ships. In short, no one can fall."

Gao Yang sighed, nodded and said, "our country is really strong. I never dreamed of going home on an overseas Chinese evacuation plane."

Lao Wang also sighed: "Yes, we diplomats and you wanderers in foreign countries know best what a strong motherland means to us. I've been in several countries for years. My waist has become thicker and my speech has more weight than before. If something really happens, I don't have to stare like I did. Come on, young man, wait here a moment. The plane will arrive soon. Ah Oh, that's it. "

A plane landed on the runway, slower and slower, and finally stopped right in front of them.

The plane was an Il-76, with the Chinese national flag and military flag painted on its head. At a glance, it could be seen that it was a Chinese plane. Lao Wang smiled happily and pointed to the plane and shouted: "See, our plane, military transport plane, is not as comfortable as an airliner, but it can directly let you go home without changing fields. Also, look at this technology. It stops in front of us every meter."

Gao Yang nodded. He didn't feel anything about the national flag. At this time, he looked at the national flag and military flag on the nose. He didn't know how. Two lines of tears flowed down.

After the plane was stable, Lao Wang patted Gao Yang on the shoulder and said loudly, "young man, don't get excited. You'll be home soon. Go, get on the plane and go home!"

Il-76 was originally a transport plane and there were no seats in the cabin, but in order to evacuate overseas Chinese, the cabin slowed down the temporary seats and filled the cabin. After the hatch at the tail of the plane was opened, Lao Wang directly helped Gao Yang onto the plane.

After letting Gao Yang sit in the front seat, two middle-aged people in white coats took over Gao Yang. Lao Wang just waved to Gao Yang and left immediately, while the two people in white coats directly asked Gao Yang to take off his coat and examine his wound.

Gao Yang was embarrassed to take off his coat. A man in a white coat nervously looked at the wound, but he took a long breath and wiped his sweat: "It's all right, it's all right, young man. Don't worry. Your wound doesn't matter. It looks serious. In fact, the wound is very shallow, and you don't need to sew. You just need to disinfect and take some medicine. The bruise on your heart is more serious, but it's not a problem. I'll deal with the wound first, and then give you some food and water. You can rest after you eat Take a rest and have a good sleep. When you wake up, you will have returned home. "