Chapter 43

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gaoyang's place to go is two blocks away. On weekdays, it only takes about half an hour to walk. However, it took nearly two hours for Gaoyang to get there because they wanted to approach secretly. Fortunately, all the street lights on the street had been extinguished, so that they were protected by darkness.

Gaoyang arrived at their destination at about 2 a.m. when they could see the large building occupied by the armed faction led by sharim from a distance, Gaoyang stopped.

Gaoyang's place is a gathering area of rich people. The target building is not a common local style, but a typical European courtyard. Although the house is a bungalow, it is very tall. Coupled with the area of courtyard green space, it covers an area of at least three or four thousand square meters. The key is that there is a large open space in front of the house and fence. It is very difficult for Gaoyang to approach silently.

Fortunately, the upper part of the structure of the fence is iron fence, and the lower part is brick. As long as they stand up, they can see the situation in the building.

When they were close to the target building 200 meters away, Gao Yang found a dark corner to hide. Then Gao Yang found that although it was already two o'clock in the morning, the lights in the building were bright, and the curtains of most rooms were not closed. Far away, they could see the shadow of people reflected in the windows of the house.

Finding that the enemy had not rested as he expected, Gao Yang felt that things were difficult. He said to groliov, "what do you think? What should we do?"

Groliov observed for a long time with a high telescope, and then whispered, "my suggestion is to kill them directly. I didn't find any sentries, and I don't think these fools will arrange secret sentries. They are too amateur. My idea is to go to the door, throw shells in, then fire, evacuate before they reflect, and then the whole thing is over."

"Is this too risky? There may be a hundred or more people in this building. Moreover, how can we be sure that the murderer sharim is in that room?"

For Gao Yang's question, groliov just smiled and said: "There are only three of us. Are you going to kill him under the siege of more than 100 people after confirming the target? Or kill them all? Please, this is not a movie, and we are not Superman, so it is the right choice to end after maximizing the benefits. After they learn how to fight, we don't even have this opportunity. As for how to ensure the killing It's sharim. I can't help it. You can only expect Fedor's dead to guide us and throw shells into the right house. "

Gao Yang thinks what groliov said is very reasonable. He can't regard himself as an omnipotent God, so he can kill several, and pray that those killed have his goal.

Gao Yang nodded and told Cui Bo about groliov's suggestions. Cui Bo also felt that the only choice was to do things like this. He and Gao Yang wanted revenge, but the premise was that they had to be within their ability and could be realized.

After confirming to strike while the iron is hot and raiding the building occupied by sharim at night, Gao Yang did not act in a hurry, but took the m1a behind him and searched with the infrared sight above.

Anything emitting enough heat can't escape the search of the infrared thermal imager unless he has something to shield the infrared. Gao Yang searches with the sight on the gun and confirms that no one has any sentry outside the building, whether it's an open sentry or a hidden sentry.

As an armed organization and in war, but there is no sentry outside the stronghold, such behavior can only be said to be stupid, but Gao Yang will not be particularly surprised after seeing the ability of these opponents during the day. Especially now, he will only be very happy for the stupidity of the enemy.

They moved to the gate of the building and parked several pickup trucks just across the road facing the gate. These pickup trucks may be from the opposition in the building. They parked directly at the gate for convenience, and these pickup trucks just provided cover for them.

The vehicle is seven or eight meters away from the gate. The distance from the gate to the door is about 20 meters. This distance is not far, but the problem is that the iron door of the gate is closed. I don't know whether it is locked or not.

Gao Yang hid behind the car and discussed what to do next. In view of groliov's rich experience, Gao Yang asked groliov to direct the next action.

Groliov looked up and whispered, "do you know how to use mortars?"

Gao Yang shook his head. He didn't ask Cui Bo. He also knew that Cui Bo couldn't use it like him. They knew more about guns, but they didn't understand shells they had never known or seen.

Groliov thought for a moment and whispered, "well, I'll change my guns with the rabbit, and then we two go inside. See that room? There are a lot of people in it. You block the door of the house, I throw the shells in, and then we evacuate immediately after shooting all the bullets out of the window."

Gao Yang had no better choice. After nodding, he translated groliov's words to Cui Bo. Then Cui Bo gave his M4 to groliov and took groliov's machine gun.

It seems that there is only one gate. Gao Yang thinks that as long as he and Cui Bo work together to seal the gate, no one can rush out. On both sides of the gate, there are four windows, and there seem to be people inside, but the second window on the right side of the door is very large, and the people inside look the most. It should be a big room, So they chose the second window on the right as the target of attack.

Trabb had never used a machine gun, but after asking groliov, he knew how to use it.

Although TREB can't use the machine gun as well as groliov, there should be no problem if he just locks the door.

Groliov carried Cui Bo's M4 behind his back, then took four magazines and put them in the pocket in front of his chest, which was originally a machine gun drum. Gao Yang put down the m1a, put the bullets of the shotgun in the most comfortable position, and then prepared the pistol. Groliov picked up the box containing shells. When they were about to get out of the cover of the pickup truck, they had a sudden accident.

The street suddenly lit up. Gao Yang and groliov immediately retracted their car. Then they heard the sound of the car's engine.

Several cars drove towards Gao Yang with headlights. The street was bright with headlights. Then Gao Yang heard the sound of the door opening and talking. Gao Yang looked under the car, but saw more than a dozen people come out of the house.

More than a dozen people who came out opened the big iron door outside and stood on the street at the door. Several cars didn't stop until they reached the door. With the sound of door opening and closing, Gao Yang saw a lot of feet walking to the door.

"Hi, welcome, friends. How's it going? Did you have a good trip?"

"It's not very smooth, otherwise we would have arrived long ago, and we don't have to let you wait until now. Fortunately, although it's late, we finally arrived. Let me introduce you. This is Cade Freeman, who is entrusted by Mr. Steven to help you. Ha ha, Cade is an elite of the U.S. Army. He is a real homicide expert, and he has brought ten brothers, They just flew over from the United States today. Believe me, with their help to train your people, your people will soon become real soldiers. "

"Wow, Mr. Freeman, I'm so happy that you're willing to come, and I'm honored for it. Please call me sharim. Although it's a pseudonym, it doesn't matter. Ha ha, well, gentlemen, let's talk inside. This is not a place to talk, and you must be tired. Everything in it is ready. Please."

To Gao Yang's surprise, these people talked not only in English, but also he heard sharim's words. Although he couldn't see sharim's face, Gao Yang saw sharim's legs, a strange camouflage pants and ugly boots.

Although he knew who sharim was, the conversation Gao Yang heard made him feel like something big and bad. It doesn't matter how sharim and Taliban got involved together, but how to get involved with Americans again. From sharim's fluent American English, we can know that he must have countless ties with the United States, but these are not important, The important thing is that more than a dozen American veterans also came.

Whether it's special forces or not, American veterans are very different from the mob of the opposition. Gao Yang can't ignore more than 100 opposition dregs with only five combat effectiveness, but can't underestimate the number of retired U.S. troops with only a dozen or so. After all, he and Cui Bolian are not veterans.

When sharim and his gang all entered the house, the gate was quiet again. Groliov looked up and muttered, "Damn it, there are no Americans there."

Gao Yang sighed and said, "now there's trouble. There's big trouble."

After a moment of silence, groliov said in a deep voice, "what are you going to do now? Continue? Give up? Or change the plan and make a new plan."

After hesitating for a moment, Gao Yang said in a deep voice, "according to the original plan, I think I may never have a chance to revenge after tonight."

Groliov agreed with Gao Yang and said in a low voice, "yes, there will be no such cases in the future. They will not improve their defense level immediately when they first come, and they will take advantage of it now when they are most relaxed."

After telling Cui Bo that the original plan remained unchanged, Cui Bo also agreed. Now that there are retired elite to teach these opposition soldiers, it may not be long before they can get close as easily as now.

After seeing the figure walking again on the window of the second room on the right side of the door, and there were more people, Gao Yang and they determined that the target was in that room, and another good news was that the big iron door was open. It seemed to welcome Gao Yang and them in. After waiting for ten minutes, Gao Yang and groliov walked through the open door with light hands and feet.