Chapter 40

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang is not a great hero who can kill seven in and seven out of a million troops, nor is he a true hero who can risk his life only for friends he has met. The only reason why he immediately made up his mind to stay and avenge them after hearing the death of Fedor and Malik is that Gao Yang made two more mistakes.

Gao Yang is a person who doesn't care about anything when his brain is hot. Otherwise, he won't come to Africa. He uses up all his savings just to play with guns in Africa. He must not be a normal person who can do this.

Sitting in the car, Gao Yang just stared out of the window. After the blood straight to the forehead gradually subsided, Gao Yang calmed down and said that it was a lie not to regret. When facing the choice of life and death, the person who is still firm in his heart is certainly not Gao Yang. It is a saint.

Although some regret, it is impossible for Gao Yang to give up revenge for Fedor and Malik. He is just struggling.

Looking at Gao Yang who had been silent, Cui Bo touched Gao Yang with his legs and said, "brother Yang, regret it?"

Gao Yang didn't turn his head and said, "a little."

"I'm sorry, you know I'm like this. Sometimes I'm more than two, but I shouldn't let you come too. I have a brother, but you're the only child, and you've been out for three years. Your family thinks you're dead. If you go back, your parents will be so happy, but I'm impulsive and bring you in."

Gao Yang finally turned his head and stared at Cui Bo for a while. When Cui Bo was restless, Gao Yang slapped Cui Bo on the head.

"You bastard, I've known you for so long. You don't know what my character is? If I weren't like you, I could play with you all the time, fool! I tell you, it has nothing to do with you. I just have to avenge Fedor. Do you have a conflict between homesickness and appointment? Do you have a conflict? You bastard."

After being slapped and scolded by Gao Yang, Cui Bo was not angry, but laughed and said: "You don't blame me. In fact, if you don't come, I'm really not sure. I'm going to shoot a cold gun in the distance and kill several. Now let's hang those opponents together. I'll do them tonight. Hey, hey, the most important thing is, it's much better for me to know you weren't dragged down by me, so I don't have to feel too guilty if you die."

Hearing Cui Bo's words, Gao Yang was itchy with anger and raised his hand to slap Cui Bo on the head.

"You idiot dead rabbit, say something lucky can die! Depressed, I won't die. If you die, I won't die. Say something lucky, hurry up!"

Cui Bo is really easy to make two mistakes. Gao Yang has known this for several years, so when he talks to Cui Bo, he calls himself brother when he is happy, and becomes Lao Tzu when he is angry. Cui Bo also knows that he is really easy to say stupid words. He has long been used to Gao Yang's language attack and body attack.

"Bah, bah, bah, children's words are not taboo. When the wind blows away, we must be safe and secure. Ah, no, we are safe and secure. We will succeed soon and kill those sons of bitches."

Gao Yang was so happy with Cui Bo's anger that he shook his head helplessly and said, "you two goods, I'm really convinced. Look where this is. If it's not far away, we have to get off early."

Gaoyang's car was the one that opposed sending them to the airport. The driver didn't know what Gaoyang was going to do, so he pulled them back. However, Gaoyang didn't want to take the car directly to Fedor's store. It was too noisy.

Cui Bo looked out and said, "it's almost here. Walk for ten minutes. Let's get off now."

He said hello to the driver and asked the driver to stop the car. Gao Yang and the three of them got out of the car and watched the car drive away. Then they hung up their things and kept alert and went to the destination.

Gao Yang didn't know when to launch the attack, but they had to know the situation first. At least they had to know who the enemy was, so he decided to come back overnight.

Because it was night and close combat, he and Cui Bo's sniper rifle were useless. Both of them carried the sniper rifle behind them, and then held his shotgun high, while Cui Bo held his M4. The three opened a distance of ten meters and walked quickly towards the target.

In the evening, gunshots rang everywhere in Benghazi, but there was no fighting there. What was rare was that the city was in a mess and the street lights were still on. The difference from usual was that there was no pedestrian on the road, which seemed empty.

After a short walk, Gao Yang turned to the small street where the shop was located. There were no street lights in the street, and no lights were on in the houses on both sides. The whole street was dark.

After reaching the street, the rabbit in front raised his right hand and made a stop. When Gao Yang and they quickly converged together, and then squatted down in a dark corner, Cui Bo whispered, "you'll arrive less than 300 meters ahead. You can't see anything here. Take the night vision."

After entering the darkness from a bright place, it will be dark for a while, but Gao Yang can see things nearby after they adapt to the darkness for a while, but the battle is a little difficult. Gao Yang feels that they really have to bring a night vision.

Gao Yang has a helmet type night vision instrument in their hands, which is just in use at this time. At this time, the infrared sight on Gao Yang's gun is useless in close combat because the field of vision is too small.

The night vision instrument was hung on Cui Bo's backpack. After Cui Bo took off the night vision instrument, Gao Yang reached for it and whispered, "I'm a top soldier, you cover."

Cui Bo whispered, "no, I'll be a top soldier. You cover. You're the only child."

The danger of a top soldier is the highest. If you walk in the front, you have to rush up first when you attack. Of course, it will be the most dangerous.

Gao Yang didn't scold Cui Bo, but whispered, "OK, be a top soldier. Come on, take off your glasses and put on your night vision."

Gao Yang's words made Cui Bo wilt immediately. Cui Bo's eyes were his eternal pain. Both eyes were 500 degrees myopia. He was blind when he took off his glasses at night, but he couldn't bring a night vision without taking off his glasses.

Cui Bo immediately withered and didn't speak. After Gao Yang brought the night vision to his head, he finally couldn't help but say a word.

"Before you speak next time, go over your head and grab a night vision instrument for myopia."

Cui Bo, who was hit, sighed long, full of sadness and helplessness.

After Gao Yang turned on the night vision instrument, his left eye immediately saw the green picture. There was no one in the street and looked very safe. Gao Yang touched the position of the shotgun on the combat vest, then pulled out the pistol on his thigh and opened the insurance.

1911 is an old gun. It can only shoot with one action, that is, it can't open the insurance like a modern pistol. After pulling the trigger, it has to pull the sleeve to open the hammer.

Gao Yang loaded the bullet, let the hammer open, opened the insurance, and prepared to fire at any time. Then put the pistol into the holster, and then put the buckle on the holster into the gap between the opened hammer and the gun body. This not only ensures that the pistol will not go off, but also ensures that the gun can be fired at the first time.

After making all the preparations, he said a word of action in a high and low voice, stood up and walked forward slowly. Cui Bo and groliov were behind him. The three stood in a pin shape and walked forward quickly.

At the door of Fedor's shop, Gao Yang stopped.

The bodies of Fedor and Malik were hung at the door. Two ropes wrapped around their necks and hung on the rolling gate of the door. The bodies were covered with dried blood, knife edges all over their bodies, and the faces distorted by pain and fear on the faces of the two bodies, indicating that they died in extreme pain.

The high anger burst in an instant. Now he just wants to find the murderer and blow them into meat sauce.

The store door was open but not closed. Gao Yang was very familiar with the terrain in the store. He slowly put his head close to the door and looked inside. The store was in a mess, but the things in the store were not swept away, which made Gao Yang very strange. He thought it would be looted here.

After seeing that there was no one on the first floor, Gao Yang made a gesture to Cui Bo and groliov. After indicating that there was no one on the first floor, he approached them and whispered, "there is no one on the first floor, but I heard someone talking on the second floor. Let's go up and have a look. Be careful, you two. The ground is very chaotic. Follow my footsteps."

Gao Yang had to say the same thing twice because Cui Bo didn't understand English and groliov obviously didn't understand Chinese.

After explaining the two people, Gao Yang walked in front and walked to the stairs. After Cui Bo and groliov were in place, Gao Yang took a deep breath, raised the shotgun, prepared to shoot at any time, and slowly walked up the stairs.

Gao Yang tried not to make a sound. When he got to the second floor, Gao Yang saw some lights from the crack in the door of Fedor's and Malik's bedroom. It seems that there are people in both rooms, and Gao Yang can also hear the voice from the room.

Gao Yang stopped for a moment. When both Cui Bo and groliov came to him, Gao Yang made a gesture, indicating that he and Cui Bo rushed into a room respectively, while groliov was outside the door. He supported the room to see which room was unfavorable. After confirming the assigned room to attack, Gao Yang took a deep breath, raised his hand and made a gesture to prepare for the attack.

After waving his hand, Gao Yang rushed out. He chose Malik's room. It sounded more crowded. At this time, there was no need to consider the problem of making a sound. Gao Yang rushed to the door as fast as possible, and then kicked the door open.