Chapter 20

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang soon taught the chief how to use the gun. The AK47 rifle has this advantage. It is simple and easy to learn.

As one of the most popular rifles in the world for extremely illiterate people, in Africa, for whatever reason, the rifle is exposed to the sun and rain and is tortured by all kinds. Even if it is rusty enough to only see the shape of a gun, AK47 can be used. It's really suitable to give it to the akuri tribe.

As like as two peas, the animal was shot and killed by a high flying goat. The shooting antelope was exactly the same as the one who was eaten by a leopard. It was only slightly smaller. Professor Barker told him that it was a water antelope and not what rare animal it was.

Gao Yang doesn't care if he shoots any rare animals, but Professor buck cares very much.

Gao Yang taught the chief how to shoot. Soon, the chief and the four of them could accurately hit the key part of the dead antelope at a distance of 40 or 50 meters. Instead, Gao Yang spent more than two hours in order to teach them how to clean the gun, how to protect the elasticity of the spring in the magazine, and so on.

It took less than three hours to teach several extremely illiterate people to master AK47. Gao Yang's time is almost the average in the world. If Gao Yang is irresponsible, he only needs to let the chiefs learn to shoot and change bullets, this time can be reduced to less than five minutes.

After the chiefs were taught to use guns and let them go back to the tribe, Gao Yang and his party finally began to take action. Morgan and his son had a car, Gao Yang and Professor Buck had five people and a car, heading for Malakal.

In fact, Gao Yang once wanted to let Professor buck and Morgan and his son act separately, but now only Morgan and his son have a GPS. Without GPS, no one can find the way to Malakal. In addition, even if Professor buck acts alone, they may not be immune from attack, so they finally rush together.

Because they were divided into two cars, Gao Yang gave the walkie talkie given to him by Professor Barker to Morgan and his son, so that the two cars could contact during the journey. Of course, they changed the frequency and were not afraid of being monitored.

According to GPS, Gao Yang's straight-line distance from Malakal is 150 kilometers, but the car can't travel in a straight line, so Gao Yang estimates that they can't reach Malakal until after dark at the earliest, and he has to pray that there will be no more attacks on the road.

At the beginning, it went very smoothly. Although it needed to bypass some obstacles, the car basically drove in a straight line to Malakal. However, after driving more than 30 kilometers, the last news Gao Yang wanted to hear came.

"I know why they found us. Look at the sky."

Bob shouted at his throat on the walkie talkie. Gao Yang looked up and saw a small plane in the sky, and Gao Yang immediately found something wrong. The small plane has been doing S-shaped maneuvers for only one purpose, namely investigation.

After a dark scold, Gao Yang shouted to Daniel driving: "speed up, we're being watched. There's a plane in the sky."

After discovering the two cars on the ground, Gao Yang's small plane has been circling in the air, always following Gao Yang over them and refused to leave. Gao Yang looks at it and gets angry, but Gao Yang can only look at it in the sky, but there is nothing he can do.

At this time, Morgan's voice came from the walkie talkie, "Gao Yang, my people have heard that the Dinka will send someone to pick us up into Malakal. As long as we can meet them, we will be safe, but before that, we have to rely on ourselves."

"Yes, but how can we get rid of the plane above us? If we are followed by the plane all the time, I'm afraid we will be caught up before we get to Malakal."

"My father participated in the Korean War, so I always have respect for the Chinese soldiers. You are very good at creating miracles in the case of unfavorable equipment. I'd like to know if you can solve this problem."

"I can't help it. I can't shoot off the plane with a rifle. Another thing you're wrong? I'm not a soldier. I haven't been a soldier."

"Are you not a soldier? Judging from your performance last night, I always think you are an elite soldier who has experienced many battles."

Gao Yang said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I've been through a hundred battles, but it's just a wargame. I'm just a military fan. I'm not a soldier, let alone an elite, so I can't give you a satisfactory and professional answer."

"Wow, your performance is too magical. I can't believe you're just a military fan. Let me guess, are you a Chinese agent? Just kidding, let me think of another way."

There was a temporary silence in the walkie talkie. After more than ten minutes, Morgan's voice rang again, "Good news, I finally found out who attacked us. The attackers were Nuer people from the Sudan People's Liberation Front, but their threat was not great. The biggest threat to us was a mercenary regiment called vulture, which had about 50 members and was very active in the first belt of Central Africa."

"Mr. Morgan, what's the use of knowing who attacked us now?"

"Of course, as like as two peas, the vulture mercenary regiment is created by a nickname called vulture. This guy is similar to his nickname. If the prey loses the ability to resist, he will rush up. If the prey is alive, even if it is weak, the vultures will not play. This guy and his mercenary regiment are never good at fighting hard. They are just one. A group of soft eggs who bully the weak. As long as I can get in touch with the vultures, I can let the vultures go away with his mercenary regiment. If only the Nuer people are left, it's much easier to deal with it, but I need time. My people are trying to get in touch with the vultures. Now I just hope the vultures' satellite phone hasn't been turned off. "

"Don't you have a walkie talkie from the vulture mercenary regiment? Why don't you try it?"

"I've tried, but I can't. They've changed the frequency. Now they can only find out his satellite phone number. It should be found out. It just takes time. As long as I find his phone, I can let people put enough pressure on him."

After hearing Morgan's words, Gao Yang suddenly remembered one thing. If the guy who used to talk to him on the walkie talkie was a vulture, the vulture may still keep the communication frequency of the walkie talkie in the photography team. Although there is little hope, he always has to try to know the result.

Gao Yang and Professor Barker asked for the frequency of the walkie talkie they used, and then adjusted the walkie talkie in his hand to the previous frequency. Gao Yang pressed the launch button, "call vultures, please answer, call vultures, if you receive, please answer, this is very important."

A few minutes later, the walkie talkie was quiet. Gao Yang was disappointed. After calling again several times, Gao Yang felt that the vulture could not receive his call. When he was trying to change the frequency back, a voice suddenly came from the walkie talkie.

"Who is looking for me, primitive man, is it you? I'm more and more curious about you. If you don't die later, I think we'll have a chance to meet, but I'm sorry to tell you, I'll peel off your skin myself."

Gao Yang was so excited that he ignored the threat of vultures. After stopping, he shouted to the walkie talkie, "wait, someone wants to talk to you."

After the two cars stopped, Gao Yang jumped out of the car, waved the walkie talkie and ran to Morgan's car, shouting, "come on, get in touch with the vulture. Come and talk to him."

After a surprised look at Gao Yang, Morgan Jie took over the walkie talkie, thought for a moment, and said in a dignified voice: "Is it a vulture? I'm your target, Morgan. It seems that your employer didn't tell you the identity of the person you want to kill. Well, now let me tell you, you're in big trouble. After I contact my people by satellite phone, whether you kill me or not, you'll die. I promise I'll kill you and your family in Cape Town. Let me think, um, your wife Son, your two sons, ah, and the two dogs and a horse you like, do you want me to say their names, Mr. Jan van leebeck? "

After Mr. Morgan said a lot of words, the voice from the other end of the walkie talkie was no longer arrogant, but said nervously, "who the hell are you? How do you know my name?"

Mr. Morgan smiled contemptuously, "Don't ask such stupid questions. If you don't want to be chased by ten mercenaries, and if you don't want to hear the death of your wife and children today, I think you'd better get out of here quickly and tell me your phone number. Someone will call you to confirm that I'm not scaring you. My patience is limited. I'll give you ten minutes. If you exceed the time limit, you'll be responsible for the consequences."

Obviously, Morgan was in trouble, but when Morgan talked to the vulture, he not only showed great toughness, but also had a full atmosphere. Obviously, it was not even talking. The vulture didn't ask Morgan to wait more. He didn't even wait for ten seconds, so he reported a phone number.

Mr. Morgan picked up a satellite phone from the car. After calling and reporting the vulture's number, he hung up without saying anything more.

Looking at Gao Yang's puzzled and adoring eyes, Morgan shrugged and said with a smile: "there's no way. My strength here is limited, so I can only use threat and intimidation. Otherwise, we can wait here quietly for someone to pick us up."

Gao Yang doesn't think that Morgan's strength is limited. It hasn't been a long time since last night. He just made a few phone calls, checked the bottom of the vulture in a short time, and contacted someone to pick it up. The energy shown by Morgan is enough to shock Gao Yang.

Looking at Professor Barker, he is also a celebrity in the United States, but he has contacted several places through Mr. Morgan's phone, whether in the United States or the embassy, or the National Geographic Channel, and no one can provide useful help. It's not that no one cares about the life and death of Professor Barker's crew. The only problem is that it's out of reach Before the help provided by the local government arrived, I'm afraid Professor Barker had become corpses.

In fact, Gao Yang also called. As early as the first time, he contacted his parents in China with Morgan's satellite phone. Unfortunately, one of his parents' calls was in arrears, and the other couldn't be connected. It was like this many times, so that Gao Yang finally had a chance, but he couldn't contact his parents. As for the phone number of Gao Yang's friends, it's a pity It doesn't exist in his mind, but on his mobile phone, so that he can't make a phone call with China now.

However, after trying several times and being unable to connect, Gao Yang can only restrain his urgency to talk to his parents, and he feels it's not too late to call again when it's safe. In case he can't escape this disaster, wouldn't it make his parents fall into greater grief after having a good time in the air.