V7.Chapter 21

At last, the Yin Qi completely dissipated. The street lights outside flashed one by one, and the lights in the room also came on. The whole villa area was already at night, silent like a mysterious town in the remote mountains.

Xianyu rehabilitation team began to send the people lying in the border back to their houses one by one, and had to do a lot of brainwashing. I feel that we are Chinese people in black. Should I wear a black suit or something?

I put away the border to see Yan Guodong's wife: "sorry, Mr. Yan I can't come back. He's possessed by a devil. " Having done so many tasks, I have no choice but to live or die.

"Well..." Yan Guodong's wife choked for a while and finally cried uncontrollably. Yan Mingxiang hugged his mother tightly and began to cry.

I didn't understand the four words of love hate entanglement before, but I always found that a family husband, wife and children always fall into the four words of love hate entanglement.

Yan Guodong didn't leave any last words, such as the house for you, or how much money to give to whom, only two words, one sentence: sorry

One sentence: I love you

After listening, there is always infinite emotion and melancholy in my heart.

But when Mo Ming and Jie and I came to this family, we only felt the hatred.

Mo Ming, Jie and I have been quietly with Yan Mingxiang and his mother. The aftercare staff of Xianyu told me that Yan Guodong's death will be treated as myocardial infarction, because Yan Guodong's heart has hidden trouble, so this death is easy to deal with. And Yan Guodong's body has been repaired, and repaired into the symptoms of myocardial infarction, Xianyu's aftercare forces can be described as well intentioned.

"You Why do you know that? " I couldn't help asking Yan Mingxiang's mother gently. She wiped her tears and looked at me: "my family name is Zhang..."

I was stunned. In the mortal world, the surname Zhang represents a mysterious group.

She took a deep breath and calmed down: "Xiao Xiang has a cousin named Zhang Susu."

"Black girl?" what the hell! They are black sister's relatives!

"Yes. But I didn't inherit the family's mana, only Yin and Yang eyes, so Xiao Xiang also has some Yin and Yang eyes She looks at Yan Mingxiang. Yan Mingxiang looks at his mother in a daze. It's like he suddenly becomes a member of a mysterious family overnight.

"I just want him to live an ordinary life like an ordinary child, so..." She looked at us, only her mother's worries in her eyes. "Please remove his Yin and Yang eyes and erase his memory."

"Ma! How can you

"Click!" Before Yan Mingxiang finished speaking, I had already flashed him with my camera. I respect the wishes of my mothers very much.

Yan Mingxiang's mother gave me a grateful smile, reached out and hugged Yan Mingxiang, who was paralyzed, sobbing

Some people want to be immortal, but others just want to live an ordinary life.

I told the people who took care of Yan Mingxiang. They knew this situation and needed more brainwashing. So they brainwashed Yan Mingxiang more deeply. When we left, Yan Mingxiang was still asleep.

Mo Ming and Jie and I left Yulin mansion on foot. The mountain wind was very fresh, and we didn't feel the ghost's Yin Qi in the area.

The bright moon is in the sky. The clear moonlight lights up the road in front of us. An ambulance whistles past us and goes to Yan Mingxiang's home.

"Ah ~ ~ ~" I stretched, "it's finally over ~ ~"

"look at the credits!" Mo Ming only cares about my credits.

I lazily took out a look, Oh le shit, two ten thousand!

"Because I didn't intervene this time, so all these credits belong to you." Mo Ming is happy for me.

"Let me see, too." Jay came up again.

I immediately put away my mobile phone and jumped up happily: "Oh ~ ~ ~ ~ I can definitely go back to Xianyu!" I turned and jumped on the guardrail beside the mountain road, shouting, "my Xia Xiaolan will come back --" Lang Lang's voice echoed in the middle of the mountain.

"Be careful!" Mo Ming reminds me angrily.

I walked triumphantly on the guardrail in the moonlight, like stepping on the ground steadily: "I won't fall, you see!" I hopped on the railings, my power on my toes, like walking on the ground. I jumped up, my body as light as a monkey. I hopped twice, trying to roll forward.

"Xiao Lan!" Mo Ming nervously followed me. I stood on the railing and grinned: "are you finished, master?"

Mo Ming blinked, black eyes across a touch of green light, proud and proud: "you call my master let me very happy, from tomorrow, I will continue to train you!"

I'll go. I'm not thanking him for continuing to torture me. I immediately pointed to Jay: "who will come to see him?"

Jie a face inexplicable, point to oneself: "look at me, I will be very good." Although he looks innocent, I don't believe it.

I squat down on the guardrail and squint at Jie. Moming also leans on me and stares at Jie with me.

Jie Meili's big double eyelids blinked and blinked: "you What are you looking at? "I squinted at him and said, "who are you? How do you know Mr. Jiang Yan? "

"Does he know Jiang Yan?" Mo Ming said that he was a little surprised, and then said solemnly, "Jiang Yan is a rigid God family, and rigid God family has a lot of water. It's not strange to know the Western God family!"

Er The impression of the wolf gods on the stiff gods is really bad. In fact, the elder Jiang Yan is not so good

"Woo A car passed us quickly, and the light swept the three of us. I stood up and prepared to open a door for myself. Hehe, we still have the old man of void. The function of void can travel in the same space.

"Squeak!" Suddenly, the car that passed us suddenly stopped, and then slowly reversed back, and then stopped. Someone opened the door and ran out, looking at me in surprise: "Xiao Lan! What are you doing here? "

I also looked at him in surprise. Beijing is so small! Can you meet Chen Zihan like this?!

"Bang!" Another door sound, it's our school flower! She's here, too? Hi, I'm such a pig brain. They're lovers, of course.

Yu Lingling was also surprised to stand by the car and look at me. Then she saw Chen Zihan suddenly run to me, as if she didn't see the two big living people next to me. Without saying a word, she pulled me down from the railing: "you're too dangerous! Come down to me Then he began to scold me, "how can you walk on that! What if you fall? This is not a place for you to play, and what time is it now? You are here alone... "

"I'm not alone. I'm with my brother." I pointed to me, "don't you see them?"

Chen Zihan then regained his mind and subconsciously looked at both sides of me. When he saw the two handsome fried goods on both sides of me, he was stunned.

And Yu Lingling by the door of the car was stunned.

"Hello, I'm Jay!" Jie warmly shook hands with Chen Zihan, "I'm Xiao Lan's man, pet."

"Roll the calf!" After I kicked Jie in the waist, he looked at me with a smile: "Oh! I think this kind of appellation is very interesting ~ ~ "these two forces actually began to use the accent of foreigners learning Chinese! Before Ming Ming spoke fluent Mandarin, "in our foreign countries ~ ~ there is no such fun ~ ~ call my male friend my husband ~ ~ I like the name of man, pet ~ ~"

"speak well!" Mo Ming can't help it at last!

And Jie has come up, and familiar to embrace Chen Zihan's shoulder: "his name is mo Ming, identity is one of Xiao Lan's husband!"

Mo Ming was stunned, but then he reached out to hold the stiff hand of Chen Zihan and said seriously: "not bad! I am one of Xiao Lan's husbands now. I know you. You are his classmate in high school, but you have a girlfriend. Please keep a distance with Xiao Lan... "

"Get out of here, too!" I can't bear to kick Mo Ming. Mo Ming dodges gracefully and still looks at Chen Zihan solemnly: "Xiao Lan has always been rude. I think you know that."

Mo Ming's tone is like the present talking to his predecessor.

"But I like such a girl. I don't think any boy in the world can match her." Mo Ming's expression in the moonlight is as serious as his confession, which makes me lose my mind and fall into his vivid performance.

Chen Zihan in the words of Moming suddenly look back, funny to see Moming: "so, you also don't deserve, because, you are a mortal." With that, he sank his face and suddenly came to pull me, "Xiao Lan, I'll see you off."

"Ah?" I was stunned.

He came to pull me, I flashed, his hand was immediately held by Mo Ming, Jie in the side of a bad smile, raised his hand to take my shoulder, I pushed away, he innocently stick to.

"You don't have to send it." Mo Ming said deeply.

Chen Zihan looks at Mo Ming. Mo Ming looks at Chen Zihan. Jie and I are leaning aside. What's the matter? I'm still a little confused. Why can I meet Chen Zihan every time I go down to earth? This ape dung!

Like us, Yu Lingling, who was standing beside her, finally regained her mind and ran up in a hurry. She took Chen Zihan by the arm: "Zihan, other boyfriends say they will give him away.

"Where's the car?" Chen Zihan asked coldly. He didn't see him for a year. He felt that Chen Zihan was more like a man and completely took away the childishness of boys. He looked at me anxiously, "it's hard to get a taxi here so late. Let's see you off."

"Who said I didn't have a car." Mo Ming raised his hand. I grabbed his hand and lowered my voice: "don't use magic. It's not a big deal. It's not a matter of minutes if you want to go back. The problem is that mortals are here now!"

Mo Ming twisted his eyebrows and lowered his face to show a look of remorse: "I'm impulsive. I'm provoked by this man!" He finally calmed down and looked at Chen Zihan seriously: "OK, please send us."

Chen Zihan seemed relieved and laughed. I was just about to ask Jie to get on the bus. The guy had already waved to us at the door: "quick ~ ~"

fortunately, Chen Zihan's car is a three compartment truck with enough space. The back parking space is quite spacious for the three of us. I am also surprised to meet Chen Zihan at this time and place.

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