A few steps away on the other side of the stone, there is a yellow oil lamp, and an empty bowl on one side.

I don't know if it's a stone chamber or a mountain. But on closer inspection, it seems to be more inclined to the mountains.

In a trance, she seemed to be in hell, but with the sudden sound, she suddenly woke up.


On the stones at the top of the space, water drops gather from time to time and then fall down. It's a little crisp and pleasant to hear that "tick" hits the stones below.

Only the place where she lies is relatively dry because it is inclined above.

There is no moisture-proof treatment. Maybe this place is near the water source. There is no trace of artificial excavation. It should be a natural cave.

Zhao Wanxi covered her chest and sat up slowly, trying to reach out her hand, just as a drop of water came down.

The cold feeling is very obvious and refreshing.

No, it's not a dream, it's not an illusion, it's just that she's not dead.

It seems that he was saved?

Zhao Wanxi lowered her eyes and swept her clean clothes. She raised her hand and touched the bandages under her clothes. She was absent-minded for a moment.

Her wound has been treated by someone. It should be a good powder, a little like her new medicine.

Even the bandage is also very professional, not tight, not easy to loose, not to hinder the circulation of blood, affect the recovery of injury. Her rescuers really don't want her to die.

Who are you?

This conjecture has just been generated, and another idea intrudes into Zhao Wanxi's mind.

Queen Xiqi finally said that there were only two ways for her to go, either to die or

In this case, it should not be A cold sweat comes from a cold shock. Fortunately, soon, with a light voice full of surprise, Zhao Wanxi, who was almost a frightened bird, was successfully pulled back from hell.

"Master, are you awake at last? Excellent! How're you feeling now? Are you hungry? Thirsty or not? Would you like something to eat first? "

Zhao Wanxi

This person doesn't follow the normal process. When the injured wake up, should he ask?

However, her nerves were really relaxed, even on her face, she reluctantly burst out a sincere smile.


It's ok if you don't open your mouth. When you open your mouth, it just hurts.

It's not the wound. It's the lip. It's a bit of a rip. Even his voice seemed to have been scratched by some sharp weapon. He was dry and hoarse, and it was very difficult to pronounce.

Zhao Wanxi is a doctor, and she knows what causes this situation.

In addition, since Chu Liuli was the one who took care of her after she was rescued, she must have been more attentive. It's impossible for her not to notice her dry mouth, so she had a very bad guess in her heart.

With all kinds of discomfort, I can't wait.

"Li'er, how long have I been in a coma?"

Seeing his master wake up, he was left in the palace by Zhao Wanxi before, and didn't bring it into the palace, so Chu Liuli, who didn't encounter the crisis, came into use at the critical moment.

Finally, when the seriously injured master wakes up, she forgets her hesitation for a moment and is only happy.

As a result, Zhao Wanxi immediately pulled her back to reality with a stiff face.

But he said, "I can't bear to take care of myself this time. Otherwise, if you leave any disease, you will suffer in the future. I'm going to cook medicine. Now we're going to... "

A lot of nagging words, very inconsistent with her character, obviously disguised.

In addition, Zhao Wanxi's consciousness is still a little chaotic when she first wakes up. It should not be so difficult to be fooled.

But she was worried, almost subconsciously aware of each other's intention, a not very clear heart, heavy down.

"How is Ao?"

Nagging Chu Liuli, suddenly stopped talking, murmured, and finally decayed.

The tone is a little stuffy.

"Excuse me, madam, my subordinates..."

With this beginning, we can also guess the next content.

For a moment, Zhao Wanxi felt as if she had been taken away from her whole body and couldn't hold on any longer. His body fell back involuntarily and leaned against Shibi mountain. He closed his eyes and gasped a few times. Then he could not stop shaking.

"Say it

The intonation is not high, but it has its own harshness.

Hearing the words, Chu Liuli no longer dare to hide anything. She tells all about what happened after Zhao Wanxi was injured and unconscious.

It turns out that since Zhao Wanxi was detained that day, Chu Liuli has been worried. After several days of planning, she sneaks in through the loophole of Xiqi palace.

But just in time.At that time, the explosion on the other side of Weiyang palace had already happened. She had to take care of Zhao Wanxi's side first and rescue people in the chaos.

"Excuse me, madam, because the explosion on the other side of Weiyang palace was so fierce that it really shocked people inside and outside the capital. Even if my subordinates want to explore, they can't get close at all. "

In fact, even if it was close, the whole palace was razed to the ground under that kind of explosion, even many surrounding buildings were affected, and the number of casualties was immeasurable. It was impossible to find one or two of them by her alone.

In the end, I didn't dare to say my guess.

"What's more, the situation on your side was really in crisis at that time. My subordinates can't stand by, they can only look at one side first."

At the end of the speech, Chu Liuli's tone was a little.

"I hurt empress naxiqi, but I think her life will not be long."

The fatal injury was not caused by her hand, but by the inhalation of purple smoke.

This Zhao Wanxi has a good idea. She didn't intend to ask.

When I closed my eyes, I felt that my chest was pressed down by something. My breathing was very difficult, and I had an inexplicable pain.

"After you entered the palace that day, someone secretly guided you to Tangong?"

Xiqi palace is not small. After all, Chu Liuli came here for the first time. No matter how powerful she was, it was impossible to find her place all at once.

Listen to his master so a question, Chu Liuli really can't insist on, the expression a little bit collapse.

"Yes, yes The people arranged by the Lord also said that the LORD left an order, saying that no matter what happened, it was the first thing for the master to protect his life! "

Because she could fully understand Zhao Wanxi's mood at this moment, Chu Liuli's voice was very low.

"After that, my subordinates sneaked into the explosion site, but the damage was so serious that the whole Weiyang palace was flat and had not been cleared up. In addition, there are also changes in the palace. The people of Prince Shen Ouyang Nanyu sneak in secretly. They seem to have mastered most of the palace defense secretly and are already trying to rescue King Xiqi. "