It sounds reasonable. No one is innocent.

After all, under the circumstances at that time, how could you keep calm? I didn't kill people directly. It's very well controlled.

At that time, I didn't expect that there would be such a follow-up. They were beating people to death.

At the thought of the original situation

Chu Liuli felt guilty when she was stabbed in the pain. She clenched her lips and bit her teeth. Without further consideration, she turned her head and entered the room with a basin.

Huang Qi left behind. He didn't know what he thought of. He glanced at her back, then quickly turned away from her and left.

Not far away, a few big men watched the door open, almost rushed directly, and then saw that the people who came out soon went in again, with an expression of disappointment.

Because the bearded man surnamed Xie was so seriously injured that he had to mend his bones and tendons. After all the wounds were treated, Zhao Wanxi's operation took nearly two hours.

She was so tired that she could hardly sit.

Fortunately, there is a Chu glaze.

After dealing with the important part, Zhao Wanxi gave her the rest of the wrapping and opened the door.

Outside the sky, it was dark.

The light in the room is bright. Suddenly it's so dark. It's a little uncomfortable. I can't help squinting.

When I opened it after I got used to it, I saw a tall figure in front of me. I raised my hand and rubbed her temple. I could see that I was worried.

"It's over?"

The voice is low and soft, as if it can bring endless motivation.

Zhao Wanxi originally wanted to smile at him, but the corners of her mouth were a little heavy. She couldn't mention it at all, so she gave up.

She was tired, but her face was a little dull.

Just at this moment, I saw the figure flashing, and several big men who had been guarding outside could not restrain themselves, so they leaned over.

When he wanted to ask and had some scruples, he finally came out and said in a low voice: "I dare to ask you, elder brother Xie, but Is it all right? "

How can it be OK after such a serious injury?

It's just that she has done what she can, and the rest depends on his personal resistance and resilience.

With the light pouring out from the door of the room, Zhao Wanxi could not help but look at the expression on those faces.

It is extremely inconsistent with his fierce appearance.

It's not hard to see that these people, at least, are quite loyal.

Inexplicably, Zhao Wanxi had a little favor. She stepped forward, but when she moved, she felt weak.

Passing by others, Leng junao saw this. He took a step to hold people up, and covered the bottom of his eyes. He didn't care about the other people who were waiting for the result. He only said in a steady voice: "it's not going well?"

Only these three simple words, originally can barely press the bottom of my heart anxious a few men, face suddenly changed.

Zhao Wanxi was discontented and took the initiative to appease her.

"No, it's going well. More than two hours later, people will wake up at dawn.

You don't have to keep all of them. If you can make room, you'd better cook something for him. When you wake up, you'll have a good stomach and replenish your nutrition and physical strength. "

It's reasonable to say that the most needed thing is medicinal materials.