In the morning, Zhao Wanxi dressed Leng Jun and went to the morning court.

After Leng junao left, Zhao Wanxi looked at the bright yellow Junting's figure and didn't say anything for a long time.

Joan stood behind her and reminded her, "madam, the emperor has gone. It's windy outside. You'd better come in quickly."

But Joan was happy from the bottom of her heart.

Looking at the empress like this, she should have been kind to the emperor. In Joan's heart, Zhao Wanxi and Leng junao should be the most loving couple.

Hearing the speech, Zhao Wanxi turned and entered the room. Then she took a pair of embroidery pictures and sat there earnestly embroidering.

Joan stood behind her and gave her a hand.

Zhao Wanxi bowed her head, still did not forget to ask: "have you sent the things to Changjing palace?"

Joan replied, "I sent it. According to my mother's order, I ordered everything and sent it to her."

After this conversation, the room was quiet again.

Zhao Wanxi's embroidery is the last point. She embroidered a pair of mandarin ducks playing in the water. The two necks of the two mandarin ducks crisscross with each other. They have a very good feeling.

She took the scissors, cut the last thread, raised the embroidery in the air, looked up to appreciate it carefully, and said with satisfaction, "OK."

Looking at the two vivid mandarin ducks, Joan couldn't help praising them: "the embroidery work done by the empress is really unparalleled in the world. It's really the envy of the maidservant."

This is not a compliment, but a sincere feeling. In today's world, Zhao Wanxi is the only one who can do cloud embroidery. Every piece of embroidery is priceless.

Zhao Wanxi looked back and handed the embroidery to Joan. "Here you are. You can give it to your sweetheart as a token of love."

Joan was surprised and didn't raise her hand to pick it up. She blushed and said, "what's your mother talking about? Where's your sweetheart... "

Her face flushed and her tongue curled up when she spoke.

When Zhao Wanxi saw that she didn't accept it, she didn't force it. The corners of her lips were slightly raised. She joked with a mischievous smile: "Joan, there's no outsider here. Tell me about it with my palace honestly. How's your relationship with Mu Si?"

By the master's point, Joan's face turned red and stammered.

Zhao Wanxi looks at this appearance, the smile of the corner of her lips is more profound: "let you answer good or bad, is it so difficult to speak?"

As the mother of three children, of course, the other two children do not know whether it is her or not. Zhao Wanxi can only sigh that this girl is too shy.

"Well Good

Joan bowed her head, as thin as a mosquito. She wished she could bury her head under the ground. She was even more shy.

"Since you have a good relationship with Mu Si..."

The smile on Zhao Wanxi's face suddenly subsided and turned to a serious face. She looked at Joan solemnly: "Joan, there's something The palace will send you to do it. "

The rudeness on Joan's face slowly receded, and she looked at her master's eyes and said, "what does the queen want to let the maid do?"

In the face of her doubts, Zhao Wanxi smiles and hooks her fingers. Joan's girl is still at a loss. She brings her head close to her with doubts on her face

Zhao Wanxi whispered a few words in her ear. Joan's eyes opened slightly and nodded repeatedly.