Zhao Wanxi casually glanced at the crowd behind her, with thoughtful eyes at the bottom of her eyes. Someone was following her and watching her.

It's very normal for the people in black who have just been demobilized. She knows that they will never give up so soon.

Night fell.

Dark night without a bit of moonlight and starlight, for fireworks to provide a good condition.

Zhao Wanxi went out of her way to find a place with few people to watch the fireworks with Joan. As long as the fireworks go up high, no matter where they are, they can be seen.

Regardless of any etiquette, she reached out and lifted her robe. She found a flat place and sat down cross legged.

The moment she sat down, she was all loose.

It's like

Like this, she is the real one. That in the palace, everywhere scrupulously abides by the etiquette she, was only fettered.

This kind of feeling is very wonderful, Zhao Wanxi herself can't say why.

Just after sitting down, a huge roar came from the outside, accompanied by people's cheers. The first fireworks, dazzling, ascended into the sky.

Fireworks bloom in the dark, carrying the sight of many people.

Almost for a moment, all the lights of the fireworks were sprinkled in Zhao Wanxi's eyes. In that second, thousands of lights gathered in one, which was very beautiful.

Zhao Wanxi looked at Joan in front of her and opened her eyes. Instead of looking at the fireworks, she looked behind her and said something.

The explosion of fireworks was so loud that she couldn't hear it at all.

But some of the voices are clear.

For example, the sound of swords crossing in close proximity.

As if aware of something, Zhao Wanxi looked behind her and saw a number of people in black with masks coming out of nowhere. They both surrounded them with long swords.

Those who were driven away by Zhao Wanxi and sent by Leng junao also stood behind her and surrounded them in a smaller circle.

The war soon began.

Zhao Wanxi holds Joan's hand tightly, but she can still keep calm.

She has been observing the situation, trying to find a breakthrough and escape.

Obviously, the target of those people is her.

What is more obvious is that they are already at a disadvantage. It's not enough to have more than a dozen people, just because those people on the opposite side even have poison.

They're poisoning, and the poison is slowly weakening them.

The outer circle is getting smaller and smaller. If we don't escape now, we will never have a chance again!

The people on Zhao Wanxi's side also realized the seriousness of the situation. They exchanged their eyes and went in the same direction together. At the same time, they had to protect Zhao Wanxi and them.

Soon, there was a gap.

"Lady, go

With this sound falling, Zhao Wanxi clenched Joan's hand and tried her best to run out of the gap.

People have a lot of potential, she quickly took Joan out of the bag circle.

But without waiting for them to be happy, there was a disorderly cry behind them.

"Look, there they are

"Chase, chase!"

Obviously feel behind more and more close footsteps, Zhao Wanxi's heart and breathing also followed the disorder a few minutes, she gave the reaction is more clenched Joan's hand, try every means to escape the chase!

They have to escape to a crowded place to escape.

Zhao Wanxi tried her best to escape, but Joan was weak. She dragged Joan for a while, and both of them gasped for breath.