Before Zhao Wanxi's brain came to her senses, the black figure of Gao Daxin, a man, jumped out of the window.

She lay on the bed and squinted, pondering the meaning of the sentence Leng junao left behind, but she still didn't guess it when she thought of it all the time.

What's the news?

Wangwangwang -

Xiao Huang's cry came from the yard, and Zhao Wanxi's eyes flashed a look of surprise. Then she quickly got up from the bed, looked out from the window, and saw two big and two small figures in the yard.

Leng Zitong rolls around Xiao Huang's neck. Her face is pink and dimpled. Before going to bed last night, she always thinks about Xiao Huang. Unexpectedly, when she opens her eyes early in the morning, Xiao Huang squats at the head of her bed. She is so happy!

On the other side, Joan, the maid, was also smiling. When the little girl was happy, she was happy too!

At dusk four, standing not far away from her, her wandering eyes glanced at Joan from time to time, with a furtive and guilty look.

Zhao Wanxi leaned against the window, just to make this scene into the eyes, always careless four boys, this time will not be moved?

A few days ago, she was still thinking, which girl can accept Ning shunmu four this Hun boy, she would be very grateful, did not expect fate this kind of thing is really wonderful, come on!

The sharp eyed Zhao Wanxi sees that there seems to be a hole in the shoulder blade of Mu Si's robe. Her eyes flow and she stands at the window upstairs and says in a loud voice: "Mu Si, your robe is broken. Let Joan mend it for you."

The sudden cry made Mu Si feel guilty. She turned her head and quickly drew her eyes back from Joan. She didn't dare to lift her head. She felt like a drum in her heart. Can't miss Wan Xi see anything just now?

However, with Zhao Wanxi's cry, Joan's eyes also fell on Mu Si. The man just turned his back to her and could see clearly from the broken shoulder blade.

"Brother Mu Si, your clothes are broken. Let me mend them for you."

Joan hurried to him with clear water eyes. Although there was a little misunderstanding yesterday, she had already forgiven him when he appeared in the yard with Xiao Huang in his arms.

However, the face of dusk four was very unnatural. He turned his back and refused to look at Joan. He replied coldly: "don't bother!"

Joan didn't want to eat him at all. She went up to him and pulled on his sleeve. "It's no trouble at all! If you don't want to take off your robe, I can sew it like this. "

She had a needle and thread in her pocket, and she pressed his arm with one hand and told him: "don't move! I'll be fine soon. It's just a few stitches and threads. It's no trouble! "

By her so pull, the evening four whole body on the spot petrified, stand stiff, don't dare to move.

Joan's needlework was very good. Her hands and feet were sharp, and she sewed it quickly. At last, she tied the knot. She habitually opened her mouth to bite the thread root, raised her head on tiptoe, and her face almost stuck to the man's back.

Mu Si's stiff back trembled slightly if he was shocked.

Joan's face was flushed and embarrassed, and she wanted to find a hole in the ground.

"Sew It's sewn up

Just now, the girl who was still very smart, now her tongue is not obedient, and the atmosphere becomes a little awkward and treacherous.

Dusk four swallowed throat, voice is still low cold: "thank you Joan girl."