Her hair was smooth and smooth, and it seemed to flash in the early morning sun.

Bai Chuwei only pulled out three hairs. Under Duan Fei's eyes, which were getting more and more complicated, Bai Chuwei laid her hair in the palm of her hand. She held her two hands together. Her hands formed an array, and the streamer glided across her fingertips like water.

Bai Chuwei reaches out her hand to him. There is a green silk bracelet lying in the palm of her hand.

Three green wires form three small rings. If you look carefully, you can see the light gliding over them.

Bai Chuwei was slightly proud: "this is my hair silk, which is more powerful and precious than all the jade charms in the world. It's rare for me to be so generous."

In Duan Feihan's deep pool like eyes, it seems that he was suddenly thrown into a small stone, which instantly caused thousands of waves and ripples:

"it's really precious."

Bai Chu Wei La passes the left hand of Duan Feihan, lifts up the sleeve of his suit and puts the green silk ring into his wrist.

Bai Chuwei looks at him. On his wrist, there are only sandalwood Buddha beads she sent 20 years ago, and now there are more green silk rings.

Duan Feihan doesn't seem to like jewelry. He doesn't even wear a watch.

So she gave him the only two first ornaments.

The green silk ring is too thin to notice if you don't look carefully.

Bai Chuwei sighed: "Duan Feihan, if it breaks one day, it means I'm dead."

Seeing Duan Feihan's expression gradually congealed, Bai Chuwei changed her mouth and said, "but it should not be possible. It should send you to the end, accompany you to the earth, and be your funeral objects."

Duan Fei will not die if she is aged to earth.

Duan Feihan looks down at the almost imperceptible bracelet on his left wrist, and his heart ripples.

Her hair

Bai Chuwei is half lying on her desk, holding her chin and looking at Duan Feihan with interest. Her eyes are flowing and her voice is smiling slightly: "Han Han, are you happy now?"

Duan Feihan has a smile in his eyes and says, "happy."

Are you happy?

Bai Chuwei sighs in her heart, who is not coaxing her for more than 5000 years?

The ancestors were too lazy to take care of other people's moods and went their own way.

Duan Feihan is the first one.

However, they are the aura storehouse for walking, which should be.

Bai Chuwei opened her schoolbag and reached out to put the wooden carving into the bag. Suddenly, a big palm stretched out and pressed her hand: "what's given out can't be taken back again?"

Bai Chuwei sighed: "cold, you greedy ah."

Duan Feihan's voice was as deep as running water: "I have more greedy, do you want to know?"

When the temperature of his palm reached the back of her hand, Bai Chuwei showed her eyebrows and said, "you want to know, tell me."

Duan Feihan said: "it's just

He knew that the little girl had never played cards according to common sense.

Duan Feihan pulled her from her desk and said, "I'll take you to school."

Learn everyday.

Bai Chuwei shook off his hand, "I can give you the first place in the college entrance examination."

Duan Feihan corrects the way: "the college entrance examination is for you, not for me, nor for others."

"It may be true for others." Bai Chuwei doesn't care about the tunnel.

Bai Guofu did not dare to care about her, so Duan Feihan asked her to study hard all day.

Bai Chuwei put on her empty schoolbag on one shoulder, looked around and said, "Han Han, I'm very interested in your company. I won't go to school this morning. Will you accompany me around? It's said that Ruishi entertainment has the most handsome and beautiful stars in the entertainment industry? What kind of fresh meat, Zhengtai, and so on

Duan Feihan said We don't have any fresh meat in our company. "

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