Tanya had many things going through her mind right now. There was just so much to think about on a night like this and so much to do. As a newly married woman, she now had responsibilities to take care of as well as certain benefits. Of course, the benefits went both ways and often came out on more of her expense. Nevertheless, Tanya was a dutiful person and would not let her women down.

"Tanya… I need help~! My bra won't come off!" Yuri cried out as she struggled to unbuckle her underwear by herself. She felt as if the buckle had been welded or glued together, it simply would not budge. It did not help that she had to unbuckle from the back either.

"So cute~" Tanya smirked as she helped Yuri.

Of all the benefits, this would be one of the top ones. Tanya would not deny it. She had made love before but the added ring made love seem a lot more romantic than it did before.

So one the large emperor size bed, Tanya and the girls began preparing themselves for what was anticipated to be a long night.

"It really is happening… to think all of this happened because I made a bet." Rose's words were filled with a sense of awe. She never thought she would be married like this by chance, she always anticipated a drawn out schedule of meeting potential suitors and eventually marrying someone, not this. She knew that she was lucky, she managed to find someone she actually liked, no. Someone she loves.

"Also, before we begin, hold off with the dildos… we should probably try this in a more vanilla fashion; fingers and tongue." Tanya suggested, dabbing her index finger on her tongue as it stuck out.

"Tanya… don't you love me though? I want to use it so I can make you happy…" Penelope made Tanya absolutely speechless. This sort of shamelessness was taught by herself, how could Penelope learn so quickly?

"Or perhaps I could make you feel happier by treating you like an empress…?" Penelope whispered before licking Tanya's ear.


"But shouldn't an empress also serve her subjects to the best of her ability?"

At this moment, Tanya knew that Penelope wanted to use toys. Penelope had always been a fan, embracing the tool first. It was just so realistic to the point where using it on Tanya was addicting.

"Penny~ how about I pamper you with something a bit more tame for now… we shouldn't rush things while the night is young. I'll sit on your lap and use your chest as a pillow, that sounds intimate, right?"

"Mmm…" Penelope rubbed her chin a bit, contemplating Tanya's proposal.

"I want to have my kisses… I even got a certificate from granny saying I can do it now… look, everything is here. Please give me kisses." Yuri tried to hold the water in her eyes while handing Tanya a set of documents. As it seemed, she was thoroughly prepared for today's events. She had come os far to back down now.

She wanted to be able to do special things with Tanya, and she wanted to do them now.

"Come over here~ Mommy is going to give you many kisses~" Tanya opposed her arms widely. Yuri had never gotten to spend a night with Tanya before, so tonight was as good a night as any. If she wanted to take her chances, it would be now. First would be a simple kiss and next would be something not supposed to be mentioned outside of the bedroom.

"Thank you~" Yuri leaned forward while Tanya sat firmly on Penelope's Lap. With a peck of her lips she gave Tanya a light kiss. But that wasn't enough for Yuri, she wanted much more than just a short peck, she wanted Tanya.

"Mwwwuuummmm~!" Before Tanya could say a word, Yuri went back in with a much more deep and passionate approach. This time, she went in like a hunter. She did not let her prey escape her grasp.

With her top off, she grinded her chest against Tanya's and tasted the latter's sweet mouth. Yuri had never done such a thing before, yet she felt like this was what she had been born to do. Every movement of her tongue was meant to cooperate with Tanya's, pleasuring both of them. 

This was the best thing Yuri had ever done in her opinion, but there was still much more she wanted to do.

"Then I will be taking the best part~" Rose slowly crept in from underneath Yuri and began stripping off Tanya's panties. With not so much effort, Rose turned Tanya naked in a flash. Now, all that laid before her was something that would only appear for a virgin. It was closed and clean, like an angel.

"What?! I remember for a fact that we destroyed this last time~!" Rose shouted, completely surprised.

"Relax, Yuri healed it all up. I'm as tight as a virg-"


Two fingers went in and Tanya's face loosened immediately.

"Very tight indeed… I guess that means I can be as rough as I want tonight ~" Flicking her fingers back into her mouth, Rose tasted Tanya's love dutifully and without any sense of shame. This night was not a night for worrying over reputation, it was a night for enjoying.

"I guess this will have trouble going in, but it would feel good for the both of us~" Rose immediately took out a ride-like object, shaking it softly in front of Tanya.

"Yuri, you should try this out with Tanya, you will feel really good afterwards."

"What about me? Shouldn't I be taking the lead in the bedroom? I believe it would be most wise if you give me the rod and let me do the work so all of you can relax and enjoy the night without needing to lift any fingers." Tanya quickly retorted.

Are you still scared of these? Tanya, you are almost fearless but still afraid of toys~?! You have to be kidding me!" Penelope laughed her head off with a terrifying loud noise, unable to suppress the amusement.

"Hmmph! You just want to use me for sex!" Tanya pouted.

"I love you, we love you. That will never change. You make us feel so special that we just want to express it with you~ I took your surname after all, so won't you take responsibility~?" Yuri cutely asked.

"!!!" Tanya's flip finally switched after centuries of discipline. In all of her long existence, she had never been so turned on to this point. When she said she joked about the girls taking responsibility, it was just a joke. Yet now, Yuri had flipped it back on her.

"I hope you are all ready, because I won't be going easy on anyone tonight. I will make you want more until you-" Tanya was interrupted again.


All of the girls jumped onto Tanya and began doing their work. Sometimes, Tanya could go on for a bit too long. When that happens, the girls just had to be a little more forward.

"Wait!!! I was saying something! Mwwwmmm!! W-mmm!"