99 President Principal

"One strike, two strike, three strike…"

In the empty expanse of the academy training ground, a brown haired girl with clear emerald eyes swung her steel blade in front of her. It was dawn, just two days before the scheduled big event. Erina was practicing her sword in order to impress the crowd, and more importantly, Tanya.

Ever since Tanya had guided Erina to safety during the massacre, she could not help but feel indebted and constantly in awe of Tanya's skills. Even when Tanya was facing off against the strongest students of the academy, she could still win while reading a book and standing in one spot. This domination in terms of sword prowess had always been Erina's motivation after meeting Tanya.


As the sword cut through the air, she remembered how Tanya's words were already sharp enough to make her forfeit their first duel. She could not imagine that Tanya's sword would be crazier. It was like she had finally realised that she was just a frog in a well.

"Erina, swinging that thing in the air like that won't make you better. You need to spar." The voice came from her revived friend and rival, Charles. Ever since he miraculously revived, he had constantly flaunted his new job levels and status. While all in good taste and not in a malicious manner, he still managed to make Erina quite mad.

"Just trust me. As a 3rd ascension [Saint 1], I have quite a lot of eminence in this topic you know?" Even though he had gotten the job of [Saint] he had not stepped outside the 1st level. Because of the way he awakened the job through resurrection, he would never be able to progress the class without devoting himself to a deity. Therefore, he too was stuck training his sword in the hopes of surpassing his already powerful status.

"Hmmmph! So what if you're a 3rd ascension fighter?! You didn't train for that! If I was to become a 3rd ascension fighter, I would definitely beat you until you're black and blue!" Erina pouted, showing a look of disdain as she saw Charles.

She swung her sword again in the air.

"Pfft! You're trying so hard now~ could it be that you're in love?" Charles chuckled.


"..." Charles felt very disappointed that he couldn't get a reaction from her. If it had been before, Erina would have hit him with her sword so hard that he would have to lay in bed for a week. Now, she seemed quite mature; a sharp contrast to before the massacre happened.

"Oh Erina, you are no fun lately."

"And your sword is quite trash lately." Erina immediately retorted, not even batting an eye at Charles.

*Critical hit*

Charles suddenly felt his knees go weak and fell to the floor. He had suffered such an exaggerated psychological assault that he could not even stand up after it. Erina had become ruthless too.

'What happened to my friend?' He silently sobbed in his mind.

"I'm at [Swordsman 10] anyway, I just need to level up before the wedding. I'll show Tanya that I am strong too!" Erina clenched one fist and murmured to herself. A few months had apparently done a lot for her. It was as if she had suddenly started speeding through after meeting Tanya; quite an interesting occurrence.

Meanwhile, a certain popular girl was busy rejecting tens of suitors.

"Lady Leri, I have loved you since the moment I first laid eyes on you. I wish for you to consider getting to know me and hopefully come to like me. Will you go out with me?" A lean freckled boy bowed as he handed an envelope with a heart sticker.

"No." The girl immediately replied.

"I like Tanya Vermillion. As far as I can see, you have brown hair, freckles, no chest, a penis (probably), and are a man. We are incompatible." The girl turned out to be none other than Yuna. She immediately placed the envelope on top of a pile and neatly sorted it.

"Huh? Not again… whenever I ask a girl out, it's always Tanya!" The boy got on all fours and banged his head onto the cold hard floor.





The room suddenly turned quiet. Everyone turned their heads to the freckled boy, exhibiting deadpan expressions.

"Punk, what you just say?" John Vick suddenly appeared from behind the boy, holding a sharpened red pencil.

"He said that Lady Vermillion is a B-word!" A student called out.

"Hahah…" John slowly laughed at the confirmation of the boy's words. His voice was cold and his stare was menacing, piercing straight into the boy's soul. When the freckled boy turned around, he could only see a maniac with a pencil about to stab him. He was absolutely frightened.

"Wait! I take it back! Tanya is awesome!"



The pencil went straight through the right boy's hand.

"AAAARRRGH!!!" The boy jumped back from the pain and landed on the ground again. His head knocked back and a concussion-like pain had clouded his head. His hand was pure crimson with a red pencil still pierced into it. Crimson liquid had poured all over his once clean sleeves, leaving them drenched and utterly ruined.

It was at that moment, he regretted cursing Tanya.


"There is always a dumb fool that tries to court me like this and then curses my dear Lady Vermillion when they fail. Such hypocrites should drop out." Yuna coldly commented, looking down on the boy.

"You people are crazy!" The boy yelled.


"No, you're just stupid." A spectator responded while taking a bite out of an apple.

"It's always the newbies. They come to our academy and insult our goddess… Do they ever learn?" Another spectator sighed.

"And daring to go after Tanya's women. A toad trying to eat swan meat."

Everyone shook their heads with disdain. They all seemed to be in the vast majority faction which made up almost every single person in the entirety of the academy. The only people that did not like Tanya were the ones that could not get girlfriends.

"ATTENTION! PRINCIPAL IS HERE!" A student suddenly called out from the door.

Immediately, an elderly man came walking into the room. With a white lab coat and a pair of spectacles, he stood up with a slight hunch. His eyes suddenly found themselves on the boy.

"What happened here?" The principal asked calmly, his hands behind his back.

"That dude tried to commit suicide!" A spectator yelled.

"WHAT?! How can this happen? This brazen youth! Daring to kill himself on my campus!" The principal winked at the crowd before proceeding to vilify the boy.

"Wah?! Principal! I am the victim! I wasn't trying to kill myself!" The boy cried out, huggin onto the principal's thigh.

"F**k! Get off me!" The principal waved his leg and the boy went flying into the wall.

"That guy just tried to assassinate the principal! Such shamelessness! Capture him!" John shouted.

"Yeah! I saw it too! He tried to do a secret technique to constrict the blood flow of the principal's leg to kill him! This is outrageous!" Another spectator projected his voice throughout the classroom.


'Why did this happen to me…?'

If only the boy knew that he had hugged onto the last thigh he should have, as it belonged to the president of the TVFC.