Yuri was asleep on her chair when Rosellia suddenly grabbed her by the waist and carried her off. As she yawned and gradually came to a woken state, Yuri had already been carried off a distance from her table. Before she knew it, she had already arrived in a room that smelled like blood, much like that of the academy during the massacre.

"Tanya!" Yuri jumped back at the sight of Tanya's bruised lower body. For an innocent girl like her, Yuri could not understand why Tanya had become like this. All she could think of was how to fix Tanya and relieve her pain.

"I have brought Yuri over like you asked." Rose scratched the back of her neck, unable to look Tanya in the eyes.

"Good… now Yuri, could you please help me out here…?" Tanya groaned with an immeasurable sense of pain around her hips and waist.

"Of course…" Yuri immediately began healing Tanya's wounds. With a gentle green light emanating from her palms, Yuri went in and placed them onto Tanya's cheeks, blushing red because of this strange skinship. Although she had always wanted to touch Tanya naked, she had never intended for it to be like this.

"Done~!" Yuri stood up with her back straight, waiting for Tanya's approval.

With a tired smile, Tanya barely managed to get up from her belly. Her back was still fatigued and her now clean lower body was still feeling the pain of the act. Despite this, Tanya managed to bring herself to a sitting position, albeit with great pain. At the very least, her body was now fine.

"Thank you, Yuri." Tanya warmly smiled, giving Yuri a nice hug to reward her efforts.

"Of course! I will always be there for you, Tanya~!" Yuri shouted like a child, holding Tanya tighter.

"Okay, if that is all, I will go back and check on the others! It's getting pretty late anyway." Yuri smiled and proceeded towards the door.

As she walked away, Tanya gave up on trying to sit and dropped onto the bed on her belly.

"Tanya, are you okay?" Penelope asked anxiously.

"Yes, it is just regular fatigue."

With all of their backs pointed towards the door, they did not notice as a different door opened and slammed shut. As this door made the same sound as the main door, no one would notice the difference unless they watched. Thus, Yuri had 'left the room.'


"Shh…" In the dimly lit confines of a closet, four other girls grabbed onto Yuri and made sure she could not utter a single word.

"How…" Yuri whispered upon seeing the faces of the others.

"It's an incredibly convoluted story…" Diana was unable to look Yuri straight in the eyes as she spoke, seeming to be quite anxious.

"Let's just say we managed to get in because they made more noise than the doors…"

Back to present:


"!!!" Tanya jumped back, hitting her head on Penelope's chest.

'They saw it all! They saw that… they heard my screams…" Tanya's mind was in a mess. Everything felt like a haze, a terrible nightmare. She just wanted to wake up and find that this all had been a stupid dream.

"Oh… Hi guys…." Erina broke the silence.




Two minutes later, five girls were lined up on their knees with bright red slap marks on their faces.

"Hmmph!" Penelope looked away, disgusted. Her arms were as crossed as herself.

"Perverts! PITUI" Rose spat on the carpet.

Tanya did not say a word.

"Honey has a nice a-"


Penelope came in like a swooping seagull, slapping Serena before she could completely finish.

"Stop hitting me~!" Serena cried out, unable to take the punishment.

"Stop joking around for a moment, Tanya really isn't feeling all too well. Because you saw her like that, how can she have pride? Do you not have any shame? Tsk tsk…" Penelope slapped her own palm onto her face, shaking her head left and right.

"You are all too spoiled! Just because Tanya treats you all a little special, it does not mean you can just come in and watch her as you please! There is a limit which is known commonly as 'common sense', I do not believe any of you have that!" Penelope was fuming with rage this time. When it came to Tanya's feelings, Penelope was incredibly sensitive. She had already nearly hurt Tanya once, she couldn't bear for that to happen again.

"This is a private occasion. There are not supposed to be spectators watching as we make love like this."

"Penny, enough. I really have nothing more to lose when it comes to my pride in front of them. Just let it be." Tanya sighed.

"There is no point trying to enforce a dignity that is no longer there. I might as well just make sure they don't mention my night activities to anyone else. I am already tired as it is." Tanya was just too tired to do anymore. Even with so much power, she was still only a mere mortal. She could get tired and she still needed sustenance. All things that a human needed, she still also needed.

"It's fine, why don't you all come here~ There is a crystal orb in the room, so we could have a nice movie night with all of us~" Tanya opened her arms slowly, inviting the shamed girls to the bloodied bed.

"Uh…" Penelope rubbed her chin with an uncertain face as she looked to the red stains.

"Oh right!" Tanya immediately casted a utility spell to clean up all of the mess, leaving the bed nice and tidy for everyone to come join in.

"Are you really letting us join you…? We have already peeked at you inappropriately…" Yuna asked, seeming to be ashamed of her actions.

"I was quite shocked and annoyed to find that you had watched, but I am not too petty a person towards my precious people~" Tanya smiled, gesturing for them to come over.

The girls all looked at each other before jumping onto the bed and squishing into each other while Tanya used a crystal remote to turn on the orb which laid on a table opposite of the bed.

"So comfy!" Yuri bounced up and down slightly, before resting with the others.

Even Penelope and Rose had joined the group. Although they both felt a little annoyed at the girls, they did not really hold anything against them.

It was more or less an issue regarding Tanya. If anything, Penelope and Rose wanted to be known that they had slept with Tanya. Penelope might be shy, but she still liked the idea of being able to flex that she took Tanya's first. Rose also liked the ide of having a one-up over the rest of the girls.

"Shush, the movies tonight will be 'Midnight Apocalyptic Mansion of Blood'." Tanya announced, completely immersed in the opening sequence as the screen was projected from the orb.


The girls could not sleep that night.