The old ladies in the capital had been mentioned many times in front of Tanya. The first time, she felt like it was a funny occasion. The second time, it was a rare coincidence. Afterwards, she felt like these old women were deliberately making her life harder.

She had pampered Yuri so much and was hoping she would stay an angel for a little while longer, yet these old ladies come into the scene and corrup her sweet little angel.

Tanya was clearly annoyed.

What did Tanya ever do to them? Why did they want Tanya to be eaten so badly? The handcuffs, the dildo, the incense… everything came from those old ladies. It was as if she had been targeted.

However, these old ladies definitely did not know who Tanya even was. In truth, these old ladies did not care who they sold their products to and who would be the target. Love is love.

"Yuri, don't go to the old ladies to buy things, okay? They are teaching you things that you should not know yet… they are irresponsibly trying to make you improper…" Diana lectured.

"Hmmph! I need to step up my game." Yuri looked away and pouted, unable to accept such a restriction.

"Yuri… Diana is right. You can learn about these things later…" Tanya finally spoke.

"The less I learn, the more unprepared I will be! I am going to blow your mind with how amazing sex with me will be!" Yuri announced, potion on foot on her chair and heroically posing.

"..." Tanya clearly seemed worried. Her forehead was dripping with sweat as she saw Yuri act like this. This girl was so innocent and horny.

"Ahem! Let's stop this discussion for now… I am sure we all agree that this is not a nice topic to speak about during a most delightful breakfast. Don't let the food get cold, it would be such a waste." With Penelope's interjection, the mood returned to where it was before and the girls finally finished their meals.

Tanya cleaned her face with a wet towel before standing up and leaving the table. The cold and refreshing moisture from the ivory white towel refreshed her skin and made her feel much more awake than she was before. Upon finding herself near the door, she finally called back with a smile.

"How about we go on a field trip through the forest today? I hear that it is absolutely stunning during days like this!" Tanya gestured one hand to the girls, inviting them warmly to join her on this excursion.

"Sure, I am always willing to serve my young miss." Penelope replied respectfully.

'Sure, I have always wanted to do Tanya outdoors.' This is roughly what was actually being said in Penelope's mind.

"Most definitely. I would very much appreciate having more time with my wife-to-be. We can pick flowers together and admire the beauty of nature within each other's figures." Tanya slightly cringed at this, feeling that it was awkward. Rose clearly had no experience in acting the gentleman.

"Why not?" Erina also agreed.

"I will go wherever my master goes." Yuna replied with a bow, blushing ever so slightly.

"Me too!" Yuri shouted giddily, pumpin* her fists up into the air with a jump.

"I might as well go then." Diana agreed.

"Then it is settled, pack anything you need for lunch and meet me by the main gates within 20 minutes. We will be going for an incredibly exciting fieldtrip, you won't regret it."

In reality Tanya had planned to lure a 3rd ascension beast out so the girls could finally get some high level combat experience. With Tanya watching over them, they would not be killed at the very least.

She did not do this because she viewed them as liabilities, but she did this so they could live better lives when Tanya progresses. If all of them never ascended past the third step, then Tanya would feel lonely being powerful and would probably be unable to help them reach immortality in the future. At the very least, those that had put all of their faith in her would be rewarded with this much.

Perhaps this was Tanya just being soft.

"Tanya, we are here."

After 20 minutes, the group met up at the front gates. It was just before midday and the sun was bright. Tanya looked to her precious girls and smiled as she waved to the guards to let them pass.

As one might expect, certain rules could now be bent because of Tanya's actions during the siege. If the guards could not even protect the academy and Tanya could, then the guards did not have a right to question Tanya for wanting to go outside. They had failed their jobs already and Tanya was the only one that saved them from possible life-imprisonments and death.

"Very well." The guards bowed as the gates opened.

This gesture of respect was the least they could do.

"Come, today will be a long one. I hope you enjoy the lush scenery and mighty fauna. However, we should be fine so long as we do not encounter a 3rd ascension beast. Just be sure to be extremely careful, I would hate for any of you to get hurt~"


'Tanya cares about my safety too!?' Yuna felt splendid as she heard Tanya's words. Although she was only Tanya's subordinate, Tanya had actually cared about her wellbeing. This only served to make her crush on Tanya grow stronger as well as her loyalty.

'You can definitely rely on me in the future.' Yuna inwardly declared. This was as much an affirmation as it was a pledge. Yuna had already sworn to serve the woman that had saved her in her lowest time and cared for her thereafter. Anyone that dares to stir trouble for Tanya would be marked for death.

While everyone else also felt touched by Tanya's caring words, the effect was only this exaggerated in Yuna. She was the only one that happened to be a subordinate, not to be confused with Penelope's status. Penelope and Tanya had long since moved past the standard maid and mistress interplay.

"Let's go."

Meanwhile, at the other side of the forest, a dynamic scene played out. Nearby Alpha's newly created mine, a rampaging beast appeared. However, this beast was not the standard beast you could find just about anywhere. It was a 4th ascension Crimson Strider Wolf.

It had damaged several fighters and rendered a few of them incapacitated. After laying waste to the inedible homunculi, the beast ran away with not a shred of shame.

Seeing this threat leaving in the direction that they last saw Tanya, the homunculi immediately gave chase. If their master is killed by a beast that they let run away, how would they live with themselves? Tanya was basically their deity, parent, ancestor, all in one. If she were to die because of their foolish mistakes, then they would not be able to live with themselves.

"Give chase to that beast. If master dies, I will deactivate you all myself." That was Alpha's feelings. As the firstborn, they would bear the responsibility of leading and disciplining.

The mood was much more simple and light where the girls were however. Tanya had guided them to a relatively safe area in the forest, a spot which she usually camped from time to time.

'If I remember correctly, there should have been a sighting of a 3rd ascension ape type beast in a cave just north of here… I'd better slip away and find it for the girls to hunt.' Tanya thought to herself as she sat down on a cut down tree stump.

"Tanya, this place is beautiful! The river just down there is so clear and the flowers are more common than weeds, filling this place with so much colour that I am struggling to find a pattern. This place would be a nice place to visit more often." Rosellia commented, picking up a few flowers with her dainty hands.

"Of course, lady Vermillion is naturally gifted with planning events. I have much to learn to be able to serve her better." Yuna affirmed with a bow.

"There are not a lot of trees though… I was hoping for a little privacy. We are camping for the night, correct?" Tanya looked back at Penelope after the latter asked this question. She had not actually considered if the girls would want to stay in the forest overnight.

"If you want to, we can do that. I personally do no not mind, whatever makes you all happy." Tanya warmly smiled.

"Then it's settled, we are camping her for the night!" Erina yelled out, not even caring to wait for a proper vote.

"What about a vo-"



"Eliminate the threat to our master. Destroy it and render it into pulp. Nothing left of it. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT TASK." Alpha's team and the beast had finally made their entrance onto the scene.

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