"The most poisonous woman's heart, you also have a daughter, you are also a mother, why don't you have a mother's heart."

Song Qianshan burst into tears as he spoke. He thought of his daughter who had been tortured by his mother since childhood and the daughter who had been "sold" by himself when he grew up.

"Song Qianshan, you hit me, you hit me..."

Li Hong, who fell to the ground, covered her face and looked at Song Qianshan in disbelief. For so many years, he beat her for a person with a different surname.

"You go, the Song family can't accommodate you."

Song Qianshan suddenly seemed to be several decades old, holding a chair, closing his eyes and trembling.

He knew the truth was far more than what Li Hong said. Pinch a few times, otherwise Zihan wouldn't say.

"No, I will never go! Song Qianshan, I have paid my youth and everything for you. In the end, you have to drive me away, I will never go..."

Li Hong roared and watched song Qianshan stagger to the room. She was unwilling.

She didn't want to die. She followed him for decades, but she didn't get anything. She paid the most precious youth in a woman's life, but in the end she had to be kicked out. She was unwilling.

After consulting a lawyer, song Zihan decided to negotiate with Liu Lei. Liu Lei wanted to delay, but when he heard song Zihan's voice for peace, he was soft hearted and agreed.

Song Zihan was sad that he didn't see Liu Lei pick him up when he got off work. In the past, Liu Lei would appear here when it was time to get off work, waiting for her to get off work, and then they would go home or have a romantic dinner together. But now, his tone of voice is cold, and he won't pick her up again.

Recalling the sweetness of the past and the indifference of today, song Zihan's heart is particularly heavy. Who caused all this?

Liu Lei? It is undeniable that Liu Lei has gone too far in the matter of children, but over the years, especially after marriage, he has really changed a lot. In the past, he was a young master who spent a lot of time and wine, but after marriage, in addition to working overtime, he has to go home every night. It's really good.

Looking back on his pregnancy, he worked hard every day to take care of the company for her without taking a penny, but took good care of the company

She couldn't forget all that. When she thought about her father's indifference and Li Hong's resentment, she suddenly regretted. What has she insisted on all the time?

Is it money? Or the affection that can never be touched? After paying so much for song, what does she want?

Over the years, she has never considered this problem, but at this time she is thinking seriously.

Children, if they really go to court, no matter who loses or wins, it will be the children who suffer in the end, an imperfect family. Because of her family environment, she knows how much psychological shadow single parents have on their children.

At this point, she and Liu Lei must make a concession, but will Liu Lei step back again?

Has been strong, does she want to show weakness to Liu Lei at this time?

On the way to the restaurant agreed with Liu Lei, song Zihan always asked himself how to talk about children with Liu Lei.

When song Zihan arrived at the agreed restaurant, Liu Lei had not arrived yet. This was the first time. In the past, Liu Lei waited for her. Today, she completely changed.

She raised her hand and looked at the time. There were still 20 minutes left from the agreed time. It turned out that she came early. She sat down and waited patiently, but she found that she was impatient. She always kept looking at her watch. Usually she always felt that the time was fast, but today was really slow, and it was not generally slow.

I feel like I've been waiting for a long time, but when I look down, it's only ten minutes.

I've never tried to wait for someone. Today I know it's so hard to wait for someone. In retrospect, Liu Lei waited for her every time, and she was often late. The longest record was one hour. How long should it be.

In fact, Liu Lei came early, but he didn't appear. Instead, he watched song Zihan. When song Zihan raised his wrist again and again or looked down at his wrist, he thought about it.

He told himself again and again that he must hold back, can no longer spoil her, let her understand that the earth does not revolve around her, let her understand that everything is mutual, and no one will accommodate each other forever.

The reason why she can tolerate is because of love, not her narrow view.

The time passed very slowly, and finally it was time, but Liu Lei didn't appear. At this time, song Zihan was anxious, looked left and right, and really couldn't wait. Just when she took out the phone and pulled out the number, Liu Lei finally ran in from the outside, with a thin sweat on her forehead.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I met a traffic jam on the way."

In fact, Liu Lei was only three minutes late, but looking at Song Zihan, he seemed to have been waiting all day.

"Just come and sit down."

Song Zihan actually wanted to ask him where he came from? Why didn't she get in a traffic jam when she came, and he got in a traffic jam when he came?

"Did you order?"

After Liu Lei sat down, he was not in a hurry to talk about the child, but asked song Zihan if he had ordered.

"No, you order."

Song Zihan was stunned. The waiter had asked before, but with Liu Lei, Liu Lei basically ordered the dishes. She was only responsible for eating. When Liu Lei asked today, she was surprised that many habits were not necessary.

"You go first."

Liu Lei is a guest.

Song Zihan pushed the menu again. Liu Lei quickly ordered several dishes, but none of them was song Zihan's favorite. He ordered only what he liked.

"I've had enough. You order."

When Liu Lei handed the menu to song Zihan, song Zihan felt like crying. Tears came out of his heart. Why has he changed so much.

At this time, no matter what delicacies were put in front of her, she had no appetite. She casually ordered two dishes. She was completely out of mood and didn't consider the children's problems. What she thought now was Liu Lei's strangeness to herself.

Liu Lei didn't speak. He saw the difference between Song Zihan, so he waited patiently for her to speak.

But until the time of serving, song Zihan was still in a low mood.

"Have a meal. I'm a little hungry. I'll talk about things after dinner."

In a word, Liu Lei began to eat. Song Zihan looked at Liu Lei and took one mouthful after another. He didn't bring her vegetables as before, let alone ask her why she didn't eat.

It felt like the end of the world. When was she so strange to him.

Liu Lei ate very fast today. Song Zihan hasn't moved his chopsticks yet. He almost ate all the dishes he ordered. Looking at the empty plate on the table, song Zihan couldn't help crying any more.

"Aren't you hungry? Or have you no appetite?"

Liu Lei directly ignored song Zihan's tears and asked her why she didn't eat in a strange tone.

"I'm not hungry. Let's talk directly."

Song Zihan takes the meal paper and wipes his tears directly. When no one loves your tears, there is no need to shed them again.

"You say, if you are willing to make concessions, we are still a family. If you have to stubbornly leave your children in the Song family, then I'm very sorry."

Liu Lei clearly expressed his meaning to song Zihan. Since she called to ask him, it shows that she has an idea.

"Liu Lei, why do you always force me? Why do you force me one by one?"

Song Zihan suddenly got out of control and stood up. Many people in the restaurant saw it. Liu Lei was a little surprised. I didn't expect that her mood fluctuated so much at the beginning.

However, this is a good phenomenon, which shows that they are more likely to remarry. After observing song Zihan's appearance in the restaurant tonight, he feels that the dike in Song Zihan's heart has been loosened.

"Do you want to hear the truth?"

Liu Lei didn't stop. He just looked at Song Zihan quietly. When she sat down and drank water, he looked at her and said.


Song Zihan looked at Liu Lei with hatred. She would really hate him. Although she said it when she divorced before, she didn't have it in her heart. When he quietly registered her child, she said that there was something on her face, but not in her heart.

Now, she didn't say it on her mouth and didn't show it on her face, but she really hates it in her heart. She hates that he doesn't care about himself, hates that he doesn't care about himself, hates that he treats her as a stranger, and hates everything he has today

"You are forcing yourself. Since childhood, you can be as relaxed as other girls. Look at your sister. Has she ever been so tired as you? You forced yourself."

Liu Lei said a word and looked at Song Zihan. Song Zihan tightly pursed his lips and didn't speak. He just looked at him with a look that wanted to bite Liu Lei.

"You're forcing yourself to take over the Song family. Does it matter to you whether the Song family goes bankrupt or not? Your life is not the same. You're always forcing yourself. Have you ever thought that if the Song family falls, will Li Hong stay with your father? You always want her to go. In fact, you always want her to stay. As long as you don't take over the Song family, as long as the Song family falls, but it's divided up. That's what Women will leave and everything will return to peace, but what about you... "

Liu Lei looked at Song Zihan's fist on the table, pinched tightly, looked at the green veins on the back of her hand, and stopped.

Some words can't be said too much, not to mention song Zihan is a smart man. It's clear at one point. There's no need to say too much.

"You mean, should I give up song? Should I let song out? That's my mommy's hard work. Can I do that?"

Song Zihan's teeth clenched. She didn't think about it, but song's family is not only song Qianshan's, but also her Mommy's hard work. She can't bear it.

"Your mommy has long been gone. As far as I know, she didn't care about the Song family when she was still alive. There is only one purpose for you to enter the Song family. You just want to prove to song Qianshan that women are not weaker than men, and daughters can work like sons."

Liu Lei hit the thorn in Song Zihan's heart.