The two forces cooperated with the careful arrangement of Chu Nan, and finally achieved the effect three months later.

In these three months, the strange blood fog still attacked five planets irregularly and completely randomly.

All the healthy and complete adults of human beings on the first four planets were attacked by the blood fog, which is no different from the 17 planets that were killed before. However, when the fifth planet arrived, it was just located in the United States of America, and it just became the first planet in the United States of America to vigorously promote the "vitality stability" skill created by Chu Nan.

Although just three months is not enough for everyone on this planet to master this skill, with the help of this skill specially for blood fog, the strong human who spent time learning and mastering this skill succeeded in resisting the erosion of blood fog for three days and finally survived.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a sensation.

This is the first planet to be attacked by blood fog, but most of mankind survived successfully. When the reason for this result was announced, Chu Nan's name immediately resounded throughout the galaxy again, and his skill was quickly known and recognized by all.

Along with the tide on the pan Galaxy network, those who had doubts about the sudden promotion of this skill by their own government immediately changed their minds and began to actively learn this skill.

At the same time, many star level warriors who ignored Chu Nan's call for various reasons also changed their minds and began to contact Chu Nan through various channels.

Another month later, Chu Nan opened a special class for star level warriors, and finally successfully opened the class.

In this class, Chu Nan only talked about one thing, that is, the way to resist the blood mist.

Of course, this is completely different from the method taught to ordinary people.

Star level warriors are far more powerful than ordinary people, and they naturally admit much greater responsibility.

The skill taught by Chu Nan is not only to help them resist the skill, but also to create another new skill by combining several top skills, such as the hymn of the goddess, the destruction of life, the extinction of mind and the inflammation of life. The function of this skill is to enable these star level Warriors to influence, destroy or even directly expel and absorb the blood mist with their strong strength.

As in the past, the method was named "make complaints about blood" by Chu Nan.

At least, the star level warriors who learned this skill will no longer be affected by the blood fog, so they have the ability to fight with the monster who made the blood fog and became the core of the blood fog in the blood fog.

With the ability of ordinary people to resist the erosion of blood fog, we can basically ensure the safety of a planet.

At first, those who were in the south of Chu had two blood gods, but they learned to resist the attack of this planet.

Two star level Warriors used the anti blood magic skill. In addition, most ordinary people on this planet learned to be stable. The blood fog not only failed to sweep the whole planet as before and take away the lives of all healthy humans on the planet, but also was completely expelled in just one day.

The monster in the deep blood fog was also killed by two star level warriors. But when it was beaten into a mass of meat sauce, it turned into a mass of blood fog and disappeared completely without any clues.

However, this matter still stimulated countless people. Before, those star level warriors who were still unwilling to bow their heads in front of Chu Nan came one after another, and more and more star level warriors learned anti blood magic skill.

At the same time, the diklan Empire and the nuoyantem chamber of Commerce issued a statement at the same time, hoping that the star level warriors in the whole galaxy can temporarily put aside their prejudices and contribute to the safety of their compatriots. It is best to assign two or more star level warriors who have learned anti blood magic skills on every planet with a large number of human beings to cooperate with ordinary people on the planet to resist the catastrophe of this blood fog attack.

In response to the call of this statement, the diklan Empire took the lead in setting an example. The diklan royal family photographed 100 of the most elite star level warriors in the royal family, but did not arrange to be in dikland's country, but supported other countries of Orion spiral arm to assist them in defense.

At the same time, the nuoyantem chamber of Commerce has also publicly provided an extremely high contract. As long as the corresponding call is made, the star level fighters who sign a contract with the nuoyantem chamber of Commerce and join the planetary human defense plan will receive a large number of real rewards that ordinary people can't imagine.

Although the star level warriors are basically not short of money, the nuoyantem chamber of commerce can provide more than money. Moreover, the star level Warriors also have relatives and friends. They don't need it, but they still need it.

Therefore, this open contract of nuoyantem chamber of commerce is undoubtedly highly attractive.

Under the example made by the two forces, other countries in the galaxy have issued statements to respond, and almost every star warrior in every country has responded.

Even star level warriors with bad reputation, such as alahuk venerable on the Earth Federation, stood up at this time and contributed to protecting their own planet.

In just three months, more than 10000 star level warriors have responded publicly!

And those star level warriors who didn't respond publicly still went to Chu Nan in an endless stream to learn anti blood magic.

If all the numbers are included, the total is even close to 20000.

Unprecedented, all countries in the galaxy and all the top star level fighters are united. No one and no force can stop this wave.

In the face of a crisis that may be related to the survival of the whole mankind, even if some people with abnormal psychology try to make trouble, they are quickly crushed by this extremely powerful wave.

Of course, even if 20000 star level warriors have learned the anti blood magic skill, it is still impossible to successfully defend every resident planet.

There are more than 100000 habitable planets in the whole galaxy. Although many of them are not inhabited at all, or there are few people, it is still impossible to send two star level warriors to each manned planet to assist in resistance and defense.

So the diklan Empire and the nuoyantem chamber of commerce negotiated with other countries in the galaxy, and finally made a decision to carry out a national migration involving the whole galaxy.

The purpose of this great migration is to move all humans on a planet inhabited by a small number of humans to a larger planet and concentrate humans as much as possible, so that there will be fewer strongholds to defend against the invasion of blood fog.

Of course, this is a huge project. Even if every country and force in the galaxy cooperate fully in the face of this disaster, it still needs to spend a lot of human, material and time.

This is only a passive defense plan. If you want to completely solve this matter, you still need to solve the source of the whole incident.

But if we want to solve it, we need an opportunity, an opportunity to find Feng Mingxi and completely solve him.

In the third month after the Declan Empire and nuoyantem chamber of Commerce jointly issued a statement that all countries and almost all mankind in the whole galaxy began to mobilize, Chunan finally waited for this opportunity.