Between the rotation of the mind, an open fire appeared in the palm of Chu Nan.

After roasting the meat assigned to him with the power of high-level elements, he fished it in the swamp below. Using the power of high-level elements, he extracted some salt and needed seasoning from it and sprinkled it on the meat. With the right heat, he soon completed a delicious roast.

Chu Nan didn't expect to do so when he just came here for research.

But when he stayed here for more than a week, he could no longer bear to continue eating the raw meat and the tasteless compressed food reluctantly sent in by the dikland Empire at great cost, and decided to find a way to solve the problem by himself.

It's more difficult for him to use these methods in the field for the first time. Now he has no experience of cooking in the field for a long time.

With the powerful analytical ability brought by the strong brain, Chu Nan developed a set of easy-to-use and delicious cooking procedures in only half a month, and then ate delicious barbecue in this place.

For Chunan's initiative, his majesty gremein deeply appreciates it. Several other star level warriors stationed here also praised it as the greatest help brought by Chunan to them.

"It's a pleasure in pain..."

Chu Nan stuffed the roasted meat into his mouth and bit it down. While chewing the meat, he tasted the fragrance and fine meat quality after he carefully prepared the roast meat, and carefully sensed the insignificant but extremely special energy fluctuation emitted from the meat quality.

Yes, although it has been dead for a long time and has been carefully cooked by Chu Nan, the meat still contains the unique energy fluctuation of the fierce beast.

Such a piece of barbecue is not something that ordinary people can eat at will. Let alone the problem of being able to bite. If this meat is eaten by ordinary people and the energy contained in it is emitted, it will definitely explode his whole body and die.

This is not only because the S-class fierce animals are different, but more importantly, these fierce animals are specially refined through the special space in the portal and another unknown space. At the same time, they are obviously genetically modified, so that their bodies are different from ordinary wild animals and ordinary fierce animals.

In this year and a half, Chu Nan has eaten more than 200 kinds of fierce animals. Through the analysis of the special energy fluctuation contained in these fierce animals, it is concluded that these fierce animals undoubtedly have far more strength than their similar fierce animals. The reason is that their bodies are specially strengthened and contain a special energy structure. If you insist, it is the same as after the recasting of the flesh, Angela Belle, who perfectly integrates the hymn of the goddess with the body, is almost the same.

Of course, the core of Angela Belle's physical strengthening is the hymn of the goddess, and the core of these fierce beasts is the special genetic virus injected into their bodies by the military treaty alliance of erewarner.

This is not to say that the gene virus injected into their bodies by the erewarner military treaty alliance is even more effective than the hymn of the goddess, just because these fierce beasts are large enough to withstand the negative effects of gene virus, and their absolute number is large enough to withstand the loss of failure and death.

Chu Nan can even be sure that any S-class fierce beast that can drill out from the other end of the portal is backed by hundreds of thousands or more of fierce beast corpses.

It is not difficult to understand these, but how to speculate the intention of the military treaty alliance of erewarner through these.

It would be too much investment to simply test the genetic virus or cultivate stronger fierce animals, and the erewarner military treaty alliance doesn't seem to care too much about the loss of these fierce animals. At least Chu Nan killed more than 100 S-class fierce animals himself in this year and a half, but he didn't see half of the people of the erewarner military treaty alliance.

"After all, it's better to go to the other side of the portal to explore." After eating the last piece of barbecue, Chu Nan absorbed all the energy fluctuations surging in the barbecue into his own use, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and then looked at the special area belonging to the portal in the far swamp, and couldn't help muttering.

He studied here for a year and a half, and had already figured out the situation inside the portal, but he still hasn't figured out what is at the other end of the portal.

He once mentioned the idea of exploring in the past, but was forcibly stopped by his majesty gremein and several other star level warriors.

His majesty gremein said that Chunan was the most important person, or even the only one, to study the portal, so he couldn't be surprised.

The situation of the inner space and the other end of the portal is still unknown. In case of any accident, we will regret it, so we won't let Chu Nan pass anyway.

In fact, Chu Nan can be sure that he will not be in any danger, because now the space inside the portal has become stable. He also fully understands the situation inside the portal and can be sure that he has enough ability to survive. However, his majesty gremein resolutely does not allow him to take risks, and he has no choice.

"Alas, if Angela Belle were here, she would be the most suitable person to explore there with her special body than me. It's a pity..."

Chu Nan just came up with this idea and suddenly sensed three abnormal spatial energy fluctuations that were not so obvious behind him.

"Who is it?"

Sensing that these three abnormal energy fluctuations did not belong to his majesty gremein or any star level warrior he was familiar with stationed here, Chu Nan quickly raised his vigilance.

How can there be irrelevant people in such places? The visitors are definitely coming here directly.

He soon noticed the three abnormal feelings.

"No... how did they show up here?"

Chu Nan still looked in the direction of energy fluctuation. A moment later, the three figures broke through the fog formed by strong space energy and appeared.

In the first place, it is his majesty Lucas.

Chu Nan was not surprised to see him, because he came every once in a year and a half, not only to comfort the people and bring some supplies, but also to ask about the research progress and bring some useful information.

But seeing the other two, Chu Nan was very surprised.

These two people, one of them is Angela Belle, which Chu Nan just thought of.

And the other one is the Royal daughter of Romanti!