Chu Nan, stay.

Although he knew that ivy had liked herself a long time ago, ivy had never asked such a question so frankly.

Moreover, in the past six months, Ivy's attitude has changed greatly, which makes Chu Nan think she has already changed her mind, but she didn't expect to ask now.

"This... I..."

"You won't, will you?" Ivy smiled and said it in front of Chu Nan. "You only like Angie Belle, and you only want to marry her, right?"

Chu Nan could only twitch the corners of his mouth, reluctantly smiled and nodded gently, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Seeing Chu Nan's reaction, Ivy sighed, but the smile on her face was brighter than before.

"In the years when we first met, I thought I had a chance to take you away from sister Angelique Belle, but I didn't think so after seeing your performance in the Declan empire. Hey, brother Chunan, I gave up, and I decided not to think about taking you away from sister Angelique. You belong to her, and no one can take you away. You don't have to worry about me bothering you again because of this problem. Are you happy ?”

Chu Nan's expression became strange. After thinking about it, he shook his head and replied, "I don't know. It's reasonable that I should feel relaxed, but I'm still disappointed to hear you say that."

"This is the greed of you men." Alvie giggled. "Although sister Angie Belle told me several times that she could accept other girls to like you with her and even marry you together, she felt no problem, but I didn't accept it. The man I like can only belong to me and I won't share it with any other girls. So I quit. Since I can't grab you from sister Angie Belle, I can only give up."

Chu Nan frowned: "since it is so, why do you become so in this period of time?"

"Because my parents didn't give up." Ivy raised her hand and pointed to the house in the far farm. "Do you know why father came here today?"

Chu Nan frowned and thought, "didn't he lead the 14th fleet of the federal army stationed in Aucma to reinforce?"

"It's just a superficial reason, but why do you think he brought me here?"

Chu Nan's mind flashed over the happy conversation between general yonotange and his parents

"Should not..."

"You guessed right." Ivy smiled, stretched out her hand and patted Chu Nan on the shoulder. Her face had returned to its former ease. "My father brought me here... Well, how do you say this word in your traditional Chinese language? Oh, yes, on a blind date."

"Is that true?" Chu Nan sighed.

In fact, just now I saw general yootanger talking with his parents there, and the strange expression that Chunan showed when old man humon sat in the middle. Chunan guessed some. Only now he said it from Alvey's mouth, he could confirm it.

"General yonotanger, he wants to marry you to me?" Chu Nan shook his head. "I've heard Dunleavy say several times before. Your father warned you many times not to get too close to me."

"That was before, but now you are different. Father, he..." Alvey suddenly stopped, and her face became dim again.

Looking down for a moment, she shook her head gently and whispered.

"Forget it, my father and mother are good for me, and I have no right to accuse them. In short... Brother Chu Nan, you obviously won't marry me, right? But my father and mother think you actually like me, so they want you to marry me, so what should I do?"

Chu Nan smiled bitterly.

What else can I do?

He always treats Alvey as his sister, and as Alvey said, he only likes Angelique, of course, he can't marry other girls.

He would rather offend most of the diklands in order to refuse the only fake engagement with the Royal daughter of vianne Nair. Now how can he promise general yonotanger to marry Elvis.

"So you've been deliberately avoiding me for half a year?" Chu Nan thought and asked. "You don't think that if you treat me so coldly, your parents will think you don't like me, so they will give up the idea of marrying you to me?"

"I did think so." Ivy shrugged. "But now it seems that I'm too naive. In fact, you should know that children like me have no autonomy over their marriage. Generally speaking, we have to obey the arrangement of our father and mother to marry the person they need me to marry. It's just that the person they want me to marry now is you and the person I like. So they think it's a great thing to have the best of both worlds. For example If I marry you, I can meet both my wishes and theirs. Isn't that good? "

"But it obviously didn't meet my wish." Chu Nan shook his head, showing a puzzled expression. "I'm surprised that many people know what I did in the Declan empire. You know, general yootanger, they should also know. Since they know that I refused for the sake of Princess Angelina, why do they think I will accept you?"

"Because I have a good relationship with you." Alvie laughed. "To tell you the truth, brother Chu Nan, my mother secretly asked me if I had slept with you."

Chu Nan could not help but face a blush.

"Hey, is this a question a mother would ask her daughter?"

"No, it's a normal question. My mother thinks we have a good relationship, so it's not surprising even if we have slept. This may be strange for you Chinese, but in our European and American families, every mother asks her daughter."

Chu Nan sighed helplessly and asked, "well, even if this question is normal, then... How did you answer it?"

"I told her we had been in bed..."

"Hello!" Chu Nan stared.

"Ha ha, of course it's impossible." Ivy laughed loudly, as if she was very happy that she had successfully teased Chu Nan. "Of course I didn't say that. I don't want her to think that our relationship has been so close, so I told her that it's a pity that I couldn't cheat you to bed after I tried my best, or even if I stripped off and lay in front of you..."

"Hello!!" Chu Nan accentuated his tone and stared more roundly.

"Don't look at me like that. I really said this to my mother." Ivy was happy and unafraid, and still looked at Chu Nan with a smile. "In short, I told her that no matter how I seduce you, you will not be seduced by me. Your heart is only sister Angie Belle and will not accept anyone else. Speaking of this, brother Chu Nan, you know? Because of this problem, mother, she still doubts whether you will be gay, because you haven't even slept with sister Angie Belle, have you?"

Chu Nan was embarrassed again.

In fact, it's strange that he and Angie Belle have a lot of close contact. They are almost used to being naked, but they haven't had a chance to get to the last step until now. As a lover, it's really abnormal.

"Of course, even if you are really gay, it doesn't matter. Anyway, father and mother won't care about it." At this point, Ivy sighed again. "No matter how hard I tried, they were unwilling to give up the possibility of letting me marry you. Now my father even brought me to you and your family. He knew that uncle Chu and aunt Yu were also familiar with me, and he believed they were willing to accept me. I had no choice, so he came."

Chu Nan wanted to comfort ivy, but Ivy suddenly turned her eyes and smiled again, and the brilliance in her eyes became bright.

"I didn't want to come here, but after seeing you with my own eyes and hearing what you just said, I found that my efforts were in vain. Brother Chu Nan, Chu Nan, no matter what I call you, I still like you, and you still can't marry me. Since the result can't be changed, why do I have to wrong myself and force myself to do what I don't want to do And? Am I right? "

At last, Ivy's voice dropped, but the emotion contained in her voice was undoubtedly stronger, even stronger than any time Chu Nan had heard Ivy say "I like you".

Chu Nan was speechless for a moment.

He stared at Ivy in a daze, at her face that was no longer a "little girl", and couldn't help sighing over the process of knowing and getting along with ivy over the years.

"Ivy, I..."

"No, ivy, why can't Chunan marry you?"

A bright but pleasant voice full of sunshine, which just makes people feel energetic and vigorous when listening to it, suddenly sounded not far away from the two people, and instantly washed away the ambiguous but heavy atmosphere between the two people.

Chunan and erweiqi were stunned and turned to look at the direction of the voice.

A figure who was very familiar to both of them stood there, her face as beautiful as a goddess in the sun was more beautiful, and there was still a heartless smile that made them equally familiar.