Prince leikas's negotiations with Pope lockmarton were unexpectedly smooth.

Just one more day than the expected shortest five days, the erewarner military treaty alliance has given an accurate reply through the Pope lockmarton, agreeing that Prince leikas take the "lost" Park hunting participants back.

Of course, due to the reasons of the journey, the erewarner military treaty alliance did not shoot a specific real representative, but let the Pope lockmarton announce the news as a substitute, and said that when the spacecraft transporting Prince leikas and others passed through the Perseus spiral arm, the alliance would shoot a special person to accompany the whole process to ensure that there would be no mistakes on the way.

According to the words of Royal daughter Romanti, it is clear that the erewarner military treaty alliance sent people to monitor, but Prince leikas did not care about it, saying that this is a normal practice, because he appeared in the rotating arm of Perseus in his capacity. The erewarner military treaty alliance is respected and valued on the surface, or for other considerations in private, Will certainly not allow Prince leikas to move freely without their surveillance.

A slight difference is the diplomatic event that will lead to a conflict between the dikland Empire and the military treaty alliance of erewarna.

Therefore, Prince leikas did not express any objection to the arrangement of the military treaty alliance of erewarna, and it seemed that things went on quickly in a smooth direction.

On the fourth day after the official reply of the military treaty alliance of erewarna was communicated, that is, the tenth day after Chu Nan and others arrived here, a small spacecraft landed on the prairie.

The small spaceship was sent by the military treaty alliance of erewarna to pick up Prince leikas, his "four entourages" and the lost contestants.

According to the plan, when the ship carries them out of the endless abyss and officially introduces the Perseus spiral arm, the erewarner military treaty alliance will send a larger and more formal large spacecraft to connect Prince leikas and others and send them back to the Declan empire.

Prince leikas, Chunan and others had no objection to this arrangement, but unexpectedly, when the spacecraft arrived and they were about to board, there was an unexpected accident.

"What? You don't want to go?" The Royal daughter of Romanti opened her eyes and looked at the girl who looked thinner than her and seemed to be a year or two younger. "Why? Didn't you still ask if you could get the reward of the park Hunting Club when you go back? If you don't go, you won't get the reward!"

This girl is the one who suddenly said "I want to go back and see lorian" during the previous discussion, and the "lorian" she said is actually a six legged beast with fierce appearance and huge body, but with strange pink hair all over.

At this time, the "lorian" was standing next to the girl. Because she was not tall enough, she was tightly hugged by one of her legs with her hands. She looked very funny.

"Yes, but you can't take lorian. I don't want to be separated from lorian. I'll miss her!" The girl shouted loudly and made further efforts with her arms around the fierce beast's legs, as if she were going to grow on it.

Chu Nan, who was standing next to him, couldn't help drawing a corner of his mouth.

He noticed that the girl used a female "she" to call the beast. It seemed that she regarded the beast not only as a pet, but also as a best friend!

Chu Nan shook his head, ignored how the Royal daughter Romanti persuaded the girl, turned to look at the others, and found that although the other people didn't behave as fiercely as the girl, they were the same fierce animals with different looks around them... Oh no, their pets were closely attached to each other, and each one looked like it was hard to give up.

Chu Nan used to be neutral about people keeping pets. After all, some pets are really cute, but now these fierce animals are ferocious, powerful, and undoubtedly cruel. They can't match the word "cute" in any way, which is really hard for him to accept.

"I'll give you ten minutes to think about it. If you want to leave, you'll leave with me. If you don't want to, I don't have to drag you away." Prince leikas spoke coldly. "But I must make it clear to you that this is your last chance. You have finally passed the test of the second stage of the safari. If you miss this opportunity and refuse to leave, it means that you have given up the special reward of the imperial royal family."

The young warriors looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and came slowly to Prince leikas.

Some people took the lead, and some of the remaining people hesitated one after another.

But many people still choose to stay where they are.

Ten minutes later, only 13 people came to Prince leikas, but not half of the total.

Chu Nan turned his head and looked at Angie Belle around him. He raised his eyebrows and motioned with his eyes.

Angie Belle shook her head gently, her lips moved slightly, and her voice was directly transmitted to Chu Nan's ears.

"It seems that they don't know enough about this variant of eyag-871 biological gene virus, or they deliberately choose to inject a small dose, so the severity of these people's symptoms varies. However, no matter what kind of symptoms, we don't have appropriate instruments at hand. Unless you can recast each of them many times, it's almost impossible for us to unlock the virus on them."

Chu Nan nodded slightly to show his understanding. Glancing at glulik among the people standing opposite, he found that he was still intimate with his pet Antu and had no different ideas. He couldn't help sighing in his heart.

This guy's acting skills are really good. At this time, he really calms down.

"Well, now that you have made a choice, let's go."

Ten minutes later, Prince leikas stopped talking nonsense, waved goodbye to Pope lockmarton with his arm raised, and then walked straight in to pick up their small spaceship.

The 13 people who chose to leave still looked back at their pets reluctantly, and they got on the ship at the urging of Royal daughter Romanti and Chu Nan.

The spacecraft soon took off and headed for the depths of the prairie.

After more than half an hour of flight, a huge portal just floating in the air appeared in front of the spacecraft. The spacecraft went straight in and disappeared completely through the portal in a moment.

After the whole space was quiet for a while, a low altitude suspension shuttle car suddenly flew from a distance and stopped outside the transmission door.

The shuttle car side door opened and Pope lockmarton came out as if walking on the ground.

He walked slowly to the portal, looked at the portal still emitting a faint white light in front of him, and frowned.