Sure enough, the Reverend mal's face suddenly became more ugly and said in a gloomy way: "little girl, although I am willing to let you go in the face of your master, don't blame me if you have to die by yourself!"

Angie Belle snorted coldly. Suddenly, she turned around and hugged Chu Nan. Her body was completely close to him and raised her voice to spread out. Fastest update

"Kill if you want. Since you want to kill Chu Nan, kill me!"

Chu Nan frowned and just wanted to push away Angela Belle, but Angela Belle suddenly put her head close to Chu Nan. Her mouth had been put next to Chu Nan's ear, and then a very subtle voice came in.


As soon as the voice fell, Chu Nan suddenly felt a very subtle change in the space around his body.

Originally, the spatial energy in the space around him was completely controlled by the Mair venerable. Whether it was completely locked or later turned into "gravel" flying all over the sky, Chu Nan could not affect it. However, now, the surrounding space seems to loosen up suddenly. What impact does it seem to have on the spatial energy that was originally controlled by the Mair venerable, It is obvious that a small part of it has become no longer completely controlled by the MAH venerable, but somewhat restored to the natural frenzy of spatial energy in alien space.

Chu Nan wondered if this was the "trick" that Angela Belle had just said to the Maer?

"Listen, Chu Nan, I can't hold on for more than a minute. We must do something in this minute." Angela Belle's voice came into Chu Nan's ears again.

Chu Nan turned his head and looked at the ma'er venerable who seemed to be hesitant in the distance. His mind suddenly turned and he had made a decision in an instant.

In order to avoid being found by the Mair venerable, he stretched out his finger and made a few simple gestures on Angela Belle's stomach.

"So itchy..."

In this case, Angie Belle had the leisure to spread a few laughs.

But before Chu Nan stared at her, she nodded quickly to understand Chu Nan's meaning.

After confirming that Angie Beili really understood, Chu Nan took a deep breath that did not exist, and the body * * breath has quickly completed seven turns. It urges the nebula with the most penbai momentum. In the blink of an eye, it has entered the high rotation state of the nebula, driving all the space energy contained in the body to explode. In an instant, it has laid protective layers in the body, and the whole body shows a faint golden light.

Luohan Ba body gold body.

The golden light not only enveloped the south of Chu, but also enveloped Angela belle.

This is the fact that Chu Nan took advantage of the gap forcibly opened by Angie belle to forcibly bring all the space energy that has not been easily loosened into control, and transformed the external space energy into the energy structure of luohanba's body, which is equivalent to forming a larger range of body.

Luohan Ba body gold body is worthy of being the top S-level skill. Even if the surrounding "gravel" storm is a powerful skill used by the powerful star level warrior ma er Zun, Chu Nan and angel Beili still resist the erosion of "gravel" temporarily.

Taking advantage of the moment when the crisis was relieved, Chu Nan hugged Angie Beili, but did not take the opportunity to escape in the direction away from the Mair venerable, but rushed straight to the Mair venerable.

"Die!" The Reverend mal stared and his anger soared.

At this moment, she had made up her mind to kill the little girl even if she risked her life feud with the crazy woman.

Since she has to die with this boy, let her!

Looking at Chu Nan rushing over, ma'er Zun sneered. Although he was surprised that Chu Nan could resist the attack of quicksand skill after the golden light appeared on his body, he still didn't think it was moving. He continued to urge quicksand skill to make the "sand storm" enveloping them more fierce.

Of course, this is not because she has no other way to kill Chu Nan, but first, this method is the most safe in this case, and second, this can cause the greatest torture to the two guys.

That little girl, let alone this damn boy, can't let him die so easily!

In the "sandstorm", Chu Nan and Angela Belle struggled forward.

Angelina Belle's milky light becomes more and more intense. With the method she learned from the oberli master to fight against the star level warrior field, she now focuses all her energy on the destruction field, trying to separate the spatial energy in the surrounding space from the control of the Maer master.

Chu Nan took her and flew to the Maer venerable while trying to maintain the luohanba body and gold body to protect them. At the same time, his most important work is to bring all the space energy in the surrounding space that is out of the control of the Maer venerable due to the influence of angel Belle into his own control, and form a special cycle to keep it around his body all the time.

Chu Nan didn't let go of any controllable space energy. In this way, more and more space energy was accumulated. Finally, it reached an extremely terrible level, but it was forcibly condensed by Chu Nan without any dissipation.

Feeling the terrible spatial energy condensation in the surrounding space, Angela Belle not only didn't have any worry, but looked up at Chu Nan with some excitement.

Obviously, Chu Nan is going to make his strongest blow.

Although Angie Belle doesn't think that Chu Nan's strongest blow can defeat the old woman opposite, she is curious about what level the strongest blow can reach with Chu Nan's strength.

Even if it is impossible to defeat a star level martial artist, the power will certainly surprise the old woman, right.

Compared with these curiosities, Angelique Belle didn't care much about the very likely imminent death.

"Hey, Angie Belle, listen." Chu Nan's voice suddenly came into Angela Belle's ears, but he separated a trace of space energy from his huge space energy to form space energy, which was transmitted by microwave vibration. "I only have one chance to attack. After this attack, no matter what the result is, I will open a gap in the wall of space and send you back to the positive space universe. Then you will find a way to escape. Although I can't guarantee whether you can escape in the end, there is still a chance, as long as you..."

"I won't do it." Before Chu Nan finished, Angie Belle had looked up into his eyes, and a firm voice came into Chu Nan's ears. "When I was in the leppler system before, I had to escape once, and then I could only watch you fall into the gate. Once is enough. I don't want to do it again."

Seeing that Angie Belle didn't want to, Chu Nan was in a hurry.

"But we made it very clear last time. You'll only die if you stay. It's better to practice well after you go back and find a chance to avenge me later..."

"Die or die. I don't care about revenge." Angie Belle interrupted Chu Nan again.

Chu Nan looked at Angie Belle in amazement and didn't understand why she reacted like this.

In his impression, although Angela Belle has always been careless and heartless, thanks to this character, she always appears very calm at critical moments, and her actions are extremely rational. She won't be so emotional.

How come now her reaction is completely different from that of the last time in leppler galaxy, and she has become... Capricious?

However, now there is not so much time for Chu nan to ask this question. Looking at the extremely firm look on Angie Belle's face, Chu Nan had to smile bitterly.

"Well, since you want to die here with me, let's go!"

Chu Nan once again took a deep breath of the air that did not exist, turned his head and looked at the Mair venerable who was not far away. Looking at the enemy who brought him the greatest crisis in his life, he suddenly had a sense of pride in his heart.

"Come on, Angie Belle, this may be the last time we punch in our life. Since it's the last time, let's do our best without any regret. Come on, let's make the scene gorgeous!" (to be continued.)

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