"Wow -"

Chu Nan jumped directly into the huge bath and let his body smash the water in the bath to fly, splashing everywhere.

This action full of childlike fun made him laugh with joy.

In the whole day today, he experienced a series of things. First, he came to a fantastic drifting in space, then a series of wars, and personally witnessed the confrontation between two star level warriors. It can be said that it was thrilling and exciting from heaven to earth.

Now he finally took time to take a good bath. He simply let his body relax and decided to have a good rest.

He soaked in the warm pool water, smelled the faint aroma from the obviously fed water, found an extremely comfortable position and lay with his back against the edge of the bath, and then didn't even bother to move a finger.

Of course, physical relaxation does not mean that his spirit can relax safely.

While soaking, Chu Nan naturally began to operate the nine turn mental method, quickly recovered the internal breathing consumed today, and thought and analyzed the current situation in his mind.

The guy who claimed to be Dakril's Apprentice just now obviously had Greg's shadow behind him.

Otherwise, he would come out to fight and kill Chu Nan casually, which made Greg, who had just been polite to Chu Nan, even claimed to solicit him, put his face there.

Most importantly, when Chu Nan was about to slap the guy to death at last, it was obvious that Greg's shot blocked Chu Nan's fatal killing move against the big man.

From that point, Gregor is a powerful strong ruler. Although it is a temporary move of Chu Nan, it is not perfect, but it embodies the essence of all the methods of Chu Nan's present work. It contains the huge energy of space, the huge energy gathered by the high energy and the energy of space, the huge palm that is gathered by the precise control of space energy, and the phagocytic effect of the black rim.

This is the way to condense the essence of Chu Nan's function, but it is easily blocked by gretke.

Chu Nan was not surprised by this result, but tested that Greg did have the strength of Yutian strong without doubt, so he had to be more cautious.

Although his current flesh body is close to or even completely reaches the strength of Yutian level, it is difficult for internal breathing to ascend to the sky step by step. Therefore, even if he makes rapid progress, it is probably equivalent to the level of second-order internal breathing level martial artist.

Although he has the blessing of nine turn mental skill, which makes him rise to the same level as the fourth level internal breathing warrior under the high turn internal breathing, he is obviously much worse than the strong one of Yutian level.

With his current strength, if he faces Greg head-on, he can be sure that the possibility of winning is infinitely close to zero.

So Chu Nan doesn't intend to have a head-on conflict with him at all. His only consideration now is how to safely take angelbelle and high priest zima away.

He was confident that he could escape alone and even hold down greck for a period of time, but the high priest zima and Angela Belle together were just two air breaking warriors, and the others, including Angela Belle, were only internal air breaking warriors. They didn't play any role in the sand Eagle headquarters, where there were no less than 20 air breaking warriors.

After thinking for a long time, Chu Nan couldn't think of a proper way to take them away safely when yugrek was, so he knocked on his forehead with a headache.

"If only there was a way to lead Greg away..."

When I was thinking hard, a few slight footsteps suddenly sounded behind me.

Chu Nan immediately turned back and suddenly his eyes burst.

At the entrance of the bathroom, the four maids came in together just now.

Chu Nan is used to being naked in front of others these days. Now he's soaking in the bath and suddenly rushing into four people doesn't make him too embarrassed, but what makes him embarrassed is that the four maidens are also naked now!

Chu Nan's eyes widened and stared blankly at the four of them approaching. Then they went down the bath together and came together to him.

"You... What are you doing..." Chu Nan asked blankly.

Although he was not the first brother to see a woman's carcass for the first time, he had even been naked with Angie Belle before, but after all, he was still an out and out virgin until now. Suddenly, four beautiful young girls appeared naked in front of him, which made him a little confused and didn't know what to do for a time.

"Mr. Chunan, we are here to serve you in the bath." A maid said as she touched her hand.

At the same time, Chu Nan felt a smooth body leaning up behind him, and the two soft balls in front of his chest had been pasted on his back. At the same time, a hand slipped from his chest and went straight to his vital part.


Chu Nan immediately shook like an electric shock and rushed out directly, breaking away from the surrounding of the four maidens.

In a hurry, he even started his internal breathing naturally.

As a result, the four maidens had no foundation in martial arts. Chu Nan broke free and immediately all four of them flew backwards.

The other three waitresses were fine, but they fell back and flew into the pool, banging up three huge splashes, and the waitress close to her back was much worse.

She pasted Chu Nan recently, and the anti earthquake force was naturally the largest. As soon as Chu Nan broke free, she flew back, but behind her was not a pool, but a smooth hard stone floor.

Seeing that she was about to fall heavily, Chu Nan reacted at this time. His body flashed again. He came to the bottom of her fall in an instant, stretched out his hands and gently took her down.

Half way through the scream, the maid found a soft force rising from below and holding her body. Then two powerful arms picked her up and breathed a sigh of relief.

She opened her eyes in shock and just met Chu Nan's concerned eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" Chu Nan lowered his head and asked, but found that he didn't know where to look.

Now the maid was held horizontally in front of him, and her whole body was seen by him from a close distance. Even the most secret parts could be easily seen. It really made him feel fragrant and embarrassed at the same time.

Although the maid's face was still a little pale because of the shock just now, when she heard Chu Nan ask, she still reluctantly smiled at him, gently shook her head and said, "I'm fine. Mr. Chu Nan, are you... Are you angry? Do we think we offended you?"

"That's not the case." Chu Nan took a gentle breath, forced himself to calm down, put her on the ground, turned his head and glanced. At this time, the other three maids who got up from the bath awkwardly frowned and asked, "did Greg send you? Tell him I don't like this kind of thing." (to be continued)