At a glance, Chu Nan was completely unable to move.

The whole space seemed to freeze suddenly. Chu Nan couldn't move his fingers at all, not to mention moving his body. Even the muscles in his nose had solidified and couldn't even breathe.

This terrible experience is undoubtedly the first time for Chu Nan.

It's not terrible that the body is completely out of control. What's terrible is that it seems that endless space energy flows into his body from all directions and angles, penetrating into every meridian, every bone and even every cell through every pore.

This is different from the spatial energy attracted by his own internal breathing. It is clearly injected by external forces.

And this external force undoubtedly comes from the venerable Orville in front of us.

Chu Nan couldn't even move his eyes. He could only wait for the venerable auveli with straight eyes and tried his best to suppress the uncontrollable fear in his heart.

But this feeling comes and goes quickly.

Every corner of his body has been "washed" for the most terrible moment.

Under the scouring of such dense space energy, he felt as if he had become transparent and had no secrets.

A moment later, the space energy washed Chu Nan's body ten times, and then disappeared completely in an instant.

"Call -"

Chu Nan found that he had finally regained control of his body. He couldn't help but breathe out. Then he quickly controlled his body and tried to keep calm.

"Master, how are you?" Angela Belle immediately asked the venerable auveli with a proud face, "are you sure that Chu Nan has a perfect flesh body now?"

Aoweili venerable looked very strange, glanced up and down at Chu Nan again, frowned and shook his head again.

"No... how is this possible? Chu Nan, your body is really... Really... Really perfect!"

Perhaps it was because he was so surprised that the venerable Olivier repeated "really" three times.

After a word of admiration, she turned to Alvey and shook her head.

"No, although your research is very important, what is more important is Chu Nan's own ability. This guy has excellent control over his body, otherwise he would never have further refined his flesh and body to this extent."

Seeing that the venerable Orville admitted her statement, Alvey smiled proudly.

"Well, brother Chu Nan is very powerful. Although I have studied the possibility of using the skill method to improve the deep data of the human body, it is only a theoretical possibility. I didn't expect that brother Chu Nan could perfectly achieve my experimental goal. I think... I can't find any other martial artist."

"Hmm..." the venerable auveli turned his head again and looked at Chu Nan with deep meaning. "This boy has amazing talent. Now that the problem of his flesh has been solved perfectly, I'm sure he can definitely break through the pass of the universe."

At this point, the venerable auveli smiled with great joy. He went over and touched Chu Nan's face, pinched his arm, lifted up his coat, and stroked several on his chest. When Chu Nan Nan was uncomfortable and couldn't help but want to stop, he withdrew his hand and then showed a satisfied smile.

"Well, very good, I'm very satisfied. Angie Belle, you can ask Chu Nan for advice in terms of quenching and refining the body, which will be very helpful for you to break through the heaven pass of the universe in the future."

"OK." Angie Belle nodded. "But I'm afraid I have to ask not only Chu Nan, but also ivy. Her research is very useful. With the help of her research during this period, I feel that my meat body quenching has also been significantly improved."

"Oh? Really?" Reverend ovelli looked at Ivy unexpectedly. "I didn't expect you to be a teenager this year?"

"I'm almost fifteen." Alvey replied proudly.

"Less than 15 years old? That's a genius. Your name is ivy, isn't it? It seems that your martial arts skills are not very strong. Do you have a good master? Or are you not interested in practicing martial arts?"

"It all matters a little." Ivy replied: "although there are many experts on Aucma, and my father's martial arts are also good, but the martial arts they cultivate are not suitable for me. I have cultivated the martial arts of my grandfather since childhood. Although my martial arts are very good, but they don't have so much time to teach me, and I didn't have much interest in martial arts before, so..."

"Well, what about you now? Are you still not interested in martial arts?" Reverend ovelli looked at Ivy with considerable interest. "I want to remind you that your brother Chu Nan is very talented. As long as he breaks through the pass of the universe, his strength will improve very quickly in the future, and you will soon miss him. And under my guidance, Angela Belle will improve very quickly. At that time, you will be far away from them."

Chu Nan listened inexplicably.

What if he and Angie Belle improve their strength rapidly?

What's this about Alvey?

Who knows, Ivy's face changed slightly, and her face was a little nervous.

Her eyes turned a few times, and suddenly her expression moved and said to the venerable auveli, "are you willing to accept me as an apprentice?"

The venerable auveli smiled and waved his hand.

"If you want to practice martial arts, I can give you more advice."

"Really? That's great!" Ivy immediately shouted excitedly. "Thank you so much, Reverend Olivier. You are a good man!"

"Congratulations, ivy. It's great to get the guidance of the Star Warrior!"

Hearing that the venerable auveli promised to give more advice to Ivy, Chu Nan was also happy for ivy.

But he has another important question to ask.

"Well... Reverend Olivier, I have a question I haven't been clear about."

"Tell me."

"I've heard Angela Belle mention the perfect breakthrough many times. Just now you mentioned it again. I want to ask... What's the matter with this perfect breakthrough? Is there really a difference between perfection and imperfection?"

"Of course there is." The venerable Orville first nodded and admitted, but then fell into silence.

After thinking for a while, she continued, "Chu Nan, in understanding the difference between perfect and imperfect clearance, you must first understand a word, which is exactly one thing."

"What is it?"

Not only Chu Nan, Alvey also looked at the venerable auveli curiously.

The words of venerable auveli just now successfully aroused her strong interest in martial arts. Now she is eager to absorb more knowledge about martial arts.

"This word is Tianguan without regret." (to be continued)