Fifteen minutes later, Chu Nan appeared outside the office of the director of the Academic Affairs Office of the wuzhe branch.

He hesitated for a moment before he raised his hand and knocked at the door.

"Who?" Sun Xiangren's voice came out.

"Director Sun, it's me, Chu Nan."

There was silence in the room for a while before footsteps sounded. Then the door was opened, revealing sun Xiangren's calm and obviously tired face.

"Here you are. Come in."

Chu Nan followed sun Xiangren and went in. He was surprised to find that the room seemed to be undergoing a general cleaning. Many messy things were put out, and some things were obviously still in the state of packing.

"I'm leaving tomorrow. Today is my last day in college." Seeing Chu Nan's surprise, sun Xiangren explained.

Chu Nan gave him a surprised look.

Although everyone can be sure that sun Xiangren will never run away after knowing that Dean simondi was transferred, Chu Nan still couldn't help but feel a touch in his heart when he said he was here for the last day.

In fact, this matter is a little strange.

He is just an ordinary student who has just entered Xingyun College for only one month, but because of one thing, he finally forced the most powerful president of wuzhe branch and the director of Academic Affairs Office away.

Under normal circumstances, this is simply impossible to happen, but now it is really displayed in front of him.

"I know, you must think in your heart that you forced me and Dean simondi away." Sun Xiang is humane. "But this is not the case. Although your affair is a very important factor, the most important problem is that President Lin has long wanted to move us."

At this point, sun Xiangren smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Forget it, why should I tell you these things? From your point of view, you have done nothing wrong this time. You are just fighting for your rights and interests. On the contrary, I am sorry for you. I should apologize to you."

Chu Nan was surprised.

Sun Xiangren served as the director of the Academic Affairs Office of wuzhe branch for 13 years. He was privately called a cold faced hell by those senior students. When did you hear that he took the initiative to apologize to a student?

Of course, this can't weaken Chu Nan's evil feeling towards him.

Sun Xiangren's performance before and after this incident and in the final arbitration made him feel that he had already sentenced sun Xiangren to death. It is impossible for him to make a change because of his apology.

"I didn't expect you to forgive me." Sun Xiangren was like a roundworm in Chu Nan's stomach, and easily expressed his thoughts. "I really did it wrong, and I have no right to argue. But every time I think of it, I feel in my heart that this matter... Would not have been so far."

Chu Nan couldn't help sneering: "why? Now you know regret? Why didn't you know regret when you slandered me before?"

Sun Xiangren glanced at Chu Nan and smiled.

"I know you must have a lot of complaints about me. I don't expect your understanding, nor do I want you to make a difference to me. I just want to mention a few things to you this time, which has a lot to do with you."


"First, each student has only one chance to put forward the ultimate arbitration. Now you have used this opportunity. Even if there are similar situations in the future, you are not qualified to do so again. Do you understand?"

"Of course I know." Chu Nan sneered again. "If you didn't force me to choose this time, I wouldn't choose to use such fierce means, which is not good for me to study in the college in the future."

"Well, it seems that you are as I expected. You are not such a reckless child." Sun Xiangren showed a gratifying smile. "The second thing I want to tell you is that you didn't need to use the ultimate arbitration this time, because I never wanted to really let you drop out of school."

"Are you kidding?" Chu Nan couldn't help raising his voice. "After only a week, are you going to deny what you said in the final arbitration?"

"I didn't forget, but the situation forced me to choose between the wuzhe branch and you. Who do you think I would choose?"

Chu Nan snorted coldly.

Of course, he would not fail to understand this truth, but the result of sun Xiangren's choice of wuzhe branch is that he will be the victim. Of course, he would not agree.

"What I want to say is that the reason why this matter ended up like this is that I underestimated your ability, because I really didn't think you could really study so many martial arts skills in such a short time. I've worked in Xingyun College for so many years and have never seen a student with such talent."

"So you see it now?"

"Yes, I see it now." Sun Xiangren nodded. "I've learned a lesson from you, that is, don't easily deny any possibility at any time and under any circumstances. Maybe I've been the director for too many years, and I'm used to judging from my own point of view, which will make a big mistake and lose my life at night."

Chu Nan glanced at Sun Xiang's white hair on his temples and said nothing.

"The second reason is that there is too little communication between us. I unilaterally denied your ability and made a judgment, but I didn't communicate enough with you, so that you misunderstood that the branch would impose extremely severe punishment on you. In fact, it's not the case at all. If we had good enough communication before, I believe it wouldn't be like this."

Chu Nan snorted coldly: "director Sun, don't forget that you represent the superior leaders of the college. Any of your decisions may be nothing to you, but it is a very serious thing to us ordinary students."

"You're right. This thing has come to this end because I have lost the quality I should have as a student worker, so I don't think I deserve to stay in this position. At the same time, I'm old enough, so it's a good choice to retire completely."

Chu Nan glanced at the clutter around him and didn't comment.

"Before leaving, in addition to having to apologize to you, I also want to tell you good news in advance." Sun Xiangren suddenly smiled. "The standards for the evaluation of martial arts skills have been revised by the branch. From tomorrow, you can submit an application for exchanging points for martial arts skills again and get a lot of points rewards. With your strength, I believe you will soon get enough points rewards from this and quickly become a more advanced student."

"In addition, I also need to give you a warning. Although according to the new points system, you can even improve the level of students without taking the college step, if you want to become the top S-level student, you must take more practical trials, because in the assessment standards of students, actual combat is a very important factor."

"You should have a look at the library of the college. Although there are no specific martial arts skills in it, there are many notes of martial artists, which contain their understanding of their cultivation, which is very helpful for you to improve yourself. Some of them are dedicated to storing all kinds of understanding about breaking through the pass of the universe and heaven. I think you must need this very much."

"The curriculum of the college is actually very flexible. You can..."


In this small office, an old man who is about to retire seems to want to hand over everything he knows and keeps talking... (to be continued.)