The qualification test of freshmen is still going on, but few people have paid attention to this test and focused more on another thing.

Chu Nan is suspected of cheating by the college!

It should be said that there are many celebrities among the freshmen of the martial arts branch this year. Apart from Feng Mingxi and angel Beili, who are directly related to the star martial arts, Chu Nan can be regarded as the most famous among the other freshmen.

It is not only because he defended the honor for the Earth Federation in the Xiyun Star Warrior competition, but also because the two star level warriors personally determined that he was almost likely to break through the cosmic pass in the future, but also because his appearance directly led to the Federal Parliament's decision to pass the basic martial arts promotion act, making great efforts to promote the development of federal martial arts.

This time, the system of the martial arts branch of Xingyun college has been greatly reformed, changing the previously fixed grade system into a student point system that is more flexible and more oriented to more people, so that more students can benefit from it. It can even be said to be the credit of Chu Nan.

Now, however, Chu Nan has become the first victim under the new system.

Because he was suspected of cheating, Chu Nan was locked directly by the wuzhe branch!

Under the new student point system, this penalty for Chu Nan is only a little worse than ordering Chu nan to drop out of school!

So... Why?

Why is Chu Nan punished so severely?

Why is he suspected of cheating on points?

Why does this happen under the new points system?

In the modern society with extremely developed information, these problems will not become a secret.

Although the official of wuzhe branch did not make any positive response or answer to this matter, the truth was gradually dug out and revealed to everyone under the pervasive inquiry of the students.

It turned out that Chu Nan was suspected of cheating because he submitted a full 104 application for improvement of martial arts to the martial arts database of the college two days ago!

After knowing this, the first reaction of all the students of wuzhe branch was that it was impossible.

Everyone knows that the new points system allows students to conduct in-depth research on the martial arts in the martial arts database, and then put forward their own unique and deeper understanding. With this, they can apply for additional points rewards.

But no student union has ever really attached importance to this rule.

Because even the lowest level of f-level martial arts is not easy for students who are still in the learning stage to study thoroughly, let alone put forward a deeper understanding.

Even if it is possible, it will certainly take a lot of time and energy.

Wasting precious time and energy on these lowest f-level martial arts skills is not worth the loss for all students.

Now, however, Chu Nan has submitted an application for exchanging points for a full 104 f-level martial arts skills in one breath just over a month after the beginning of school!

According to sources, just a week after the beginning of school, he had submitted two applications for martial arts skills and successfully obtained approval, so he won additional points!

Everyone's first reaction to the news was that it was impossible, and the second reaction was that Chu Nan was crazy at all.

How could he organize a thorough study of 104 martial arts skills in less than a short period of time, and put forward his own unique opinions and insights on each martial arts skill?

Even if he wants to rely on this to quickly improve his points, it's ridiculous.

However, according to the disclosed information, the martial arts database of the college examined the application submitted by Chu Nan for these 104 martial arts skills in detail, and then found an amazing fact.

All the points exchange applications of these 104 martial arts skills meet the reward rules!

In other words, Chu Nan has given enough improvement suggestions and deep understanding to each martial arts skill in this full 104 applications!

It's impossible!

Even if Chu Nan's talent is excellent and he can understand some f-level martial arts thoroughly, it's OK to study one or two items within a month, even ten or twenty items can be reluctantly accepted.

As for item 104

Who believes it!

If many students felt that the college had made a mistake and Chu Nan had been wronged, now these details have been revealed, and the balance in everyone's mind immediately tilted to the college.

In the final analysis, Chu Nan is too exaggerated. It can even be called blatant.

At the beginning, many students also felt that the college suspected Chu Nan without evidence and was dissatisfied with such a severe punishment. Two days later, no students thought so again.

In everyone's view, the suspicion of Chu Nan is simply taken for granted.

This is obviously impossible. Chu Nan dares to do it. It's strange if he doesn't cheat!

So the question is, how did Chu Nan cheat?

If you can help him complete the analysis and improvement of 104 f-level martial arts in one month, there must be an extremely powerful martial artist behind Chu Nan.

But since this warrior is so powerful, why should he help Chu Nan do such a thing?

Chu Nan's background is very clear. He is just an ordinary young martial artist from an ordinary family. He has no deep background at all.

So is there a conspiracy behind the sudden emergence of such a powerful warrior and helping him do such things?

Does this powerful warrior aim at the most valuable S-level martial arts in the martial arts database of the martial arts branch of Xingyun college?

Although the ensuing doubt is reasonable, there is another thing that makes everyone more confused.

Chu Nan actually proposed the ultimate arbitration!

The so-called ultimate arbitration is a rule written in the Student Handbook of each Nebula college.

This rule stipulates that when students of Xingyun college disagree with a regulation of their own branch or their own punishment decision, they can have an opportunity to propose final arbitration.

After proposing the final arbitration, the student's appeal will receive the highest attention from the college, so an arbitration meeting will be organized to arbitrate and approve the conflict between the branch and the student in public.

If the final arbitration result shows that the student is beneficial, the decision made by the branch against the student will be overturned.

If the result of the arbitration declares that the student fails, he will also face serious consequences - automatic withdrawal.

This final arbitration can be said to give all students a chance to confront the official of the college.

If the students can win, it is bound to cause a sensation and even change a lot of things.

But because of its serious consequences, few students will choose to use this final means.

Of course, the nebula college has been established for more than 300 years, and there are not no students in the history who finally chose to use the ultimate arbitration.

However, the students who won the final arbitration... None! (to be continued)