Fortunately, although the little skill mentioned by Angela belle is very difficult, with strong data ability, Chu Nan soon mastered the law and gradually grasped this skill.

As for the next use of internal breathing to promote the reduction of broken bones, it is much simpler.

Without much effort, Chu Nan pushed the broken bones back to where they should be while exploring them.

When the last bone was pushed back by the internal breathing, Chu Nan explored twice with the internal breathing, and was relieved after confirming that there were no more broken bones.

"Hoo, it's all done at last." Even though the weather is extremely cold now, Chu Nan is still sweating. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and asked Angela Belle, "what's next?"

"Do you need to ask?" Angie Belle glared back at Chu Nan. "Help him recover, of course."

She got a definite answer from Angie Beili. Chu Nan no longer hesitated, started with internal breathing, adjusted to a high-frequency vibration state, and entered Jimo yev's body.

With the experience of doing experiments on Angela Belle yesterday, Chu Nan has now found the internal breathing vibration frequency suitable for yev's recovery at the end of the season.

Under the influence of high-frequency internal breathing, people around were surprised to find that the bones and flesh of Jimo yev began to heal.

Because the injury is too serious, the speed of healing is not a block, but it is still very obvious.

If you want to describe it, it's like playing the natural healing process of a person after treatment at hundreds of times.

Only ten minutes later, the flesh and blood wound on Jimo yev's arm had completely healed and there was no sign of injury.

Half an hour later, Chu Nansong opened his hand and breathed a long breath.

"All right."

"All right?" The crowd looked at Chu Nan in surprise.

It's only half an hour. Is it all right?

At the end of the season, yev moved his wrist and was surprised to find that he couldn't feel any pain, and he was still flexible and easy to use, as if he hadn't been hurt at all!

"Oh, my God, it's amazing!" Jimuyev raised his arm with a happy face and motioned to his companions around him. "Look, I didn't need to go to the hospital at all. I cured such a serious injury!"

Other soldiers looked carefully at Ji muyev's arm and couldn't help praising Chu Nan's winning streak.

"Hey, Chu Nan, don't be so busy and proud. You haven't cured him at all." While Chu Nan was a little complacent, Angela Belle, who had been silent since he began to restore the stimulation of high-frequency vibration and internal breathing to Jimo yev, suddenly spoke again.

"No cure?"

Everyone was stunned. They looked at jimuyev's arm again, but they saw that his arm looked intact at this time. Jimuyev had been moving his arm and could not see anything wrong.

"Look carefully, there is a protrusion near the wound just now. It should be that you didn't deal with it when you connected the bone to him, and then there was an error when you recovered. How long did it come out?"

When they looked at it, they saw that there was an unnatural protrusion in the middle of jimuyev's arm.

Chu Nan reached up and pressed it. He felt hard and sharp. It seems that it should be a misplaced bone.

"What now?" Chu Nan frowned.

At the end of the season, yev's wound has healed. If you want to dispose of this long bone, you need to do another treatment.

Did you break his arm again and reconnect it, as Angela Belle said just now?

"It's very simple. Just melt that piece and remove the extra bones. It's just a small problem." Angie Belle still didn't take this seriously. She nodded at Chu Nan, put out a thumb and said with appreciation: "Chu Nan, I really didn't see you wrong. Your talent in this field is so excellent. The first time I treated such an injury, I was able to do it nearly perfectly, which is much better than when I first practiced with people."

Looking at the protrusion on jimoyev's arm, Chu Nan was not proud of being praised at all.

He thought for a moment and said to Jimo yev, "then let me deal with it again?"

At the end of the season, yev shook his arm.

"I don't feel any problem. Is it all right anyway?"

"Of course you don't feel any problem now, but this bone may grow bigger and bigger in the future. At that time, it will not only look ugly, but also compress the blood vessels and nerves around you, which will eventually affect the movement of your whole arm. To be more serious, it's not surprising that your arm will be useless in the future." Angie belle is cold.

Jimo yev wanted to refute two words, but knowing that the other party was the disciple of aoweili, he naturally had no confidence to refute, so he could only look at Chu Nan obediently.

"Then... Please help me deal with it again."

"Easy to say."

With the experience just now, Chu Nan doesn't take this problem very seriously.

He grabbed jimuyev's arm, stretched out a breath, skillfully cut off the nerve sensing of jimuyev's whole right forearm, then raised his other hand, stretched out a finger and gently scratched next to the protruding bone, and then scratched a deep blood hole on his arm.

The wound separated and exposed the protruding bones inside.

Chu Nan first touched it with his hand, then explored it with his internal breathing, and determined the connection between this protruding bone and the whole arm. After thinking about it, a ray of internal breathing merged into the finger that just cut off Jimo yev's arm, and then flowed back and forth at a very high speed. Then he thought, and the vibration frequency of this ray of internal breathing was continuously increased by him.

Soon, the frequency has exceeded the frequency range needed for healing, and then it still doesn't stop. Unexpectedly, it has broken through the terrorist frequency of 5 kHz all the way!

Under the influence of such terrible high-frequency internal breathing vibration, even the air around Chu Nan's fingers appeared little ripples as if they were torn, and even bursts of bleak screams could be heard faintly.

Hasklovsky and the soldiers around him were shocked and looked at Chunan.

This little guy not only has a very special ability to use internal breathing to quickly heal wounds, but also can use internal breathing to make this incredible action. How many amazing things does he hide?

Hasklovsky thought more than the soldiers.

As a close guard officer of Marshal, of course, he knew the inside story of Marshal summoning Chu Nan, so he always thought that marshal was just selling the face of his old comrade in arms Hugh Meng.

However, he can see the amazing and even fantastic top note of Chu Nan. He can not help thinking of some things he has done before Chu Nan, which brings him new associations.

Maybe the marshal really took a fancy to some characteristics of Chu Nan before he specifically summoned him?

When I thought about the top note of Chu Nan, I learned that Haas Koslowski and Mu Yu Tong's things were more strange.

The little guy even got to know the disciples of the venerable auveli and attracted the attention of the venerable auveli.

No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like what the data shows. He's just an ordinary warrior who can't even break through the cosmic pass in the future.

Chunan over there certainly didn't know that hasklovsky had thought of so much in an instant. He was still focused on improving the internal vibration frequency on his fingers.

It didn't stop until the frequency rose to the limit he could control at present - 5.739104 kHz.

Then he carefully put his finger close to the protruding bone in the wound on kimoyev's arm.

In everyone's eyes, after the extremely hard bone was touched by Chu Nan's finger, it was immediately cut open like a piece of soft tofu. (to be continued)