After two days and six rounds of fierce competition, the number of contestants has decreased a lot after the Xiyun star fighter competition entered the seventh round.

Take the Under-20 group as an example. In the first round, there were 14993 contestants, but in the seventh round today, there were only 256 left.

However, compared with the previous two days, today's game has received much stronger attention.

The reason is very simple. Because there is no threshold for the contestants of the Xiyun Star Warrior competition team, the level of the contestants who come to register for the competition is uneven, so that most of the competitions in the previous two days are like rengal's comments in the program - the water level is too low to be watched.

Now, after six rounds of elimination matches, those who can break through six levels in a row and still stay on the field are almost all powerful fighters. Naturally, the game becomes more intense and wonderful.

But in addition, there is another very important reason, which makes more people pay attention to today's game.

The "Focus News" program of the Federal Information martial arts world channel is a very popular program. On yesterday's program, Tang Xiaoyou, as a guest, presented an extremely detailed data to prove that the situation for the earth federation is grim after the three rounds of the Xiyun Star Warrior competition.

The data show that with the progress of the martial arts competition, the proportion of federally registered martial arts contestants is extremely significantly decreasing.

The result of this tournament can be said to be so bad, but it can be held in the United Kingdom!

Therefore, with the deliberate promotion of intentional people and the media, the number of contestants has decreased significantly, and more people pay attention to this event.

In just one day, there were more news and discussions about the Xiyun Star Warrior competition on the pan Galaxy network, which made this event the focus of attention of several countries on the outer spiral arm of Orion almost instantly.

Of course, the people of the Earth Federation want to see the fighters belonging to the Earth Federation achieve good results in the next few rounds of competitions and finals to keep the honor for the Earth Federation, while countries outside the Earth Federation are naturally happy to see the Earth Federation lose face.

Even among those countries that had their own national fighters and passed the first six rounds of competition, many people directly and publicly ridiculed the Earth Federation, which attracted the counterattack from the Earth Federation. Therefore, an extremely fierce war of words broke out.

However, no matter how well the war of words is fought, it is not as powerful as the facts after all.

The next day, the Xiyun Star Warrior competition ended, and the statistical data after the six rounds of competition were sorted out immediately.

According to the competition system, by the end of the sixth round, all the remaining contestants in the Xiyun star martial arts competition are 512 adults over the age of 20 and 256 young martial arts under the age of 20.

Among the remaining 512 martial arts contestants in the adult group, there are only 187 martial arts contestants belonging to the Earth Federation! Barely over a third!

However, this is not the most frightening. What really scares the earth federation is that there are only 42 young fighters belonging to the Earth Federation among the remaining 256 fighters in the group of young fighters under the age of 20!

Not even a sixth!

This time, people really paid attention to the topic raised by Tang Xiaoyou on the "Focus News" program.

Young warriors represent the future. The poor performance of young warriors means that the future of the warriors of the earth federation is unimaginable, and it can even mean that the martial arts of the whole earth federation is degenerating!

Perhaps some people are not very interested in this too broad topic, but they have to admit another possibility mentioned by Tang Xiaoyou.

That is, this year's wuzhe hegemony competition hosted by xiyunxing, maybe it was a non Earth Federation wuzhe who won the championship!

If this could be true, it would be a disgrace to the whole earth federation!

Therefore, the competition on the third day of Xiyun Star Warrior competition has become the focus of attention of countless people.

If the final three rounds of knockout matches on the third day are still the same as the previous two days, there may be few global Federation fighters who can finally enter the finals, and the hope of winning the championship is naturally more slim.

Never allow this to happen!

"Soldiers of the union! Please fight for the honor of the union!"

Chu Nan just got off the shuttle car sent by Xiyun college today. He was stunned when he saw the surging crowd before the meeting and the huge banner that was held up most in the crowd.

"What's going on?"

Although there were a large number of spectators in the first two days of the game, the vast majority of the audience just put on a leisurely look, and more of them took the event as a grand entertainment.

How come after a day's absence, these audiences seem to have completely changed their appearance, and each one has become extremely excited and excited, and even vaguely angry?

Looking back at the full seven shuttle cars exclusive to Xiyun college, and the students and teachers who are coming out of the seven cars and holding various refueling banners, Chu Nan finally realized that there seems to be something wrong

"Hello, Dong Fang, do you know what's going on?" Chu Nan grabbed Dong Fang, who just came down from the rear suspension lock car, pointed to the onlookers who were shouting slogans in front of him and asked.

"What's going on?" Dong Fang glanced in the direction of Chu Nan, oh, and smiled. "Ha, did you forget what I showed you yesterday?"

Chu Nan's mind flashed the projection of the strangely dressed virtual character Dong Fang showed him last night, which was even more baffling.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Hey, I told you yesterday, this competition..."

After Dong Fang's general explanation, Chu Nan finally understood what was going on.

"No wonder the college has paid so much attention to it today. It also sent a special car to send us here, and even pulled a bunch of students and teachers to be cheerleaders..."

Chu Nan's eyes were being organized by other teachers in the back, and he felt a little funny when he glanced over the students in the queue.

On the first day of the competition, although the college attached great importance to it, it only sent a team leader and a logistics team composed of five staff to follow.

Early this morning, Xiyun college sent seven cars, with a total of more than 200 people.

In addition to the leader teacher, the logistics team was suddenly expanded to 15 people, and even the vice president of wuzhe branch came with him.

Plus the cheerleading team of more than 100 people, the lineup is extremely huge.

Chu Nan thought that he had touched another contestant of the college, Feng Xiaoguang, the biological son of Feng Tianlin, President of Xiyun college. Now after listening to Dong Fang's explanation, he found that it was such a ridiculous reason.

"Hum, is it possible to win or lose between martial artists by shouting slogans?"

Chu Nan glanced at Feng Xiao, who was surrounded by several teachers, and shook his head.