Exclaimed Daisy, then joining the children and following them to try.

She is like a child who has got a new toy. She looks surprised and excited!

"Hey, Daisy, we have to work!" Cried Jane foster.

But Daisy turned a deaf ear.

Seeing this scene, Jane Foster was speechless. She knew that the experimental data and so on had to be recorded by her.

Although Jane foster is curious and novel about the current situation, as a qualified adult, she can restrain these feelings.

Only in Sol's place, she will be free, not repress herself, release everything.

And that's one of the reasons Saul loves her.

Holding the instrument, she began to explore the situation inside the building, and Jane foster disappeared into people's sight.

And at this time, using transfiguration to become one of those children's yuzhiboban, quietly walked into the building, and then followed Jane foster.

If you remember correctly, ether will appear soon!

Wu Chen, who plays yuzhiboban, remembers that Jane foster acted alone, and then the nine realms were united. Through the entrance, she entered the world of the dark elves, svatafheim!

Coincidentally, Jane foster went directly to the place where Odin's father, Bohr, suppressed ether.

And even more coincidentally, the ether will reside in someone's body.

Therefore, Jane foster, who touched the ether because of curiosity, naturally became the host of the ether.

Although she didn't have anything in the end and still lived well, sol lost his throne.

Even though Saul didn't want to be king.

After all, he lost his mother, his brother, and so on.

Moreover, the ethereal reality gem was entrusted to the collector by Asgard.

However, it's a pity that collectors can't protect the real gems, and eventually they fall into the hands of mieba.

Therefore, this wave, Wu Chen is going to win the gem of reality, but also ready to help a wave of sol.

Let his mother live and let his brother stay in prison.

After all, Wu Chen has a good sense of sol.

He intends to do so, and let yuzhipoban replace Jane foster as the host of the ether.

Then, if yuzhiboban doesn't come back, he will stay in swatevheim and kill all the dark elves there!

It's the fighting power between sub father and heavenly Father, plus the real gem.

Yuzhiboban's strength can absolutely break through the father level!

Even, it's possible to reach the upper level of the heavenly Father!

This kind of yuzhibo, a person against a race, will definitely win!

The reason why we want to kill the dark elves is because the villains are their dark elves.

The whole story of Thor II is created by the dark elves.

And without the dark elves, the whole movie will not happen.

Isn't that the best solution?

Follow Jane foster to the deserted corridor, and yuzhiboban changes back to his original appearance.

He looked around the corridor and guessed, "this should be it."

Then, without hiding his footsteps, he went straight to Jane Foster's position.

Hearing the footsteps, Jane foster immediately turned her head, and then she was stunned for half a second to respond, "yuzhiboban?!"

However, before the cry spread, an inexplicable wind began to blow.

Yuzhiboban goes to Jane foster and grabs her. Without resisting the wind, they disappear in the corridor.

The reason why we want to catch up with Jane foster is to use the aura of the protagonist.

If he went to swatevheim alone, what if he didn't send it directly to the seal of the ether?

Swatevheim is one of the nine realms, and its area is not small.

If yuzhiboban really wants to find the deep buried ether, he will never find it.

So, with Jane foster, this is the best course of action.

Sure enough, holding Jane Foster's arm to stop struggling, yuzhiboban and her came to a dark underground.