There was an explosion more violent than the one that blew up the town before.

Before the deafening sound, the dazzling light first came to Bofeng Watergate and others.

There seems to be a second sun on the ground!

As a result, the sun became dim.

The three of them immediately bent down to avoid the light and the coming shock.

Boom ~ ~

a huge sound came slowly, followed by the blast wave.

Bofengshuimen grabs Colson and hawk's eye, and they hide behind the boulder together. In addition, bofengshuimen uses chakra to fix the soles of their feet, which prevents one of them from being blown away.

The air blast moved slowly and firmly.

In the process of spreading, its power gradually weakened, and finally came to the small town.

Although the explosion point is several kilometers away from the town, people in the town still feel a strong wind!

The agents of aegis were looking at the huge mushroom cloud, and their heads fell into a state of downtime unconsciously.

Some even murmured unconsciously: "this kind of power is comparable to the tactical small equivalent nuclear warhead. Is this really what the organization controls?"

"We've been fighting this kind of terrorist organization?"

Obviously, this man has been frightened by the strength of Didala.

At the moment, if Didala was nearby, he would be more happy!

There's nothing that makes Didala more happy than the recognition of his own art.

As for why it is "happier", because Didala is already very happy.

The reason is very simple, a tail shouhe successfully captured!

Even the most defensive tail of all tailed animals is hard to resist such explosive attacks in a hurry.

Originally nearly 100 meters in size, but now only three or four meters in height, and a number of body collapses, it seems to be unable to maintain the size.

See this scene, with soil patting Didala's shoulder, let him drop height.

Then he jumped down, took out a huge scroll and used the seal technique to seal the small tail.

Seeing this, Didala couldn't help asking: "ah Fei, will it affect the effect if I blow up a tail so little? I remember that the leader said that he wanted something... "

Dai Tu shook his head. "I sealed it with its chakra. Although the size of a shouhe has become smaller, its chakra has not decreased much."

"In that case, let's go! There are no fried eggs here. I'm starving! " Didala drove the birds to fly far away with the earth.

And the distant wave wind water gate and others see this scene, Colson can't help asking: "Mr. wave wind, don't you chase me?"

Wave wind water gate gently shook his head, and then nodded, "ah Fei's virtual ability, even if I catch up, I can't get back a tail. However, we still have to chase them. At least we can disturb them or find their old nest! "

"But in that case, I can't take you with me."

Colson and Hawkeye Barton look at each other, and they both see their reluctance from each other's eyes.

But even if the heart is not willing, they also did not raise an objection, because at the moment they, for the wave Fengshui gate, is cumbersome.

This is irrefutable.

Seeing that they were very sensible, Bofeng Watergate nodded with satisfaction, and then told Colson, "you should go back as soon as possible after you have dealt with things here!"

After getting Colson's affirmative reply, Bofeng Watergate said to eagle eye button, "after you go back, go to find Wu Chen, and I'll go to his house for a few days after you finish chasing down Xiao's two people."

"I see, master Watergate!"

Then, the wave Feng Shui gate turned into a golden light and kept flashing in the direction where ah Fei and Didala left.

Colson tried to stop and shut up.

Seeing Barton curious, Colson had no good way: "I just wanted Mr. Bofeng to bring a video device, but I thought that might affect his fighting power, so I gave up."

After the explanation, Colson and Hawkeye Barton go back to the town to deal with the follow-up.

A small town was destroyed.

Although no casualties were caused, it is not a simple matter to deal with the follow-up affairs.

It is estimated that Colson will not return to New York until several days later.

And Hawkeye needs to stay with Colson.

After all, he was more effective than any other agent, including Colson.

So far, the earth's Raytheon event is over, but the story of God's Raytheon is not over.

When Saul returned to the kingdom of God with his brother, he saw the scene in horror.

His father, with guards, escorts rocky himself, ready to banish him into the endless void!

The reason is simple.During the time when Saul was delayed on earth, rocky saw that his plot was revealed, and he was ready to use rainbow bridge to destroy the ice giant's planet yodunheim.

Naturally, it's because rocky doesn't want his ugly life to be known to others.