Lithium dioxide injection can effectively alleviate the symptoms of palladium poisoning, but it is only remission, not radical cure, or recurrence.

So aegis didn't immediately give it to Tony.

But today, just lurking into the black widow of stark industries Natasha reaction, Tony's chest reaction furnace disappeared!

The reaction furnace is gone, but Tony's people are still there. Doesn't that mean that all Tony's injuries have been cured?

For the time being, no matter how Tony took out the shrapnel from his body and cured the big hole in his chest, the fact that Tony's problem had been solved would have caught the aegis by surprise.

Originally, aegis intended to take lithium dioxide injection and Howard's notes and belongings to find Tony when Tony was really desperate, indirectly killing Tony, so that Tony would have a good impression on aegis.

Tony's dog temperament means that he can't be influenced by interests and other things. The best way to make Tony "obedient" is to tie him with emotional chains.

And in Iron Man 2, aegis does the same thing.

Now, however, Wu Chen's thousand hands make the "crackling" abacus of aegis fall into the void.

This kind of change immediately alarmed Nick Frey.

After much thought, Nick fry decided to take Howard Stark's notes and belongings to Tony himself.

There's no way to send charcoal in the snow, but if you can't even add flowers on the brocade, the aegis bureau can just dissolve in place.

Such a useless organization, don't you disband and keep it for the new year?

However, Nick Frey's wave is not all icing on the cake.

Finding new elements to upgrade the micro reactor and to reconcile Tony with his father is also a big help for Tony.

In fact, Tony cares about his father Howard very much. It's also because in the process of growing up, he lacks the love from his father Howard, so Tony will become the Playboy before him.

Therefore, Nick Frey's wave is not a timely help or a icing on the cake. It can be roughly regarded as charity.

On the whole, aegis has made a good impression on Tony.

So Nick Frey came to Tony with notes and a suitcase. "Stark, I found your father's notes and belongings when I was tidying up recently, which may be very helpful for you to upgrade your reactor."

Nick Frey noticed that Tony and his assistant, pepper Potts, were holding each other as if they were about to kiss.

Accidentally broke Tony and pepper intimate scene, Nick Frey was almost Tony directly to drive out.

Fortunately, he waved his notes and kept his position of drinking a cup of tea in Tony's house.

"The old man's notes?" Tony curiously took the notes and the remains, but not on guard against Nick Frey, he looked at them directly.

After a while, Tony frowned and began to look through the remains in his suitcase.

Looking for a long time, as soon as he looked up, he saw that Nick Frey was looking over curiously. He said angrily, "the tea has been drunk. Don't you go yet?"

"Oh, I wonder why you don't have the reactor in your chest?" Nick Frey didn't hide it, and he was interested in it.

"You say that!" Tony stopped. "This is a friend of mine who introduced me to a great man who helped me cure him."

"Your friend, a good man? Who are they? " Nick fry wants to get to the bottom of it, but Tony sees the guests off.

"Think for yourself, I won't betray my friends."

Seeing Nick Frey off, Tony takes a video from his relic suitcase and plays it.

Nick Frey, who is starting his car to return, is thinking about who Tony is talking about.

Tony's friend, and he knows a lot of people. That's not Colonel rod.

Who is that? Who will be friends with Tony Nick Frey's eyes brightened. He thought about Tony's frequent visit to Wu Chen recently.

Suddenly, a series of associations appeared in Nick Frey's mind, "Wu Chen didn't have the ability to treat and treat. It seems that he did the same thing in a thousand hands. So, did Muye send out any powerful people?"

"It's time to call on Wu Chen, a consultant of aegis."

Nick Frey is thinking about Wu Chen, and Wu Chen is very excited at the moment.

[four generations of eyes fire shadow wave Fengshui gate → the fourth World War of forbearance wave Fengshui gate (nine tail chakra mode) in the advanced stage, the time needed for the advanced stage is 00 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds]

[the advanced stage is completed, congratulations on the host playing the character four generations of eyes fire shadow wave Fengshui gate successfully advanced to the fourth World War of forbearance wave Fengshui gate (nine tail chakra mode)]

[playing the character into the advanced stage] [the host gets the number of characters extracted once]Advance is finally complete!

The system did not cheat, really gave a number of Extraction!

New member of the organization, I'm here!!