Chapter 19 - 18 - Broken.

Did I post until Saturday? that's thanks to you! Thank you very much for the people who are supporting me! As a thank you, I will post chapter 40 soon in Pa treon!


"You are strange, boy." The self-proclaimed Death said while sitting on her throne.

"Self-proclaimed!? I already said that I am Death itself! You're stupid!?"

Who's stupid !? I may not be a genius, but I'm not stupid! Besides, what proof can you give me to prove that it is Death itself?

"This is simple, look." She said as she pointed to a lake that is full of corpses.

Looking at where she is pointing, I see the lake suddenly grow! Soon it became a giant of corpses. This is amazing! And disgusting too! But couldn't I do that too?

"You can't, this throne has the power to control corpses and skeletons, but that power is originally mine, I just put it on the chair because I was too lazy to control it personally." She answered me with a bored expression, she makes a gesture and the giant started to fall apart.

"But did I not control it?" I asked curiously. Hmm? I'm speaking? Shouldn't I be able to speak only when I was sitting in the chair?

"You finally used your voice, huh? Did you forget you could speak? You're stupid?"

"Shut up! Who's stupid!? You lazy girl!"

"Should this be an insult?" She asked me curiously.

True ... She is so beautiful that I can't think of anything to insult her. She is also not a liar, after all, she proved to be Death herself ... Now that I think about it, I'm not in hell, right? If she is Death, then I ...

"Yes, you are in the dimension of death, the place where everyone who dies must go, not even the gods can escape from here ... although my father often resurrects people for fun." She said with a dissatisfied expression.

Could you please not interrupt my thoughts? This is weird! Wait ... Dad?

"Do you have a father!?"

"Yes, his name is The One Above All." She answered honestly? Like it's no big deal?

"Back to the subject, you are strange, boy. How did you stop in my world and still manage to control the skeletons and corpses? You should have gone crazy, after all, when you control the corpses, you feel all their negative feelings." I am suddenly bombarded with a lot of questions by this woman.

"Answering your question: I died, that's why I'm here, shouldn't that be obvious? And I don't know how I controlled the corpses, I just sat on the throne and did that happen?" I answered honestly, why, not even I understand how I got here.

"Adrian, you are not dead yet." She told me with a serious expression. Finally, she said my name, huh?

Wait ... I didn't die? So why am I here!?

"You are between life and death, and I don't know why you are here." She answered me with a bored expression.

That woman ... You are death itself! How should you not know!?

"I don't know what I don't know, I just know what I know." She said as she shrugged.

"Let me see if I understand ... You don't know why I'm here, right?"


"You also don't know how I controlled the corpses and skeletons, right?"


"You are stupid!?"

"Yes ... I mean, no! Do you want to die, boy!?"

"Pfft!" This woman is fun. That's my thought as I laughed at this ridiculous situation. If there's one thing I learned while I was wandering around in this world, it was that if I don't understand anything, I'll just stop thinking about it until I have clues on how to resolve this situation, it was this learning that allowed me not to go completely mad.

"Strange boy."She said it out loud with a small smile on her face.


"What do you do to have fun in this world?" I asked out of curiosity, apparently, was that a shocking question? After all, she is looking at me with an open mouth as if she is surprised.

What? Did i do something wrong?

"I don't do anything, I just sleep, and every now and then I give impossible tasks to beings who want my hand in marriage." She responded frankly.

"What tasks did you give these beings?" I asked in curiosity.

"What? Do you also want my hand in marriage too?" she asked smiling.

"Huh? I don't want to, I'm just curious."

"You are not lying ..." She said with a shocked expression. "Maybe, you are gay?"

"No... I like women, why are you asking me that?"

"Huh? I don't know, did I just feel weird when you didn't want me?" She replied confused as she turned her head a little.

She's proud, huh? I admit that she is divinely beautiful, it seems that she was made by the god himself. Not even my mother and Aunt Nat are that beautiful ... I miss my mother and Aunt Nat ...

Thinking about it, I haven't seen them in a while, huh? I suddenly feel something come out of my eyes, touching my face, do I realize that I'm crying? Can a soul cry? How funny ... Mother, Aunt Nat where are you? I miss you, my c_h_e_s_t is hurting, it feels like I'm being suffocated by something invisible, all the feelings that I locked in my heart were suddenly released and I can't calm down anymore.

I want to see them, I don't want to be here anymore!

Mother, Aunt Nat, where are you? Help-me! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! I miss you.

"Hey, are you okay, boy? Why are you suddenly crying!? Your thoughts are all messed up, I can't understand anything!"

I have to get out of here! I need to see them, if I don't see them, I feel like I'm going to break! My heart is aching, I can't breathe, shouldn't I be a spirit? Why can't I breathe? Mother ... Aunt Nat ... Help me ... Please ... Please ...

I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Somebody help me... Please...


Edited By: Raj

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Images of the characters in Discord or Pa treon.