Chapter 338

"Mr. President, it's not a negotiation, it's an opportunity. There are people and mutants in the world who believe that war is coming, and these documents can show that there are already people who are stirring up trouble, whether it's William Stryker or magneto, and we are both injured." Professor X's voice, with a calm temperament, at the same time, Professor X also used a little bit of their own ability to influence Nigel.

"Mr. President, what you want to say to the world is true. This is a critical moment. We will stay to see whether we repeat the mistakes of the past or join hands to create a better future, Mr. President."

"We'll see."

The purpose of Professor X's play is not only to warn the Communist Party not to attack the mutant, or it will be able to kill him at any time, but also to show his goodwill and willingness to cooperate with the government.

In fact, in this world, the cooperation between the United States and the mutants is the first, which is more worried than that of other countries. The president of the United States has agreed to let a mutant serve as a member of Congress and a part-time Minister of mutant affairs, which shows that he has a longer-term vision.

Compared with the Chinese government in the world, which is still trying to block the news of mutants, the United States is in the forefront.

However, compared with the Chinese society, the United States is more chaotic. The government is just afraid that the mutants will use their ability to make trouble everywhere. The Chinese mutants will always keep a low profile and will not show their ability easily. This is not only clumsy, but also modest.

The state gives more preferential treatment to the mutants. If they accept the invitation, they will become civil servants. If they do not accept it, as long as there is no trouble, the state will follow them.

After the warning, Professor X stopped George's thinking for a while, and then let Wagner take the crowd to the outside of the White House. The black bodyguards on the third floor and the third floor of the city were ready, but they were all fixed by Professor X at this time.

Professor X can use his powerful ability to make other people stop thinking and acting temporarily. Theoretically speaking, this is no different from stopping time. Therefore, these reporters and photographers, like being frozen, don't feel anything. Even when they wake up, their memory stays in the previous second.

With the ability of Professor X. It's very easy to get into the White House. There are no security guards outside. The storm girl controls the weather outside and puts pressure on George.

After setting out from Lake akari in Canada, the people took a plane and went straight to * *, landing the plane in a hidden place. I went to Stryker's private office here first, got the secret information, and then entered the White House.

Professor X has long found that because Stryker controls his attacks on all human beings, he may anger the US government headed by the US president. In this way, the mutants will be placed in an extremely passive situation, so how can he take the initiative to talk about it.

It turns out that he made the right decision.

Although Professor X didn't give George a chance to reply, we can see from George's face that Professor X's persuasion is effective.

But that's not enough. Just because the president can calm his anger doesn't mean ordinary people can calm their anger. They have to rely on Natasha.

"Charles is terrifying." Yang Han is aware of the powerful spiritual power and wakes up immediately.

You can see many tourists and bodyguards outside the White House. At least hundreds of them are fixed here by Professor X.

Husky, tongue sticking and motionless, and the tourists, no matter what they were doing at that time, were standing still. This kind of scene seemed like time had been stopped.

This kind of ability is really frightening. In this case, no matter what you do, no one else will know. Yang Han's thoughts were scattered, and suddenly he remembered that the island junior high school also had this kind of book with the ability to stop time. If there was * * Si who had the power of Professor X, he felt that this situation might come true.

"If it's a brain wave enhancer, I think the professor can fix people on a continent." Aurolo smiles and explains.

Having said that, he put away his ability, and the dark clouds outside quickly dispersed. In the blink of an eye, it was clear again. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, it would be hard for people to think of what happened the previous second.

"It's time for us to go. This time it should be the end." Professor X looks in the direction of the White House, then takes a group of mutants back to the plane and leaves.

After Professor X and others left, the president gave up the declaration of war and talked about the value of peace!

Although the help of the associated press and the president is a little strange why the president suddenly changed his mind, they didn't think too much, let alone know that just now, their thinking was stopped for a few minutes, and they didn't feel anything.

George became more and more afraid of mutants.

On the plane, Natasha woke up. Although she had passed out of coma before, as an agent, she also had anti coma training, and she was able to wake up from coma in a very short time.

She has a headache now. Besides headache, she is weak. She has never been weak before.

Before that, she was able to knock down a building with one punch, but now she can only knock down a muscle man at most, which makes her extremely uncomfortable.

Even worse than when I was influenced by Professor X before.

"Are you awake?" Aurolo saw Natasha wake up and quickly helped her up.

"Where is he?" Natasha asked, holding aurolo's wrist.

"Who?" Aurolo is a little confused.

"Yang... Symbiont." Natasha originally wanted to say Yang Han's name. On second thought, they didn't know what Yang Han's name was. They only knew that it was a symbiont. They immediately changed their words.

"Oh, he's in me." Aurolo suddenly replied.

"Give it back to me. Give him back to me. " Natasha said, shaking her head.

Aurolo blushed awkwardly and said, "I'll wait until I get back to college. My clothes are burned. Now he's acting as my dress

Natasha took a look at aurolo. Although aurolo is black, she is extremely beautiful no matter according to the eastern or western aesthetic standards, and her figure is sexy. In addition, her skin color adds a touch of moving color.

Natasha understood it immediately. She turned her lips and murmured, "lust."

Clothes burned, mostly his masterpiece, contact for so long, where she did not know Yang Han's character?

Although Yang Han always takes advantage of her sometimes, she knows very well in her heart, just doesn't say it.

Now see Yang Han to take advantage of others, but in the heart rose a trace of jealousy.

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