Chapter 227

Tony came to kamataji, which is exactly located on the playground of kamataji. The interior architectural style of kamataji is extremely classical.

Tony Stark's eyes immediately fell on kamataji's playground, where many novice magicians are exercising.

They wear dangling rings and concentrate on drawing the magic circle in front of them.

Some people outline success, sparking, others have not been successful, still in the hard exercise.

"Tony Stark, welcome to kamataj!"

A gentle voice burst out.

Tony Stark turned his head and saw a white bald woman with a gentle smile coming towards him.

At first glance, it's impossible to say exactly the age of white bald women.

But the moment Tony Stark saw her, he naturally felt a sense of peace in her.

"Master Guyi!"

Tony Stark took a deep breath, folded his hands and bowed to Guyi.

Gu Yi, who has guarded the earth for endless years, is proud to be treated like this by Tony Stark.

Gu Yi's eyes flickered slightly, glancing at the side of vidocli.

Victor Kerry immediately reacts, nods to Tony, and then outlines the magic map again. He steps out and disappears. Back in the temple of New York.

"Mr. stark, please follow me!"

Master Guyi leads the way ahead and leads Tony Stark into the temple of kamataji.

Guyi sat face to face with Tony Stark. She poured a pot of tea for him, with a trace of doubt.

"I don't know why Mr. stark asked to see me?"

"I want to learn magic!" Tony Stark raised his head, looked him in the eye and said seriously.

"Learning magic..." master Gu Yi looked at Tony's eyes without any surprise. In the future of her deduction, Tony Stark had many experiences of learning magic from him. Among the five million results, Tony came to her for less than 10000.

Although some of Tony in the timeline gave up for some reasons, many of Tony in the timeline inherited his mantle and became the supreme mage, who could compete with her or even be stronger than her.

It's just that these timelines are things that haven't happened yet, so! Master Gu Yi was not surprised that Tony came to visit him.

"What? Can't you? " Tony asked in a hurry.

Looking at Tony's nervous look, Gu Yi said with a smile: "of course, I have deduced five million results on the time line you don't know. Among them, you have 10000 results to come back to kamataji to learn magic, and many of them can replace me and become the new Supreme mage of kamataji."

Tony's a little confused. Another timeline? what the fuck! Such a big guy?

It's also good that there are only Gu Yi and Tony. If anyone knows Gu Yi's evaluation of Tony is so high, I'm afraid they will be surprised“ Can you control time? " Tony swallowed his saliva and asked in surprise, involuntarily using honorifics.

Gu Yi according to their own age, do Tony's great grandmother is enough, Tony also understand this, naturally will also respect Gu Yi.

"Control time?" Gu Yi smiles. There seems to be endless stars twinkling in his dark eyes. Gu Yi asks softly, "Tony, can I call you that?"

"Of course." Tony naturally has no objection.

"Tony, do you know the mystery of time?" Guyi asked, looking into Tony's eyes.

Tony, as a super genius, thought about this problem in his mind and got the result. "Einstein's theory of relativity holds that time is not absolute. It produces completely different results with different relative speeds and different structures of the observer. That is to say, different observation points lead to different observation results."

"Gravity distorts time. When we are near a massive object, such as a black hole, the velocity of time is much slower than that of the outside world."

Tony's answer is also a little uneasy. After all, this is the explanation of time by science, but the explanation of time by magic is different.

Facts have proved that these theories are correct. Master Gu Yi nodded: "Einstein is a great man. I have met him. His wisdom is amazing."

She continued, "do you know the variability of time?"

Listening to Gu Yi's question, Tony ponders that it has surpassed the knowledge of modern physics. However, with Tony's pride, he will not admit defeat. If he even discovers new elements, will he be bound by the knowledge of modern physics?

"I didn't know, but what master Gu Yi said to me before made me feel that the so-called variability of time is just something I did at a time node, which affected the future. I believe that since master Gu Yi has seen my five million results, many of them must have died in the Middle East, Obadai took charge of the stark company. Maybe I survived, but I didn't fight obadai. I was killed by him. Even when I was poisoned by palladium, I didn't invent new energy and died of palladium poisoning. Or I solved palladium poisoning, but I died in Ivan's hands. Even every word I say and every little action I do now may have a great impact on my future. " Tony Stark guessed rather uncertainly.

Hearing Tony's words, guru Yi's gentle smile remained unchanged. Guru Yi nodded and said with a smile, "it's true. There are too many variables in time, too chaotic. With human body, wisdom can't accommodate so many changes."

Tony can guess that Gu Yi's five million results in the future are equivalent to watching his life five million times. Although the ending is different, if he is put in Gu Yi's position, he thinks he can't watch the same TV series five million times.

"There are too many variables in time. I've seen the timeline when your parents are alive, when you are a girl, when you are an ordinary person, and even when you have brothers and sisters." Master Gu Yi explained with a smile.

Tony gasped and speculated on the timeline. He was really able to do whatever he wanted, but he was still curious. He was a girl's timeline. He was so handsome when he became a man. Even his daughter was beautiful.

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